Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 2788 Facing the 1-tube country, the Xia people are not afraid

Chapter 2788 Facing the Yitong Kingdom, the Xia people are not afraid

"Are you from Yitong country?" Du Kang asked, squinting his eyes.

"I didn't expect you to react very quickly. Yes, we are a big empire. We should surrender quickly. If we take action, you will die miserably!" The other party sneered.

"You guys look like this, you can tell at a glance, do you need to react?" Qin Feng said sarcastically.

At this time, the guards on the city wall had noticed something was wrong and immediately notified all the survivors in the village.

Sun Yao and the others hurried to the city wall. When they saw their companions confronting three Japanese soldiers not far away, they immediately rushed down.

Jiang Yuntian whispered to Su Wan: "You should avoid them immediately and go to the island owner!"

Su Wan was stunned for a moment: "With so many survivors, there is no need to be afraid of the other three, right?"

"Look carefully at the island owner's tiger!" Jiang Yuntian reminded, "You should move faster!"

After saying that, Jiang Yuntian immediately left.

Su Wan then looked at the tiger who was between the two groups of people.

At this time, the demonized tiger's whole body tensed up, as if it was about to start a fight at any time!
Seeing this scene, Su Wansui no longer hesitated and stepped back, preparing to go around.

Being able to make a demonized tiger with a mental power of over [-] feel like it is facing a powerful enemy means that the opponent is very strong, and the opponent's mental power has most likely exceeded [-].

And it is impossible for Jiang Yuntian and the others to beat an opponent of this strength.

Without Xiao Yi, even if all the other survivors in the Yi Ranpin Alliance were brought over, they would not be able to defeat him.

This is why Jiang Yuntian asked Amelia Su to find Xiao Yi in the first place.

In order to prevent being discovered by the opponent with over a thousand mental powers, Su Wan deliberately made a large circle and then rushed in the direction Xiao Yi left.

At this time, Jiang Yuntian had already arrived in front of the three Yitong people.

"BaGeYaLu! Later I will make it impossible for you to live or die!" One of the Yitong people shouted angrily at Qin Feng.

"Then give it a try!" Qin Feng snorted coldly and said.

Qin Feng and the others had actually seen the abnormality of the demonized tiger and knew that the opponent must be very powerful.

But facing the Yitong Kingdom, the Xia people will never give up!
Even if you can't beat him, you will definitely bite off a piece of flesh from the opponent's body.

The Yitong man who had been staying behind raised his eyes and looked around Jiang Yuntian and others.

"I didn't expect that there would be so many awakened people in this village. Or are you all survivors?"

"Does it matter what our identities are?" Jiang Yuntian asked with squinted eyes.

"It's really not important, I'm just curious." The man looked indifferent.

"I'm also curious, how did you get here?" Jiang Yuntian asked equally calmly.

Anyway, just to delay time, let’s talk first.

He knew that the reason why the other party was not in a hurry to take action was that he was very confident in his own strength.

But being able to reach a mental strength of over a thousand is indeed very powerful!
"Then I have to thank this tiger and this lady." The other party smiled slightly and replied.

Jiang Yun Tiantian understood instantly.

The demonized tiger also suffered many injuries, and Feng Qingluan was seriously injured and fell into a coma.

If an opponent can kill the demonized tiger, then he should be able to keep Feng Qingluan.But the other party did not keep them, but deliberately let them go and followed them to Qinjia Village.

"You are still as sinister and cunning as ever." Jiang Yuntian said coldly.

"Don't you, Xia Kingdom, always say that a war is never tired of deceit?" The other party replied with a smile, "Okay, there is no need to delay, there is no point. Now you have two choices, one is to surrender to me, the other is to die!"

"Submit to you? Hahaha, we Xia people stand upright and will never surrender to someone from the country!" Du Kang replied immediately.

"That's right, your three-legged cat skills were learned from us. You want us to surrender and dream!" Qin Feng sneered.

The other party was not annoyed at all, but said in a cold voice: "I want to see how hard your bones are after a while?"

"Noda-kun, don't talk nonsense to them. First of all, thank the lady for bringing us here. Why don't you just let them watch while I come to thank her!"

"Ozawa-kun, what a great idea! Isn't this what the women of the Xia Kingdom have been looking forward to to be blessed by a man from our big empire?"

Noda frowned slightly and said, "I only give you 10 minutes!"

"Tanoda-kun, 10 minutes is enough, you won't be able to use it all!" Ozawa replied with a smile, "Yamamoto-kun, come together!"

"no problem!"

Seeing that the three people on the opposite side completely ignored them, Du Kang and others became even more angry.

"Pull Feng Qingluan behind immediately to protect him!" Jiang Yuntian shouted in a deep voice.

Feng Menglong hugged Feng Qingluan and immediately ran behind.

At this moment, a vine rushed out from the ground, tied Feng Menglong and Feng Qingluan together, and pulled them back.

When Jiang Yuntian saw this, he immediately formed his flying sword and slashed at the vine.

Although Jin defeated the wood, Jiang Yuntian's flying sword failed to cause substantial damage and only scratched the skin of the vine!
Others reacted immediately and attacked the vine one after another.

But those attacks had no effect at all, just like tickling the vine.

Everyone's faces became serious.

"Hahaha, now you know the difference in strength!" Ozawa said excitedly, "Even if you want to surrender to us now, it's already too late!"

At this moment, the demonized tiger, which had been silent until now, finally moved!

It rushed to the vine that entangled Feng Menglong and his sister, and cut the vine with its sharp claws!
Noda glanced at the demonized tiger and snorted coldly: "You are willing to fall! You are so strong, why do you want to help these ordinary survivors! I will give you one last chance and surrender to me, otherwise I will kill you today." Drink tiger bone soup!”

The demonized tiger roared at Noda and immediately pounced on him!

In fact, it doesn't want to fight Noda, but Xiao Yi just asked it to hold Noda back through the power of the contract!
Xiao Yi is rushing to Qinjia Village quickly!

Seeing the actions of the demonized tiger, Noda snorted coldly: "Stubborn! You two go and deal with the others!"

Ozawa and Yamamoto immediately responded: "Hi Yi!"

The two of them immediately walked towards Jiang Yuntian and the others.

"There should be a lot of women in this village!" Ozawa looked at the tall wall and said with a smile.

"Absolutely! As long as we take over this village, we will be the king here." Yamamoto replied with the same smile.

Jiang Yuntian saw Xiaoze and the others coming this way, and said in a deep voice: "You must stop these two people, and I will help demonize the tiger!"

(End of this chapter)

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