Chapter 2709: Envy, only use the trial space to improve
"If the boss succeeds in transforming that planet, this space will be completely self-sufficient and become an independent world!"

"Yes, this independent planet space is too buggy!"

"Little Star has already seen it, I'd better go to the entertainment city for a walk!"

The survivors who came in rushed to Alliance Entertainment City after looking at the small stars in the distance for a while.

Now that everyone is here, I have to go and have a look inside the entertainment city!

At this time, the real-time picture of the planet in the No. [-] independent planet space was being played on the large display screen of Yiranpin Alliance Entertainment City.

After those survivors entered the entertainment city, they saw what was happening on the big screen.

"What video is this playing?"

"Look carefully at the description next to it. This is the real-time picture of the Yi Ranpin Alliance transforming the planet!"

"There are so many people!"

"The boss has a lot of people. I hope he can transform the planet as soon as possible so that I can rest on the planet for a few more days!"

Those survivors who had originally turned off the video recording immediately started recording again, and then arranged for someone to pass the video they recorded outside.

"Although we can't go to the planet that is being transformed now, we can record and broadcast it to everyone through the real-time footage of the Yiranpin Alliance!"

"The Yiranpin Alliance moves really fast. With so many people working on it at the same time, I think the transformation will be successful very quickly!"

"It's not that simple! Transforming a planet into a planet suitable for human survival requires a lot of manpower and material resources, and it also takes time to complete!"

"It's okay, we have an island monument, and we can speed up the manufacturing and production of many things!"

"Have you noticed that the personnel of the Yiranpin Alliance seem to be very skilled in the transformation?"

"Yes, we just moved the small star to the independent planet space today, and we just started doing it directly. Don't we need to plan it?"

"Perhaps they have already started planning, but you just don't know it!"

"That's right, there are so many people in the Yiranpin Alliance. They must have considered this problem a long time ago. Maybe they have several plans!"

"Sure enough, there are more people and more power!"

"Are you all so free? Don't you have to look for resources or practice?"

"Looking for resources all depends on your appearance. You also need to be relaxed and relaxed when practicing. You should always take a break!"

"Just find a reason for yourself! Everyone else is doing well in the trial space, and you haven't entered the real trial world yet!"

"To be honest, except for those with extraordinary talents, it doesn't matter whether other survivors practice or not!"

"how do I say this?"

"Because the spiritual power we gain from practicing in one day is not as much as the spiritual power we gain from the first three waves of wild monsters every day! In this case, we might as well develop scientific and technological civilization and use the first three waves of wild monsters in the trial space every day to improve our own Just mental strength will do!”

"Well, that seems to make sense!"

"That's right. I said why do I feel so tired every day? I worry every day that my mental strength is improving too slowly. I might as well just follow this approach to save myself from anxiety!"

"As long as the Yi Ranpin Alliance continues to provide violent pills, then our mental power will be steadily improved every day, which is good!" "The mental power provided by the first three waves of wild monsters is about half a meter, one meter and two meters, plus It’s 3.5 meters together. It’s been about fifteen days since the big boss launched the Violent Pill. If you use the Violent Pill every day, your mental power will be at least 52.5 meters now! Even if you don’t usually practice, you will definitely be able to do it in half a month. We’ve reached a bottleneck!”

"Damn, if you don't tell me, I haven't realized that this is really the case!"

"However, a few days ago, someone said that their mental power was only a few meters long. So what's going on?"

"It's me. I admit that I picked it up. I don't want to spend money to buy pills. I practice on my own. I want to improve my spiritual power through my own efforts. Now it seems that I am too naive!"

"Don't be stubborn. The big boss has provided you with a shortcut. Then walk quickly and keep up with the big boss. Otherwise, when the big boss wants to help you, he won't be able to find you!"

"Don't be stubborn, I will use the Violent Pill to fight the first three waves of wild monsters!"

Looking at the discussion in the public chat room, Xiao Yi immediately sent a message to the internal group.

"Everyone should use the Violent Pill to fight the first three waves of wild monsters, right?"

Most people should be like this, but some people are worried that they will become dependent on the elixir, so they don't take it every day.

"Then everyone's mental strength should be almost reaching its bottleneck, right?" Xiao Yi continued to ask.

The Yiranpin Alliance used elixir support earlier than other survivors, so those companions who use elixirs are indeed approaching the bottleneck!

"My mental power has reached 85 meters, but it is basically harvested from those wild monsters. It is too slow to practice on my own!" Lu Meiyu replied.

"I'm only 76 meters tall. Why do I feel like we're not playing in the same trial space?" Zhu Wu said helplessly.

"It does feel different. I feel like I can't get as much mental power from playing in the trial space!" Su Wan also expressed her opinion in the group.

"Okay, I understand!" Xiao Yi nodded slightly, "Everyone should try to defeat the first three waves of wild monsters by taking pills. This should be the fastest way to improve mental strength!"

"Yes!" the crowd responded.

After telling everyone, Xiao Yi walked to the island monument at the headquarters.

I took out the space memory material template I just signed in for today, and after using it on the island monument, I took a look at the raw materials it needed.

In addition to various metals, some nanorobots are also needed!

Fortunately, Xiao Yi signed in before and harvested the nano-medical machine, and there are many nano-robots in the nano-medical machine!

Su Wan has already scanned these nanorobots to generate templates.

This space memory material should use the repair function of nanorobots to maintain its original form.

Xiao Yi used the existing materials to make some, and gave some of them to Su Wan, asking her to bring them to the laboratory on the Chaos Star in Space [-].

Xiao Yi plans to try out the remaining ones on the spaceship.

If you want to use this space memory material on a spaceship, you can only use a super fusion device.

Xiao Yi took out the super fusion device and fused the materials with a miniature spaceship.

"Insufficient materials, please select a fusion location!" Super Fusionator prompted.

Obviously, the remaining space memory materials are not enough to integrate this material into all locations of a miniature spacecraft. Only a limited number of locations can be selected!
(End of this chapter)

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