Chapter 2734 Awakening Laws, Additional Rewards

Seeing everyone's discussion, Xiao Yi also roughly understood the rules of indigenous awakening.

They must be very slow on their own!
After the survivors enter, they can help the natives hunt mutant beasts, and the meat of these mutated beasts will promote the awakening of the natives!

But this promotion effect behaves differently in each individual!
In other words, whether you can awaken depends on your talent, or even your appearance!
At this time, Bilu was in the fleet.

"General, it has been ten hours since this residual blood entered the trial space. There is a high probability that it will never come out!"

"I didn't expect that we would be tricked by him! I suggest that we capture his island monument directly!"

"Yes, without the island monument, if he dies in the trial space, he will most likely die!"

By this time, Bilu, who had been waiting for ten hours, was gradually losing his patience.

"Then occupy it and cut off his way back!" Bi Lu stood up and walked to the island monument.

He reached out and pressed it on the island monument, choosing to occupy it.

After Bilu occupied the island monument, Residual Blood, who was in the trial space, immediately received the notification.

"Your island monument has been occupied by others, and you cannot exit the trial space for the time being. Please pay attention to safety. Death will not be resurrected at this time."

After hearing this notification, Canxue was stunned for a moment, then shook his head helplessly.

"Bi Lu still chose to occupy my island monument! This time there is really no way out!"

With this thought in mind, Residual Blood worked harder to promote crops in Liangjiacun.

At this time, the broken thigh with residual blood has recovered half, and after one day of recovery, it is estimated that it will fully grow back.

However, this notice of world rules also gave residual blood a glimmer of hope.

The notice said that it is temporarily impossible to exit the trial space, which means that there will be other ways to exit this trial space in the future.

What residual blood has to do now is to improve his strength honestly in this trial space, and when he has the opportunity to go out in the future, he will seek revenge from the Bilu fleet.

At the Yiranpin Alliance headquarters, Qiu Sheng is reporting to Xiao Yi.

"Island Master, the undead in the Domire Galaxy have been basically eliminated!"

Xiao Yi's Way of Nature The undead in Qiu Sheng's mouth refer to the small group of invading undead!

Xiao Yi nodded slightly and asked, "Have all the survivors gathered there dispersed?"

"They haven't completely dispersed yet, but many survivors have already left!" Qiu Sheng replied.

At this moment, Su Wan walked in from outside: "Island Master, there is a reminder on Qiu Sheng's island monument!"

Hearing this, Xiao Yi and Qiu Sheng were stunned.

"What hint?" Xiao Yi asked curiously.

"It's a reward reminder. As mentioned above, Qiu Sheng made a great contribution to the elimination of the undead in the Domi Hot Galaxy." Su Wan replied.

Qiu Sheng was stunned for a moment: "I didn't seem to have done anything, I just took them there!"

Xiao Yi smiled: "Bringing them there is already a very big contribution, otherwise they would not have reached the location of the undead so quickly."

"Bringing them here means you have made a contribution, but the tools used belong to you, the island owner. This credit should go to you!" Qiu Sheng said still doubtfully.

Xiao Yi waved his hand: "Everyone has a lot of tools. Whether they can use it to eliminate the undead depends on the operator! So there is nothing wrong with giving this reward to you! Besides, giving it to you is different from giving it to me. "?" Qiu Sheng was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

As long as this reward is given to members of the Yiranpin Alliance, it will be given to everyone the same.

"Since Qiu Sheng has been rewarded, then there should be rewards for the other survivors who eliminated the undead!" Xiao Yi asked.

Amelia Su nodded: "Look at the public chat room, everyone is discussing this matter!"

Xiao Yi opened the public chat room on his mobile phone.

"It's so cool. I didn't expect there would be extra rewards for killing the undead!"

"Yeah, what did you reward? I rewarded you with a level improvement card. You can choose any piece of equipment and upgrade it to a level!"

"Me too, I'm wondering which device to use it to upgrade!"

"No, you just killed a few giant skeletons, how come there are rewards? We have killed so many and still haven't seen any rewards!"

"Yes, we and the Yi Ranpin Alliance hunted a lot of giant skeletons in the Dinosaur Galaxy at that time, definitely more than you did in the Domi Hot Galaxy. Why were there no rewards?"

"I don't know about that. Anyway, we just received the reward prompt!"

Seeing this, Xiao Yi thought for a while and spoke in the public chat room: "We should eliminate all the invading undead before we can be rewarded! We have never had the undead in the Dinosaur Galaxy before. Completely eliminated, the bone soul is still active!"

"Yeah, why did I forget this! We just wiped out the undead there before, but the bone souls escaped!"

"No wonder we hunted so many undead and didn't get any rewards. You guys easily solved the battle in two or three days and received extra rewards. It's really enviable!"

"We were able to resolve the battle so quickly only because the Yi Ranpin Alliance helped us get rid of that elder!"

"That's right, the undead army commanded by elders and the undead army without elders have completely different combat capabilities!"

"I remember that Boss Yi Ranpin said before that there may not be only one elder on the undead side, but did we find the second one after we fought?"

"Such a small undead team shouldn't have two elders in it!"

"I can't say for sure, the boss is just being cautious!"

"It's better to be cautious and sail with caution!"

"Ten-thousand-year ship? We don't really want to wander in this universe for 1 years, do we?"

"The person upstairs must not have studied Xia Guoyu properly. This is a saying in Xia Guoyu. It means to be cautious and develop steadily for a long time."

"It turns out that Xia Guoyu is really profound!"

"Without the Yiranpin Alliance, I feel like we might really have to wander here for 1 years! But it's hard to say now. Maybe this damn trial will be over soon!"

"Brother, be careful what you say! If the rules of the world see it, I'll give you some shoes and it will be enough for you!"

"Am I afraid of it? In the first stage, I kept scolding this stupid world rules on the island monument. Now I don't communicate on the island monument anymore, let alone being polite!"

"Brother, awesome!"

"Speaking of which, over in the Dinosaur Galaxy, has Bone Soul made any moves recently?"

"You don't have to ask, it's definitely not the case. He was hunted down by the Yiranpin Alliance just two days ago. How dare he show his face now?"

(End of this chapter)

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