Chapter 2698 PK rules, selling information

Xiao Yi nodded slightly, but shook his head again: "Currently, the number of samples is too small, and it is not yet certain whether there will be other abnormalities!"

"Then let's wait for the PK results between Du Kang and Jie Bi!" Jiang Yuntian said.

Before the words fell, Jiebi walked in from the outside.

"You actually lost to Du Kang?" Xiao Yi said in surprise.

"Isn't this normal? My mental strength is weaker than his." Jiebi spread his hands and replied.

"Come on, tell me about your situation!" Xiao Yi motioned for him to start.

Jie Bi nodded, thought for a moment, and said: "After my PK failed, I don't have any other abnormal feelings at the moment, except that my mental power has dropped from 220 meters to 160 meters."

"It has been lowered so much?" Jiang Yuntian said in surprise.

After getting this set of data, Xiao Yi pondered.

The man he PKed down had a mental power of about 350 meters, and he gained 130 meters of mental power by killing the opponent.

After Sun Gudao was defeated, he changed from 120 meters to 110 meters and lost 10 meters.

After Jiebi was defeated, it changed from 220 meters to 160 meters, and lost 60 meters.

Xiao Yi quickly saw the pattern of this.

Every survivor who is defeated will lose half of his mental power beyond 100 meters!
That is to say, in the trial space, the world rules will reserve the most basic 100 meters for you. The part beyond 100 meters will be lost in half after each PK failure!
Xiao Yi told everyone about his discovery.

"So that's the case, then can't we concentrate everyone's spiritual power on one person?" Jiang Yuntian proposed an idea.

Jiebi was slightly taken aback, then nodded: "It seems that this is really possible!"

"If you do this, you will lose the cultivation of other survivors. Although you can build a master, it will not be good for the overall development!" Xiao Yi shook his head.

Jiang Yuntian and the others nodded.

"But as long as you can improve your strength, island owner, it will be very important to our future development!" Sun Gudao said in a deep voice.

Xiao Yi smiled and shook his head: "You don't have to think about putting your mental power on me, because your current mental power doesn't improve me much!"

Hearing this, Jiang Yuntian and others were helpless.

Xiao Yi's spiritual power was too high, and the gap between them was too great, so even if they gave Xiao Yi all of their spiritual power over 100, the improvement for Xiao Yi would be extremely limited.

"Why have you been thinking about internal fighting? The trial world provides us with this rule so that we can PK with other survivors, so that your strength is not affected and I can also improve!" Xiao Yi reminded with a smile. .

"That's right! It seems that we will have to go out more in the future to find other survivors." Jiang Yuntian said excitedly.

"Indeed, this rule encourages us to PK with other survivors!" Jie Ji responded, "Then we need to announce this rule to other survivors?"

Xiao Yi thought for a while, and said, "Sell it as paid information!"

Everyone will definitely be able to figure out this rule eventually, and the Yiranpin Alliance will naturally have to make a time lag.

"How much are you planning to price this information for?" Sun Gudao asked.

"Because the sample size is insufficient, I'm not sure yet. Let's sell 200 per piece of information!" Xiao Yi thought for a while and replied.

"Okay, I'll go here and inform Feng Menglong that I'm going to put this information on the shelves!" Jiang Yuntian got up and said.

He came to Feng Menglong and told Feng Menglong the information that Xiao Yi had summed up.

Feng Menglong nodded slightly, and immediately listed this information on the online market.

There will be prompts for new information in the online market, which can be seen by every Survivor visiting the online market.

"The PK rules between survivors in the trial space? There is such information!" "I haven't even been able to enter the trial space yet. The boss has already summarized the PK rules?"

"Two hundred yuan a copy is not expensive. If you buy it and take a look, you can understand the PK rules in the trial space in advance!"

Feng Menglong reminded again: "Attention everyone, this information is only based on a limited number of samples, and it is not guaranteed to be accurate!"

"I see, the Yiranpin Alliance is always so humble!"

"Yes, none of the information provided in the past is wrong!"

"The Yiranpin Alliance is rigorous. After all, the number of samples is small, and the conclusions drawn may not be universal."

"Even so, I will take this information!"

"I've already read it. This PK rule is really interesting. If I have many companions, maybe my mental power can exceed one thousand in an instant!"

"What does this mean?"

"If you want to know what it means, go and buy the information yourself, and you will find out after reading it!"

"It can quickly improve my mental strength, so I must buy it to see!"

"Brother upstairs, you have to see clearly! What the survivor said just now is, if he has many companions, do you have many companions?"

"Of course, I have transferred 20 companions here, this number should not be small!"

"Lying grass, how did you do it? You actually transferred so many companions?"

"This is trust and cohesion!"

"Made, when it comes to transfer, I want to get angry. I have tried to transfer 100 times, but my companion just doesn't want to come! I won't say any more, I want to see the rules of this PK."

This PK rule resulted in millions of transactions in an instant!

Most of the survivors in the six galaxies bought this information.

After reading it, they talked again.

"It turns out that if you are killed by PK in the trial space, you will lose so much experience!"

"Yeah, if I reach 1000 meters in cultivation and I get dropped by PK, I will cry to death!"

"I think this is the most exciting thing! Isn't this great? If you succeed in PK, you will become rich overnight!"

"The most important thing is that even companions can initiate PK. If a person has a thousand companions, even if one person only provides ten meters of mental power, after one PK, that person's mental power will become 1 meters! Does this give us an opportunity to overtake in a corner?"

"Overtaking on a curve? Whose car do you want to overtake? Could it be the boss Yiranpin?"

"Of course, I don't want to be a general's soldier, not a good soldier!"

"It is good to have ideals, but not delusions!"

"I'm not delusional. I thought I had nearly 1 men in the first stage!"

"Excuse me, how many did you transfer?"

"Well, not yet, maybe they're not ready yet!"

"Don't lie to yourself, they didn't agree to your transferring them at first, and they won't agree to it in the future!"

"People are tough, let him have a fantasy!"

"According to this rule, when entering the trial space, you still have to find more survivors to PK!"

(End of this chapter)

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