Xiao Yi shook his head and replied with a smile: "I have contracted him with the undead contract."

Feng Menglong was slightly startled: "Contract? Why do you want to contract him? Are you still planning to keep him?"

"The mental power is over a thousand. It would be a pity not to use this much mental power!" Xiao Yi replied with a smile.

Feng Menglong was stunned again, and then immediately understood what Xiao Yi meant.

Xiao Yi and the others had not come to the Jeppien Galaxy before, and there was no way to control Noda and let him enter the trial space to gain experience!
But now Xiao Yi can completely control Tuwei, so that he can use it to gain experience, at least to gain almost the same amount of experience as more than [-] meters from Tuwei.

"Then shouldn't I occupy the island monuments of Ozawa and Yamamoto?" Feng Menglong suddenly thought of this question.

Xiao Yi was stunned for a moment, then shook his head: "It's okay, the two of them don't have much mental strength, there's no need to be so entangled! Just pay more attention to this kind of situation in the future!"

"Okay, I understand!" Feng Menglong nodded.

Tu Wa heard the conversation between Xiao Yi and Feng Menglong and said in horror: "No, you can't do this to me!"

"Can't I treat you like this? I'm already very kind to you!" Xiao Yi snorted coldly and ordered the soldiers on the side to take Tuwa down.

The contract has been completed, so there is no need to worry about him getting violent and hurting anyone.

Next, another Yitong national was interrogated again, and then the contract was also completed.

As for the remaining indigenous people, after probably asking some questions, they were sent to the labor reform camp.

"Island Master, I didn't expect that Noda was so alert, he actually left the team directly." Feng Menglong felt a little incredible.

After listening to Dawei's confession just now, Noda left without any resources.

"Really decisive!" Xiao Yi nodded slightly, "But as long as he is in this galaxy, sooner or later we will catch him!"

Feng Menglong thought for a while and said, "Island owner, can we issue a wanted order?"

"Wanted order?" Xiao Yi frowned slightly, "A galaxy is so big, other survivors probably won't be able to encounter him!"

"We can block his basic resources!" Feng Menglong explained, "We can call on the survivors in the entire Jeppian galaxy not to sell food, water, oxygen, electricity and other basic resources to Noda, and at the same time reward those who can provide Noda's location A survivor of information!”

Xiao Yi nodded slightly: "This can be done."

"The survivors harvested various items, and there may be tools or equipment that can find the opponent's coordinates." Feng Menglong continued, "However, this will expose our Yiranpin Alliance."

"Expose them if you expose them. Anyway, Tuwei and the others have been captured by us. Only Noda is left, so let him have trouble sleeping!" Xiao Yi replied with a smile.

"Okay, I understand, then I will start promoting our alliance now." Feng Menglong nodded.

“Well, let’s spread the word!”

Xiao Yi quadrupled the materials and ships he had just harvested, and then chose to return to the alliance headquarters.

At this time, Feng Menglong had already started promoting it in the Jeppian galaxy.

"Hello fellow survivors, we are the Yiranpin Alliance. We are new here. I hope you will take care of us! Our alliance acquires various resources and sells various high-end items. If you are interested, you can enter our alliance's online market to purchase."

The survivors of the Jeppien Galaxy were stunned for a moment when they saw Feng Menglong's speech.

"What the hell is this? A new type of trick?"

"Survivors from other galaxies? Stop fucking kidding!"

"The most developed thing now is micro spacecraft. It is too fake to want to conduct inter-galactic market!"

"Not necessarily, what if they came through a natural wormhole?"

"This is possible, but what does he mean by the online market? Shouldn't it be in the trading hall of Daobei?"

At this time, Feng Menglong posted some screenshots on the public channel of Island Monument, along with text descriptions.

Seeing those high-end items, all the survivors were stunned. "Lyingcao, right? Are these things for sale?"

"These are too advanced. The lowest is SSS level, and there are a few level I ones. What level are these?"

"Level I represents first-level civilization!"

"That means the SSS class has not even reached the first level of civilization?"

"That's right!"

"We have always been an inferior civilization!"

"Otherwise? What level of civilization do you think you have reached?"

"These are screenshots from other people's Internet. It's not certain whether they are real! You don't all believe them to be true, do you?"

Seeing this, Feng Menglong immediately sent some physical goods to Dao Bei's public channel.

"[Smart Collector] (SSS level)*100."

"[Water circulation system] (SSS level)*100."


A bunch of SSS-level equipment blinded the survivors of the Jeppian galaxy.

"Wucao, they really have so many high-end equipment!"

"How many resources do these items require? I want to trade!"

"Get a set of the same and get a preferential price!"

"What is the origin of this Yiranpin Alliance? How come there are so many high-end items?"

At this time, I had seen the news in the public channel before and was equally shocked.

After a while, he sighed quietly: "The Yi Ranpin Alliance is really too strong, and you really shouldn't mess with it!"

At this moment, he suddenly thought of something and immediately switched the island monument to the contact interface.

The name Dawei has disappeared!

This shows that the Yiranpin Alliance has captured Dawei and the others.

"It seems that the Yiranpin Alliance is stronger than I thought!" Noda said with a frown.

"Hey!" Noda sighed again.

Although he and Tuwei did not get along, they were compatriots after all, and he was still a little sad about Tuwei being arrested.

But soon he couldn't care less about his sadness, because Feng Menglong issued a wanted notice for him on the public channel!

"Dear survivors, in your galaxy, a survivor named Noda shamelessly attacked us in the trial space. We decided to launch a wanted order in reality. If anyone can provide his location information, we will reward him with a reward after verification. A miniature spaceship!"

"At the same time, I hope everyone will refuse to trade with Noda. We must unite and resist him for attacking fellow survivors like this."

Seeing this news from Feng Menglong, all the survivors in the Jeppien Galaxy became excited again.

"Just provide the coordinates and you will be rewarded with a miniature spaceship?"

"This is too fake!"

"Whether it's fake or not, you'll know if you try it!" (End of Chapter)

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