Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 2740 Helpless Tu Ran, the strength of the undead increases

Chapter 2740 Helpless Tu Ran, the strength of the undead increases

Tu Ran was slightly startled, not expecting Bulu to refuse so completely.

"If you're to blame, blame the previous survivor. His behavior made me extremely distrustful of you survivors." Bilu spread his hands and replied.

Tu Ran nodded helplessly: "Okay, I understand, that can at least make me less painful."

"That's natural! We will give you bandages and pain relief. At least you can teach us how to become a teleporter." Bilu replied.

Nowadays, people are treated as slaves and others are treated as fish and meat, so we have no choice but to accept the status quo.

"Okay, you go back and have a good rest first. When I need you, someone will bring you here." Bilu waved his hand, and a group of soldiers immediately came up and carried him to a small car and pushed him away. .

Bulu and the others all wore crudely made metal covers on their heads. They used this most primitive method to defend themselves against the survivors' mental attacks.

Of course, they also learned this method from Yiranpin Alliance.

After Na Turan was taken away, Bilu and the others took off the metal covers on their heads.

"Fortunately, this person is a teleporter, otherwise we really wouldn't be able to use this teleportation array." A staff officer said with emotion.

Bi Lu squinted his eyes and replied, "That's not necessarily the case."

"Not necessarily? Are there any other ways for us to train our own teleporters?" the staff officer asked doubtfully.

"I'm not necessarily saying that Tu Ran is necessarily a teleporter." Bi Lu explained.

The staff officer was stunned for a moment and replied: "You mean Turan lied to us?"

"Why isn't this possible?" Bi Lu asked, "After all, in order to survive, you have to package yourself in a more valuable way."

The staff officer suddenly understood and nodded.

"So now we still need to determine whether this Tu Ran is a teleporter?" Another staff officer frowned.

"That's right, so now I need you to translate the teleporter training video." Bilu said in a deep voice.

When Tu Ran purchased the teleportation array, the Yiranpin Alliance sent him a training video for teleporters.

Bi Lu needs to have an in-depth understanding of the teleporter's training video before he can identify whether Tu Ran is a teleporter.

"Yes!" The staff members responded in unison, and then began their translation work.

At this time, the Zerg on the meteorite belt near the Yiranpin Alliance headquarters had been cleared away by the undead army.

The Yiranpin Alliance's collection spacecraft is constantly working.

And the undead who had wiped out a large number of Zerg became increasingly powerful.

Previously, Du Kang spent most of his time in the trial space and did not pay attention to the logistics of the real world.

Today, Xiao Yi was asked to enter the trial space, so he came out early.

So today he has a lot of time to focus on his work.

The materials collected by the collection spacecraft will go directly to the logistics warehouse.

Therefore, Du Kang will also pay attention to the movements of those collection spacecraft.

When he approached the meteorite belt, he felt a little incredible when he saw that the undead teams were killing the Zerg as easily as chopping melons and vegetables.

"How can these undead be so strong?" Du Kang underestimated, and then immediately asked Xiao Yi in the internal group.

"Island Master, are those undead so powerful?"

At this time, Xiao Yi was studying Sanyi and did not see the information on his phone.

Others started discussing.

"Strong? How strong? Is it much faster than you at killing the Zerg?" Zhu Wu said immediately.

Du Kang rolled his eyes and replied: "If I didn't worry about the Zerg hurting me, my killing speed would definitely be faster than them." "Okay, I'm bragging again!" Zhu Wu said with a smile.

"What do you mean by this? Have the strength of these undead people improved a lot?" Jiang Yun asked curiously every day.

"According to my observation, it is definitely much stronger than the non-large army we encountered before." Du Kang returned, and also attached a video.

This is the video he just took of the undead cleaning up the Zerg.

After everyone watched the video, they were stunned for a moment, and then started discussing again.

"It does seem to be much better than before."

"Can the undead gain experience by killing the Zerg?"

"I feel like it's very possible."

"Will these undead rebel after their strength increases?"

"You can't say for sure. If they are strong enough, they will definitely counterattack!"

"Brother Jiang, you'd better tell the island owner about this matter."

"Don't worry, everyone, I'll go find the island owner and ask what's going on?" Jiang Yuntian said.

After replying to everyone in the internal group, Jiang Yuntian immediately rushed to Xiao Yi's office.

dong dong dong.

"Please come in!"

Xiao Yi's voice came from the office.

Jiang Yuntian pushed the door open and Xiao Yi saw him coming and asked curiously: "What's the matter?"

Jiang Yuntian nodded: "Du Kang found that the strength of the undead seems to have increased significantly. Do you want to control it a little bit?"

"Great increase in strength? What do you mean?" Xiao Yi was slightly startled.

"That's what it means. Take a look at this video." Jiang Yuntian put his phone in front of Xiao Yi.

After watching the video on his mobile phone, Xiao Yi was also a little surprised.

"They absorbed part of the energy of Dyson Canopy before, and their strength did improve a bit, but now it seems to have improved again." Xiao Yi nodded slightly, closed the book in front of him, stood up and said, "Let's just go and ask! "

Jiang Yuntian nodded and followed Xiao Yi out.

Soon the two came to the undead army that was cleaning up the Zerg.

Xiao Yi directly found the elder Deadpool One.

"I see that your strength has improved again. What's going on?" Xiao Yi asked straight to the point.

"Back to the island master, after we kill the creatures, we will absorb part of the soul from the creatures, which can also be understood as spiritual power to stabilize and strengthen our own soul fire." Deadpool immediately replied respectfully.

Hearing this, Xiao Yi nodded slightly: "No wonder you like killing creatures so much. It just so happens that there is not much energy for you to absorb on the Dyson Canopy right now. You can continue to improve yourself by killing Zerg."

"Yes, Island Master!" Deadpool responded.

Xiao Yi told Jiang Yuntian the information that Deadpool gave him, and also talked about it in the group.

"It turns out that it is too easy to improve the undead." Du Kang said with emotion.

"Yes, it is equivalent to us entering the trial space." Zhu Wu said.

"When you say that, why do I feel that the undead regard our world as a trial space?" Du Kang was stunned for a moment and continued.

(End of this chapter)

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