Chapter 275 Still the Slippery Tribe, Victory, Revenge
"Sure enough, it's still the slippery people!" Gudao Qiusheng said.

Gouyu and Hualang at the side were groping around the heavy crossbow that suddenly appeared.

Seeing Gudao Qiusheng approaching, Gouyu immediately said: "Boss, is this the boss rented it to us?"

"Hmm!" Gu Daoqiusheng replied, "Gouyu, you use a crossbow, Hua Lang, you use a bow and arrow, and get ready to fight!"

As he said that, Gu Dao Qiusheng came to the side of the heavy crossbow, looked at the approaching ship, and muttered in his mouth: "This time is different from last time!"

While speaking, the ship sailed into the range of the heavy crossbow, Gu Dao Survival did not hesitate, and immediately shot at the hull.


The hull broke at the sound!

"Beautiful job!" Gouyu shouted, "I told you to stab me with a stone spear last time, this time I must return it to you!"

There is no pause in the lonely way to survive, one arrow after another!
The natives on the boat discovered that they had such powerful weapons, so they immediately turned the boat around and prepared to sail away.

But the crossbow arrows of the lonely way directly smashed the side of the ship to pieces!

The whole ship started to roll!

There was only a small lifeboat on the ship, which could only hold six or seven people. Most of the natives jumped into the sea!

Only upper-level leaders can sit on the lifeboat.

After jumping into the sea, the natives had no choice but to swim to the isolated island to survive. They had no other choice.

Soaking in this vast sea is definitely dead, why not go to the island and try!
Gudao Qiusheng said cruelly: "You two can test the results of these two days of training. Each of you has twenty arrows. If you can't hit more than 95%, then prepare to accept punishment!"

Gouyu replied, "Don't worry!"

He uses a continuous crossbow, which is slightly more stable than bows and arrows!
Hua Lang twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "This requirement is too high!"

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and take action!" Gudao Qiuzheng shouted, and at the same time he took out his bow and arrow and started shooting at the natives in the water!

They couldn't dodge those arrows flexibly in the water, so they easily named the natives in the sea one by one!

The former prisoner was still standing on the shore, watching Gudao Survival and the others mercilessly shooting and killing his former compatriots, he immediately cried out.

But Gudao Survival couldn't understand what he was saying at all.

Seeing that there were only four people left on the sea, Gudao Qiusheng stopped, dragged the prisoner to the island monument, and made a video request with Xiao Yi.

"Boss, we were just cleaning up the indigenous people who jumped into the sea. He kept shouting from the side and didn't know what he was talking about!" said Gu Dao Qiu Survival.

Xiao Yi looked at the prisoner and asked, "What do you want to say?"

"My lord, please don't kill them anymore, I can persuade them to surrender!" The prisoner said immediately.

"Okay, let them approach the shore one by one. Two people are not allowed to approach the shore at the same time. After landing on the shore, raise your hands high, and there must be no abnormal movements. Otherwise, you will die!" Xiao Yi said.

Now that Gudao Survival has come to talk to him in front of the island monument, it means that there must not be many people left outside, and a few more prisoners can help Gudao Survival increase some labor.

The prisoner immediately nodded frantically.

After Xiao Yi conveyed the captive's intentions to Gu Dao for survival, he warned: "Be careful, and have the crossbow and spear ready. If they dare to mess around, they would rather kill the wrong one than let them go!"

"Understood!" Gudao Qiusheng responded, and then pulled the prisoner out again.

Pushing the captive to the shore, he immediately chattered to the only four people left in the sea.

After talking for about 5 minutes, the prisoner immediately turned his head and nodded to Gu Dao Qiusheng.

"Okay, let them come up one by one! Hua Lang prepares the rope!" Gudao Qiusheng ordered.

"Yes!" Hua Lang responded, and then took out the hemp rope from the stone house. Naturally, it was traded from Xiao Yi!A native climbed ashore from the sea, Magatama's repeating crossbow was pointed at him, Gu Dao Qiu Survival pointed an iron gun at his throat.

The native didn't dare to make any move at all. Hua Lang stepped forward, tied him up, and threw him aside.

"Next!" Gudao Qiusheng shouted.

In this way, all four remaining natives were tied up!

After finishing all this, Gudao Survival connected Xiao Yi again.

"Boss, everything is settled here, do you need to interrogate them again?" Gudao Qiusheng asked.

"Ask!" Xiao Yi said, then looked at the four captives, and asked, "How many big ships are there in your tribe?"

Seeing the murderous Gudao Survival beside him, the four captives dared not hide anything at all.

"No, this is our last big ship!" said one of the prisoners.

Xiao Yi frowned, and asked, "I have the impression that your tribe has more than 500 people. With so many people, why don't you build more ships?"

"My lord, we only started to manufacture ships recently. Before that, we only operated on our own islands, so we didn't need ships at all!" the man replied.

"Did the wizard ask you to build the boat too?" Xiao Yi asked.

The man nodded and replied: "Yes, it should be urgently building a ship now!"

"How long will it take you to build a ship?" Xiao Yi continued to ask.

"I thought it would take a long time to build such a big ship, but the wizard is proficient in divine power and can shorten the time to build the ship to three days!"

Xiao Yi nodded slightly, presumably it was the hands and feet of those people behind the scenes again.

Xiao Yi conveyed all this information to Gudao Survival.

"In other words, I can live in peace for at least three days?" Gudao Qiusheng said.

"It should be, but you have to be careful, their ships may become harder. The ships I encountered today are hard to destroy with crossbow arrows!" Xiao Yi reminded.

"What?" Gu Dao Qiu Sheng said in shock, "Are these indigenous tribes developing so fast?"

It was possible to break the hull with a heavy crossbow the day before, but not the day after?

It's developing so fast, it's completely unplayable?

Xiao Yi comforted: "You don't have to worry too much, I speculate that the development of the same tribe should not be so fast, I just remind you to pay attention to this aspect!"

Gu Dao Qiuchang breathed a sigh of relief, then suddenly widened his eyes again, and said, "Boss, do you mean that the tribe you met today is not the same tribe as the day before yesterday?"

Xiao Yi nodded.

"But you're not talking to the group," Gudao Qiu Sheng said.

"I said in the group that no two tribes would attack at the same time, but I didn't say that they couldn't attack one at a time!" Xiao Yi replied with a smile.

Gudao Qiusheng nodded in shock and said, "I see, thank you for reminding me!"

"Well, make good use of these captives, take your time with language matters!" Xiao Yi said.

Gudao Survival is too far away from him, there is no way to take those captives over to learn the language, they can only rely on themselves.

At this time, the walkie-talkie placed aside rang.

"Xiao Yi, those two fleeing ships stopped 20 kilometers away from us!"

(End of this chapter)

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