Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 2846 Intermediate Gene Potion Effect, Selling Information

Xiao Yi nodded slightly. He was not surprised by this, because there was no need for Planet Bayio to deceive himself.

The efficacy of intermediate genetic medicine can be tested by just a few people.

Since Bayiao Xing dares to give them so many intermediate genetic medicines, he is definitely not afraid of their experiments.

Next, Wang Yang reported in detail the effects of the intermediate genetic medicine.

"Taking the intermediate genetic medicine will have its effect for 24 hours. After 24 hours, in addition to improving the body's physique to SSS level, it will also increase mental strength, directly over [-]!"

Primary genetic medicine only improves physical fitness and has a probability of awakening.

Intermediate genetic medicine not only improves physical fitness, but also increases mental power to the level of [-] meters.

The effects of the advanced genetic medicines currently known can at least increase mental power to a thousand meters.

"The probability of awakening for people injected with intermediate genetic medicine is about 15%, which is ten percentage points higher than the 5% of primary genetic medicine."

Xiao Yi nodded slightly. In fact, this can also be inferred.

After all, the intermediate gene potion can increase a person's mental power to 100 meters. Once the mental power is strong, it will be much easier to sense the elements that are consistent with oneself, and it will be easier to awaken.

"At the same time, we found that people who have been injected with intermediate genetic medicines are still not used to the surge in mental power. Their strength is slightly weaker. We will continue to pay attention to this in the future."

After Wang Yang explained all the conclusions, he sent a copy of the experimental information to Xiao Yi.

"Island Master, this document contains detailed experimental data."

Xiao Yi nodded slightly: "Okay, I understand, thank you for your hard work! All citizens of the Yiranpin Alliance who participated in the experiment must be controlled, and some rewards will be given to them. You can discuss the specific rewards yourself."

"Yes!" The three responded in unison.

After thinking for a while, Xiao Yi summarized the conclusions they came to in a concise and clear way, and then placed them in the online market of Yiranpin Alliance.

As long as other survivors harvest the intermediate genetic medicine, these rules will soon be figured out.

At the same time, Bayio Star itself knows this rule.

So Xiao Yi priced this information at two yuan, which was just a nominal fee.

Seeing the information about intermediate genetic medicines listed on the Yiranpin Alliance's online market, those survivors started buying them one after another.

Of course, it's just the survivors from the previous galaxies, and the two newly opened galaxies, the survivors there are still a little hesitant.

Seeing this information, nearly a million copies were sold in an instant, and the survivors in the two galaxies were shocked.

"Aren't you afraid of being deceived by the Yiranpin Alliance?"

"I don't even need to look to know that you must be survivors who have just joined the Yiranpin Alliance network."

"Exactly! If you have been on the Yiranpin Alliance network for more than three days, you will never ask this question."

"Three days is a bit exaggerated, but if you stay there for a long time, you will know that the credibility of Yiranpin Alliance is still good."

"I have purchased so many things from Yiranpin Alliance and I have never made a loss."

"Besides, it's only two yuan, you'll know if it's worth it after you buy it."

"Yes, the supply box you open every day is enough for you to make several purchases."

"Shouldn't we discuss this potion?" "There are many people who haven't purchased it yet, so it's not a good idea to discuss it this way, but anyway, I want an intermediate gene potion."

"Who wouldn't? With this intermediate gene potion, I don't have to practice so hard."

"What do you mean? Is the intermediate gene potion so powerful? Can it replace our cultivation?"

"If you want to know, buy the information yourself!"

Xiao Yi ignored the discussion on the Internet and directly sent a message in the internal group chat.

"For those brothers who have not yet broken through [-] meters, we have now verified that injecting intermediate genetic medicine can increase everyone's mental power to [-] meters. At present, it seems that such breakthrough strength may be weaker."

Zhu Wu and the others immediately became excited when they saw the news.

"Island Master, are you telling the truth?" Zhu Wu asked hurriedly.

"Of course I just got the intermediate genetic potion yesterday, and after a day, the result has been confirmed." Xiao Yi replied.

Lu Meiyu couldn't help but said: "Island owner, do you suggest that we use genetic medicine?"

Xiao Yi thought for a while and replied: "My opinion is that it can be used. After using it, everyone should hone their combat skills. It should also eliminate the hidden danger of quickly increasing mental power. In addition, everyone's mental power should now be It’s also approaching a hundred, so there shouldn’t be any problem using it at this time.”

Zhu Wu and others have steadily improved their mental strength. Now they are just using genetic medicine to break through. In theory, there is no such big hidden danger.

Wang Yang and his colleagues used ordinary people in their experiments to directly increase their mental power to over [-]. Such rapid increase in mental power would indeed make ordinary people a little uncomfortable.

Since Xiao Yi said it could be used, they immediately began to express their opinions.

"Island Master, can we all use this intermediate gene potion?" Lu Di, who basically didn't speak much, asked at this time.

"Of course, as a reward for everyone's hard work recently, everyone can receive an intermediate gene potion." Xiao Yi replied with a smile.

"Great, thank you island owner!" Everyone cheered.

"Everyone go directly to the logistics to receive the intermediate gene neck-circling injection and pay attention to your physical condition. If there is any abnormality, please contact us in time! It is recommended to enter the trial space immediately at this time tomorrow, and you can successfully break the [-] mark in the trial space. In this way, you can enter the real trial world the day after tomorrow." Xiao Yi reminded.

"Yes!" Everyone responded.

Zhu Wu and others immediately chose to return to the alliance headquarters, went to the logistics department to apply for intermediate genetic medicine, and then injected it directly into their bodies.

After the injection, they had no special reaction and returned to their jobs.

"Does anyone have special feelings?" Zhu Wu asked in the group.

"No, no feeling at all! Except for a pinprick on my arm."

"Yes, are you sure this genetic medicine is really effective?"

"The island owner said it worked, but you still dare to doubt it?"

"It's not that I'm suspicious, it's that I didn't feel anything at all after the injection."

"Hasn't the island owner already explained that the effect of this genetic medicine is to slowly transform the human body? Don't worry, the results will naturally appear within 24 hours."

"That's right, just go ahead and do whatever you have to do! Don't talk nonsense here."

At this time, Xiao Yi received Bai Yu's message. (End of chapter)

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