The survivors of the Bayio system immediately started discussing on the island monument.

"The Yiranpin Alliance is too powerful, it has managed to obtain such a heaven-defying potion!"

"Yes, one potion wiped out all our efforts in the first stage."

"It seems that we really need to learn Xia Guoyu. There are so many good things in the Yi Ranpin Alliance!"

“Aren’t you all going to buy some?”

"I have already bought it. The natives I captured have completed their physical improvement."

"Are you awake?"

"No, as they discussed, the probability is too low, but I don't want him to awaken. This is easier to control."

Just as they were discussing on the public channel of the island monument, the Palestinian-Israeli star fleet also saw the news.

The captain immediately reported to Bai Yu.

Bai Yu was stunned for a moment and then ordered: "Let's buy one too and see if it's the same as the genetic medicine we got!"

"Yes!" the captain responded, and then immediately went to buy the primary genetic medicine launched by Yiranpin Alliance.

After getting it, it was immediately sent to the laboratory.

The laboratory quickly analyzed it.

"Report to Yu Shen, the composition of the two is roughly the same, and individual substances have been slightly adjusted."

Bai Yu nodded slightly: "If this is the case, can we also make a fortune using genetic medicine?"

"This way we will have to compete with the Yiranpin Alliance!" Lin Ling reminded.

"If fair competition is acceptable, the Yiranpin Alliance is too small." Bai Yu said with a smile.

Lin Ling was startled for a moment, then nodded.

Although Bai Yu said this, he still asked the captain to inform the Yi Ranpin Alliance in advance.

"Hello, we also have primary gene medicine in Bayio Star. We sell it at the same price. You don't have any objections, right?" The captain sent a message to Bai Chen.

Bai Chen frowned when he saw this information, and then immediately reported to Xiao Yi.

"Island owner, Bayi'ao Star also sells primary genetic medicine!"

Seeing this news, Xiao Yi was stunned for a moment, and then replied: "Of course, it is their own thing. If they want to sell it, they don't need to ask us!"

Bai Chen said uncertainly: "If they sell it, it may affect our business in the Bayio system."

"It's good that they informed us in advance. The market will only develop if there is competition!" Xiao Yi replied.

"Okay, Island Master, I understand." Bai Chen responded, and then responded to the captain according to Xiao Yi's instructions.

When the store manager saw Bai Chen's reply, he was stunned for a moment before reporting to Bai Yu.

"Xiao Yi did not disappoint me!" Bai Yu smiled slightly and continued to order, "Then prepare to sell the primary genetic medicine!"

"Feather God, we still have intermediate genetic medicine on hand, why don't we launch it together?" the captain suggested.

Bai Yu shook his head: "No for now, let's launch the primary gene potion first!"


Bai Yu harvested primary and intermediate genetic potions in the chaotic space. Unfortunately, he did not harvest high-level genetic potions.

The captain immediately posted a message on the island monument: "Hello fellow survivors, I am the captain of the Bayio Star Fleet. I saw that the Yiranpin Alliance launched a primary gene potion. We happened to have it too, so we launched it simultaneously. The price It’s the same as Yiranpin Alliance, if you need it, you can also buy it from us.”

Seeing the news released by the captain, the survivors in the Bayio system were stunned.But soon they started talking.

"Wucao, isn't it? Bayio Star also has primary genetic medicine?"

"It's normal to have it, but it's abnormal not to have it! The civilization level of Bayi'ao Star is very high, and it feels like it's at least not lower than the civilization level of Yiranpin Alliance. Since Yiranpin Alliance has primary gene potions, they should also have them!"

"Are you planning to compete with Yiranpin Alliance for the market?"

"The prices are the same, so what market are you trying to capture?"

"Although the prices are the same, there are still some differences in the use of various resources on the island monument by Bayi'ao Star."

"Yes, at least there will be no deception on the island monument."

"As I said, Yi Ranpin Alliance did not deceive you!"

"I didn't say that the Yiranpin Alliance lied to me, I just said that there would be certain risks. If you trade directly on the island monument, you won't have this risk."

"That's true, but I just don't know the quality of the genetic medicine in the Bayio system?"

"As long as the island tablet shows the primary genetic medicine, the effect will definitely be about the same. There is nothing to worry about!"

"I just want to buy a few more. Yiranpin comes to the alliance and there is a purchase limit. I just want to buy more from Bayi'ao Star."

For a time, the Bayi'ao Star Fleet also sold a lot of primary genetic medicines and harvested a lot of resources.

But Bai Yu didn't care about how many resources he had harvested. He was more concerned about the information about the Yi Ranpin Alliance brought by Fei Frog.

"Is there no news from Flying Frog yet?" Bai Yu asked with a frown.

The captain shook his head: "No, I have sent him three messages but no reply. He must have entered the trial space!"

Bai Yu nodded: "Once there is news from him, tell me in time."


At this time, Flying Frog was still following the residual blood in the trial space, killing everyone in the Sunset Forest.

Feeling the soaring mental power, Fei Frog was extremely excited.

“It’s still so cool to upgrade like this!”

"It's almost time, we should go back." Remnant blood reminded from the side.

Feiwa nodded: "Yes, Bayi Aoxing's side should be waiting impatiently! Come on, let's go back to Liangjia Village."

Canxue and Feiwa returned to Liangjiacun. Feiwa informed Xiangzhen and chose to leave the trial space!
"Sir, should we find a way to get to the Bayio galaxy?" Canxue said.

Xiang Zhen nodded slightly: "Yes, a stellar space battleship cannot be given up easily!"

"Currently, the only way to transfer between galaxies is to rely on the Yiranpin Alliance." residual blood frowned.

"Yes, so we can only wait until they start inter-galactic transfer services." Xiangzhen sighed helplessly, "You should take a good look at Liangjiacun here, I will go back first!"

The remaining blood should be.

After Xiang Zhen returned to reality, her men immediately reported it.

She was slightly startled when she heard that the Yiranpin Alliance had started selling genetic medicine, and then immediately decided to buy one.

"You should have seen the consequences of injecting genetic medicine. I don't need to say more. You decide whether to inject it or not!" Xiang Zhen said looking at the native she captured.

"I want an injection!" The native's tone was extremely firm. (End of chapter)

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