"More than ten meters? Brother, your progress is too slow!"

"Is more than ten meters really slow? I haven't reached ten meters yet!"

"You definitely didn't make good use of the first six waves of wild monsters in the trial space!"

"Don't say anything, just look at their IP addresses. They are a new market that the Yiranpin Alliance has just opened up. They are out of sync with us. It is normal to lag behind!"

At this time, everyone discovered that the accounts of these survivors with only about ten meters of mental power belonged to the Bayio system.

"It seems that no one has made good use of the violent pills of the Yi Ranpin Alliance!" Gongzichuan couldn't help but say.

He was the first to join the Yiranpin Alliance network. Compared to other survivors in the Bayio system, he knew all kinds of intelligence information about the trial space earlier.

He had promoted Yiranpin Alliance's elixirs a long time ago, but now it seems that few people have followed his advice.

"I have been using the Yiranpin Alliance's Violent Pill these past two days, otherwise my mental power would be even lower."

"Yes, as they said, we started too late compared to them!"

"Is the Yiranpin Alliance's Violent Pill really that strong?"

"You are still doubting this matter even now. Others have been using it for several days."

"There is no doubt that after taking the Violent Pill, you can get through the first three waves of wild monsters. You can harvest the mental power of the first three waves of wild monsters every day. This growth is much faster than our own cultivation!"

"It seems that I also need to try the elixir from the Yiranpin Alliance."

"I just thought of trying it now, but I'm already a little behind!"

While everyone was discussing, Noda, who was originally in the Jeppian galaxy, suddenly appeared in a new galaxy.

The wormhole behind him was slowly closing.

"It's really a perfect path!" Noda said excitedly.

In the Jeppian galaxy, a survivor provided the locator to the Yiranpin Alliance. When he saw this scene on the public channel, he thought that he would not be able to escape this time.

Unexpectedly, just as he was running away in a hurry, he discovered an opening wormhole.

He knew that if he stayed in the Jeppian system, he would definitely be found and captured by the Yiranpin Alliance fleet.

So without any hesitation, he went straight into the opening wormhole.

A wormhole is a passage connecting two galaxies. It does not belong to either side of the two galaxies.

So when Yi Ranpin Alliance used the locator, the island monument reminded that the other party was not in the local system.

When Noda walked out of the wormhole, the wormhole was slowly closing again!

Noda was overjoyed when he discovered this scene!

The Yi Ranpin Alliance is very powerful, but if he wants to come to a strange galaxy, he must know his coordinates, otherwise they will not try to torture their previous galaxies.

The closure of this wormhole has, at least for now, cut off the possibility of the Yi Ranpin Alliance coming to this new galaxy!
"Yi Ranpin Alliance, you wait, one day I will return to the Jeppien Galaxy and get back what belongs to me!" Noda vowed.

Thinking of this, Noda controlled his escape capsule and flew in one direction.

He did not dare to stay where the wormhole had just appeared. If the wormhole opened again later, the Yi Ranpin Alliance team would probably follow the wormhole to find him.

At this time, the team arranged by Feng Menglong was constantly searching around.But the wormhole had closed, and they found nothing.

Feng Menglong was also a little helpless to let them come back first.

After arranging the work in the Jeppien galaxy, Feng Menglong also returned to the alliance headquarters and reported to Xiao Yi about the search for Noda.

"Island owner, we have searched within the possible range at the speed of the escape cabin, and we have not found Noda! We have not found any wormholes either!"

Listening to Feng Menglong's helpless tone, Xiao Yi replied with a smile: "It's okay, you let the Jeppian system be stationed there, and go to Aite to check on Noda from time to time. If he appears in Jeppian again, we can find him! "

"Okay!" Feng Menglong responded, turned around and left to arrange this matter.

At this time, Jiang Yuntian also sent a message asking about the situation in the Jeppien galaxy.

Xiao Yi explained it to him.

Jiang Yuntian frowned slightly: "This Noda is really awesome. He gave up the team so decisively and left in an escape cabin!"

"Yes, it is indeed not easy!" Xiao Yi nodded slightly, "However, he is just our defeated general, so there is nothing to worry about. Let's not talk about him, I think we should withdraw our team that is confronting the Bayi'ao Star Fleet. !”

Jiang Yuntian was slightly startled.

Xiao Yi continued to explain: "Now that the Palestinian Star Fleet has joined our network, they also have their own island monument. Whether we are exchanging information or items, we no longer need to consider the distance between the two, so we withdraw It’s safer to come.”

Jiang Yuntian nodded slightly.

"As for surveillance, there is actually no need. Since the other party is a third-level civilization, if they don't want to be monitored by us, we can't monitor them at all." Xiao Yi continued.

"I understand, then I will directly open the No. [-] wormhole and withdraw all the ships to the No. [-] space." Jiang Yuntian responded.

"Okay, take them all back!" Xiao Yi nodded slightly.


Jiang Yuntian immediately opened the wormhole in Space [-], and then issued an order: "All personnel and ships immediately enter Space [-], and all equipment is evacuated!"

Although the soldiers were a little confused, they still carried out the order meticulously.

The Yiranpin Alliance's actions were immediately discovered by the Bayi'ao Star Fleet.

The captain immediately reported the situation to Bai Yu.

Bai Yu frowned slightly, and then he roughly understood what Xiao Yi meant, but he still sent a message to Xiao Yi.

"Xiao Yi, why did your team leave?" Bai Yu asked with a smile.

"Now that we are strategic partners, and you have an island monument there and have joined our network, there is no need for us to be so close. Distance brings beauty!" Xiao Yi replied.

Bai Yu nodded slightly: "That's true. Then we will retreat to Bayi'ao Star. It will be more convenient to trade something in the future. After all, our things are all on Bayi'o Star."

"That's fine, I'll visit your planet Bayio if I have the chance!" Xiao Yi replied with a smile.

"Warmly welcome! If we have the opportunity, we should also exchange experiences on cultivation." Bai Yu also put forward his own ideas.

Xiao Yi raised his eyebrows and immediately understood the implication.

Bai Yu wants to compete with himself on the strength of superpowers! (End of chapter)

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