Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 2722: The Book of Changes is awesome, the contract card explosion rate increases

Chapter 2722: The Book of Changes is awesome, the contract card explosion rate increases

In the first stage, Wei Bo brought a group of people over to seize Xiao Yi's island!

Naturally, he was defeated by Xiao Yi. He was not killed on the spot just because he could help Xiao Yi make gunpowder.

After all, gunpowder was discovered during the process of alchemy.

"Wei Bo, what you did is not authentic. Aren't you lying?" Du Kang said immediately.

"Isn't it because I was asking for food? Besides, I tell them fortunes by picking them up, which can be regarded as a positive incentive for them. Those who come to tell fortunes, don't they just want peace of mind!" Wei Bo He replied nonchalantly.

"The magic stick is the magic stick, the one who can speak well!" Du Kang said.

"Okay, Du Kang, please don't interrupt. Wei Bo, please tell me what you know about Zhou Yi." Xiao Yi interrupted Du Kang's sarcasm.

Wei Bo thought for a while and replied: "I have only read it and don't have a deep understanding. However, the Yi Jing is indeed broad, profound and all-encompassing!"

After a slight pause, Wei Bo continued: "This is not something we brag about our ancestors, but an international consensus. For example, Einstein said that the Book of Changes is a golden key that opens the door to the labyrinth of the universe! There are also small days In a country that is doing well, during the Meiji Restoration, they even stipulated that those who did not understand the Book of Changes were not allowed to join the cabinet!"

"Is the I Ching so awesome?" Du Kang asked in surprise.

"Of course you can search it on the Internet. Let's not talk about Xia Guo. There are many foreign scientists, philosophers, writers, etc., who highly respect the Book of Changes!" Wei Bo replied.

"So awesome! But now we can't find the Book of Changes to read!" Du Kang said with emotion.

"If you have a chance, you can come directly to my place!" Xiao Yi said directly.

Du Kang was stunned for a moment, and then asked in surprise: "Island Master, the book you harvested today is not the Book of Changes, is it?"

"The answer is correct, but there is no reward!" Xiao Yi replied, "But to be precise, what I gained is the "Three Yis", that is, "Lianshan", "Gui Zang", and "Zhouyi"!"

"What! Island Master, you even got "Lian Shan" and "Gui Zang"!" Wei Bo asked in shock.

You must know that "Lian Shan" has been lost on earth!

"Yes, if you are interested, you can come to my place and take a look!" Xiao Yi replied.

Wei Bo paused for a moment, and then sent another message: "Island Master, you should read it first. With my understanding, even if I read it, I might not understand it at all. It doesn't make any sense. I'd better listen to you when the time comes. Bar!"

"That's right, let's wait for the island owner to explain it to us after reading it, so that it will be easier for us to digest!" Du Kang immediately agreed.

Xiao Yi rolled his eyes helplessly: "I only understand it alone, and it may be one-sided. If everyone can participate together, that would be the best!"

"Island Master, at least you have some understanding. If we get involved, we might be confused!" Du Kang said with a smile, "We'd better do other work well. Island Master, you should go and understand that " Just "Three Changes" will do!"

"That's right, we each perform our duties and are most efficient!" Jiang Yuntian also echoed.

"Just say it if you're too lazy, and you say it so grandly!" Xiao Yi replied angrily, "Okay, just do what you have to do, I'm reading a book!"

At this time, the public chat room was already busy.

"Who said yesterday that World Rules would arrange contract cards for us?"

"I said, what? Is there a problem?"

"No problem, I just want to see which master it is. I actually got a contract card in my supply box today, and there are more than one!"

"Wucao, isn't it? There's more than one? How many can you draw at once?" "No more, no more, just two from a supply box!"

"Is the probability of opening it so high?"

"I also issued a contract card here. Although the probability is not as high as his, one was also issued in a supply box!"

"Now we can finally deal with those prisoners!"

"Yes, with the contract card, you don't have to worry about betrayal!"

These chats were also spread to the public channel of Island Monument by the good guys.

At this time, residual blood had been called to the island monument by Bi Lu and began to translate the chat content on the island monument.

Because the Yiranpin Alliance captured many teams from Kasuo Star, Bilu did not dare to directly occupy the island monument.

If Bilu occupies the island monument, his ID and speech on the island monument will appear in the language of Kasuo, which will easily expose himself.

So he has been using the residual blood to understand the situation on the island monument!
After seeing everyone's discussion, residual blood translated the key points intentionally or unintentionally. With the contract card, there is no need to worry about betraying these speeches.

After listening to Canxue's translation, Bi Lu nodded slightly and ordered: "We have brought back today's supply box. Go over here and open it to see if there is a contract card!"

"Yes!" residual blood responded, then controlled his wheelchair and left.

After residual blood left, Bi Lu looked at the staff around him and said, "How is everyone's learning of Xia Guoyu going?"

The staff officers looked like elementary school students whose homework was suddenly checked. They looked at each other guiltily, and no one dared to say anything.

Bi Lu frowned slightly and continued: "Are all of them mute?"

A staff officer replied bravely: "General, this Xia Mandarin is really difficult! Although there are tutorials, our progress is still slow!"

Bi Lu naturally knows how difficult Xia Guoyu is because he is learning it himself.

"Although it is difficult, everyone still needs to study harder and master Xia Guoyu as soon as possible!" Bi Lu said helplessly.

"Yes!" All the staff members responded in unison.

These people are definitely not comparable to other survivors. The survivors' physiques have all reached the SSS level, so they learn much faster than ordinary people!
It is precisely because of this that Bilu did not compare their learning speed with those of survivors.

"How far away is the ship we arranged to fly out from?" Bilu asked again.

"Go back to General, we are already a million kilometers away!" a staff officer replied.

Bi Lu nodded slightly and ordered: "This distance is far enough. Let him open the network of Yiranpin Alliance and take a look at the chat content on the network!"


"Ask him to send us screenshots of all the chats on the Internet intact, and at the same time search the Internet for the contents of the contract card, and then send it over too!" Bi Lu warned.


He has always been defensive about residual health. He must know how powerful this contract card is and whether there are any hidden dangers.

Although the soldiers of the Bilu Fleet did not understand Xia Mandarin, they just remembered the three words of the contract card, copied these three words from the Internet, and then searched!
(End of this chapter)

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