Chapter 2792: You can fight directly, who else?

Xiao Yi interrupted Du Kang's taunting and said: "What Du Kang said makes sense. Those of you who have not entered the real trial space must hurry up. Today alone, we encountered two galaxies seeking survival." By."

One is Bettia from the Angel system, and the other is the Noda trio.

"Yes!" Zhu Wu and others responded.

Survivors of other races like them cannot practice Daozang, so their speed is still a little slower.

"After Feng Qingluan entered the trial space today, he encountered survivors from other galaxies and was seriously injured. This incident also reminded us." Xiao Yi continued, "After everyone entered the real trial space, Before arriving at Qinjia Village, you must be more careful and try to avoid conflicts with other survivors."

"Then if we encounter a survivor that we can defeat, can we attack directly?" Du Kang suddenly asked.

"Okay, but how are you sure you can beat him or not?" Xiao Yi asked.

Du Kang was stunned for a moment, then nodded: "It seems so!"

Jiang Yuntian thought for a moment and said, "I think that if you really just enter the trial space and encounter other hostile survivors, you can start a fight directly!"

Xiao Yi was stunned for a moment and looked at him doubtfully.

The others were equally confused.

"According to the PK rules between survivors in the trial space that we have obtained so far, when you first enter the trial space, you will gain the most and lose the least by PKing with other survivors!" Jiang Yuntian explained.

Such people understand immediately.

Just entering the trial space means that a breakthrough has just been completed, and the control distance of mental power is only 100 meters.

At this time, PKing with other survivors can not only increase your combat experience, but also won't cause any big losses.

Even if the PK fails, the rule in the trial space is to deduct half of the mental power above 100 meters.

They have just broken through, and it can be seen as almost nothing above 100 meters, so basically there will be no loss.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly: "Well, that's true. You can try this operation, but if the other party is not too hostile, you can also have a friendly exchange."

"Yes!" the crowd responded.

Bettia, who returned to Angel Galaxy at this time, was still thinking about the situation in the chaotic galaxy that Du Kang told him.

"I really envy the survivors in the Chaos Galaxy!" Bettia sighed with emotion, "I wonder if I will have the opportunity to visit the Chaos Galaxy!"

He quickly shook his head again. The distance between different galaxies was very far. Although his physique had improved and his life had been extended a lot, it was still very short compared to this long distance.

"But the Chaos Galaxy has developed so fast and is so advanced. They should have a lot of experience. I can learn from them in the trial space. Maybe I can develop quickly too." Bethea thought so. , and then became happy.

Bethea checked his younger brother's work and found that there was no flaw. He nodded with great satisfaction.

It was precisely because of having such a little brother that Bettia dared to stay in the trial space for so long.

"Good job, keep up the good work! I'll help you find some level food." Betiya began to draw a pie for his little brother.

"Thank you, sir!" the younger brother replied respectfully.

Bethea took out some paste food and handed it to her little brother for dinner.

"After eating, you can rest for six hours and then take over my shift." Betiya ordered.

"Yes, thank you sir!"

At this time, Xiao Yi and the others had finished dinner.Jiang Yuntian suddenly thought of a question and asked: "Island Master, it seems that you haven't triggered the quadruple state for many days?"

"Yeah, it's been five days!" Xiao Yi replied helplessly, "This state is all about my face. Maybe my face is darker recently."

"But you shouldn't have to wait too long!" Du Kang said with a smile, "Among our group, the island owner's face is already fair enough!"

Everyone nodded.

The fact that Xiao Yi can get so many high-end items has nothing to do with his black face!

Having said this, Jiang Yuntian immediately suggested: "Dukang, the island owner got a good thing today, go and play with it here!"

Hearing what Jiang Yuntian said, Du Kang immediately became interested.

"What? Where?"

"It's just a spiritual element affinity tester. Let's come together and test it, so that we can have an understanding of our own elemental affinity!" Xiao Yi greeted.

"We have all awakened, and everyone knows which element we are compatible with!" Su Wan was a little confused.

When Xiao Yi and Jiang Yuntian tested this machine before, Su Wan and the others had already entered the trial space, so they did not know the specific conditions of this machine.

Others looked at Xiao Yi with the same confusion.

"It can show your specific affinity value, and it is of limited use to us." Xiao Yi replied, "But it will have certain guiding significance for those natives who have not yet awakened."

Everyone nodded in surprise.

Then they followed Xiao Yi back to the office area and saw the mental element affinity tester.

"I'll try it first!" Du Kang immediately walked up and put the Ghana tester helmet on his head.

"The test target's spiritual element affinity is as follows: wood element 88%, earth element 10%,..."

Seeing the affinities of these elements, Du Kang said narcissistically: "Island Master, are my elemental affinities okay?"

Xiao Yi nodded slightly.

Jiang Yuntian looked at Du Kang's data and said helplessly: "It seems that my talent is indeed not good. My gold element is only 83%."

Seeing Xiao Yi nodding and hearing Jiang Yuntian's data, Du Kang began to tremble: "Hurry up and give it a try and see if any of your elemental affinities can surpass mine!"

Others stepped forward and started testing.

In any case, knowing your elemental affinities can also be considered as understanding your own talents.

Everyone tested it, and the highest level turned out to be that Yang Jian's fire element reached 90%.

And indeed, no one else has as high an affinity with Du Kang's wood element.

"Why don't you say anything now? Someone is finally overpowering you!" Zhu Wu immediately taunted you.

"Isn't it just two percentage points higher than me, and Yang Jian's affinity for other elements does not exceed 5%, I still have at least 10%!" Du Kang replied with a smile, "Who else can have two Double-digit elemental affinities?”

Seeing how proud Du Kang was, Jiang Yuntian couldn't help but said: "Of course!"

Du Kang was stunned for a moment and asked: "Who?"

(End of this chapter)

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