Chapter 2742 Undead and Zerg check and balance each other
"I can help you teleport there, but you must strictly abide by our agreement and keep a safe distance." Qixing emphasized.

"Don't worry, we will definitely follow the agreement." Bone Soul replied immediately.

Now that they had agreed to the other party, Qixing immediately arranged to rent the teleportation spacecraft.

Bone Soul took a group of younger brothers and teleported back to the meteorite belt of the Dinosaur Galaxy again.

Then he plunged into the swarm of insects.

The Worm star fleet observing them saw them disappearing into the swarm of insects and immediately reported to Qixing.

"Commander in chief, they have entered the insect swarm."

Qixing nodded slightly and replied: "You should keep a distance from the meteorite belt, be careful they may suddenly rush out."


The undead spacecraft that penetrated into the insect swarm seemed to be wrapped in a transparent defensive shield.

Although there are many bugs in the outside world, they will not be able to break through this defensive shield for a while.

"You are becoming more and more proficient in using this mental shield." Gu Mei said with some envy.

Bone Soul smiled slightly: "I have to thank the Yiranpin Alliance for this. They came to hunt us last time and helped me improve my mental strength a lot!"

With that said, it arranged all the skeletons to go out.

Gu Mei was stunned for a moment and replied: "Then should we reveal our position again?"

Bone Soul shook his head: "No, according to the discussion in the public chat room, it can be concluded that there must be people in the Yiranpin Alliance who have spiritual power exceeding [-]. I have just broken through not long ago, so I still can't take risks."

"What if that was a smoke bomb released by the Yi Ranpin Alliance?" Gu Mei said.

"Whether it is or not, it's not worth the risk." Bone Soul replied, "We can develop here with peace of mind and wait for the next wave of invasion from above."

Gu Mei nodded slightly: "Well, then I will go out to hunt bugs."

After Bone Charm left, Bone Soul fell into deep thought.

"I really didn't expect that there would be such a powerful entity as the Yi Ranpin Alliance among the survivors this time." Bone Soul sighed helplessly.

In the past, when the undead invaded in large numbers, they would gain something, but this time they failed!

To be precise, the entire army was wiped out, leaving only their small force lingering here.

Although Bone Soul just said that it would wait for the next wave of invasion with peace of mind, what it is not sure about is how far the Yi Ranpin Alliance will grow when the next wave of undead invasion occurs.

Through the chats of those survivors, it knew that the Yiranpin Alliance had only developed to this point in less than a hundred days.

As for the next full-scale invasion of the undead, we still don’t know when it will be.

"Bone King, the undead are being discussed in the public chat room again." A survivor reported respectfully to the Bone Soul Collection.

After the bone soul's spiritual power exceeded a thousand, he asked all his subordinates to call him the Bone King.

"Translate for me." Bone Soul nodded slightly and replied.


"Why do I feel that there are more and more Zerg species in our Domi Hot Galaxy?"

"Yeah, almost every resource point is occupied by bugs!"

"It feels like the Dinosaur Galaxy and the Chaos Galaxy are not so exaggerated." "It's almost the same. Our Chaos Galaxy is also full of bugs."

"The bugs near the Yi Ranpin Alliance have been almost completely cleaned up. We don't have a big boss here to help us clean them up."

"The bosses only clean up the areas they want to collect. We can only drink some soup in the corners."

"It's good to have soup. Don't ask too much."

"I have to say that the undead team of the Yiranpin Alliance cleared the Zerg very quickly."

"You said that, and I suddenly realized that our Domi Hot Galaxy shouldn't wipe out all the undead so quickly?"

"Huh? Why do you say that?"

"If we have the undead, we can at least contain the Zerg to a certain extent."

"That seems to be true."

"Both of them are uncontrollable factors. Let them restrain each other. If they are not controlled well, our living space will be occupied by them."

"If we really can't completely eliminate one of them, it would be a good choice to let them branch off each other."

"But now we have completely eliminated the undead, which shows that we can still eliminate one of them."

"Haha, are you sure that you have really completely eliminated the undead and the undead will not come again?"

"That's not true. At least the undead team that invaded this time was wiped out by us."

"So we simply can't prevent the undead from invading again and let the two of them fight each other. We survive in the cracks."

"Yes, when the undead are weak, we will help the undead fight against the Zerg. When the Zerg are weak, we will help the Zerg fight against the undead to prevent either side from getting stronger."

"The ideal is full, but the reality is very skinny. Are you really sure you can balance the power of both parties?"

"How will you know if you don't try? It's better than watching those Zerg raging now and being unable to do anything at all, right?"

"Don't be too naive. Even if the undead are still there now, you are still looking at them and can't do anything."

While these survivors were discussing, Xiao Yi continued to study the Three Changes, but other people in the Yi Ranpin Alliance started talking.

"Brother Jiang, do you think the method they mentioned is feasible?" Du Kang asked directly in the internal group chat.

Jiang Yuntian shook his head: "I'm not optimistic about this method. Even if they don't eliminate the invading undead, they will most likely just watch."

"I think this idea can be studied." Zhu Wu put forward a different opinion, "Since no matter what we do, we can only watch, then it would be good to have another force to contain the Zerg!"

Everyone was slightly taken aback.

"It seems to be true!" Du Kang rarely agreed with Zhu Wu's view. "Before the undead didn't come, the Zerg were almost all over the galaxy. With the undead, they can't be so unscrupulous."

Jiang Yuntian also nodded slightly: "Yes, it seems that there is no possibility for the undead and the Zerg to unite at present."

"Judging from the current situation, the undead are really the nemesis of the Zerg." Su Wan said, "Wherever the undead are, the Zerg will retreat."

"Where do you think these Zerg and Undead people come from?" Du Kang asked curiously.

"Who knows this? If we knew, we could solve the problem from the root cause!" Zhu Wu replied, "You asked this question without thinking."

Du Kang retorted: "Even if we know, we can't solve the problem from the root. Do you know how many Bone Kings there are in the undead tribe?"

(End of this chapter)

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