Chapter 2695 Killing survivors, a lot of experience
That humanoid creature was almost like a human, but its legs were very long, its head was slender, and its whole body was green. It looked like a person made of several tree trunks.

While the man was moving around, wooden thorns appeared and flew towards the white wolf!
And the white wolf was not afraid at all, constantly using his agile figure to avoid those wooden thorns.

But there were too many wooden thorns, and some could not be avoided in time. The white wolf roared, and a crystal ice shield appeared in front of him!

When the wooden thorn hit the ice shield, the ice shield was instantly shattered. Although the opponent's defense was shattered, the speed of the wooden thorn also slowed down!

Obviously, the white wolf's ice shield not only has a defensive effect, but also has the effect of slowing down the opponent's attack speed!
"It's actually an ice element!" Xiao Yi's eyes lit up and he walked out without hesitation.

At present, there are no ice-type supernatural powers in Yiranpin Alliance, so Xiao Yi needs to get in touch with it, and use his own chaos ability to learn ice-type supernatural powers.

When Xiao Yi approached the other party about 300 meters away, the tree trunk man immediately noticed it, and shouted in a deep voice, "Who?"

There is an advantage in this trial space, no matter what race you speak with, the other party's language will be transformed into your mother tongue.

This ensures that the communication between the two parties will not be a problem!

Xiao Yi stepped out generously, and said with a smile: "It's me, you should be a survivor too, I'm very interested in this ice-type white wolf!"

Hearing Xiao Yi's words, the other party frowned: "Since they are all survivors, then there's no need for you to snatch my wild monsters, right?"

"No, no, I just want to study this wild monster. Give me a minute, and I'll fight it and return it to you!" Xiao Yi replied with a smile.

The other party squinted his eyes at Xiao Yi, wondering what he was thinking.

The white wolf on the side did not make any more moves, but looked at Xiao Yi who suddenly appeared warily.

The trunk man looked at it for a while and said, "Okay, I'll give you one minute!"

"Thank you!" Xiao Yi cupped his hands, turned and walked towards the white wolf.

The moment Xiao Yi turned around, the man with the tree trunk suddenly exploded.

Nine wooden thorns appeared around him, stabbing towards Xiao Yi, and a wooden sword was condensed in his hand, stabbing towards Xiao Yi together!
"Alas!" Xiao Yi didn't even look back, he just sighed.

Just this sigh shocked the tree trunk man who suddenly attacked Xiao Yi, and hurriedly retreated!

But it's too late!
Since the tree trunk man chose to make a move, Xiao Yi would naturally not show mercy!
A huge metal saw appeared in an instant, and it was spinning extremely fast!

Those wooden spikes near Xiao Yi's side were smashed to pieces.

Then the metal saw continued flying towards the tree-trunk man.

The Trunk Man was shocked when he saw this, the other party actually restrained his own Metal Element!

He immediately threw the wooden sword in his hand to the metal saw, then turned and fled!
Naturally, the wooden sword was no match for the metal saw, it broke instantly when it touched the metal saw, and it could not stop the metal saw from flying towards him in the slightest.

The speed of the metal saw was much faster than his. The trunk man had no choice but to stop, set up three wooden shields in front of him, and shouted loudly: "It's all a misunderstanding, stop!"

Until now, Xiao Yi didn't look back at him, and the metal saw didn't pause at all. He broke through three wooden shields in an instant and slashed at the tree trunk man!
"Do not……"

Before the tree trunk man even had time to beg for mercy, Xiao Yi beheaded him!
A huge amount of mental power flew out of the trunk man and sank into Xiao Yi's body!

Xiao Yi paused slightly: "The benefits of killing survivors are so high?"

The experience gained by killing ordinary beasts can only be increased by one meter, but by killing this tree trunk man, his mental power directly increased by about 130 meters!Xiao Yi looked back at the tree-trunk man's body. The bloody scene he imagined did not appear, and the tree-trunk man's body had disappeared.

At this moment, the white wolf turned around and fled into the depths of the forest.

"Isn't it too late to leave at this time?" Xiao Yi said with a smile, and then a metal cage fell from the sky, enveloping the white wolf in it!

White Wolf immediately used his ice ability to try to freeze the metal cage.

Suddenly it found that it couldn't control the ice elements around it!
Xiao Yi looked at the white wolf who was trapped in the cage, and said with a smile: "Since you provided me with the ice ability, I will spare your life!"

Xiao Yi controlled the cage and followed him, walking to the position where he killed the trunk man again.

"I killed him here today, will he still be born here tomorrow?" Xiao Yi muttered.

That's right, he wants to guard the corpse!
The income from killing survivors is so high, why not keep it?

This is equivalent to having a stable source of experience.

But he thought about it again, the rules of the world would definitely not allow him to gain a lot of experience so easily.

After pondering for a moment, Xiao Yi made a mark here and rushed back.

There are also markers along the way.

An hour later, Xiao Yi returned to Qinjia Village, found Jie Coin, and explained the situation when he met other survivors.

"So, we can gain experience points by killing survivors!" Jiebi said.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly: "Yes, the experience value gained from the one I killed is relatively high, but we still don't know whether each one is so high, and how this experience value is calculated!"

"The rules of this world encourage us to PK each other!" Jiebi speculated, "That's why it will give high experience points to those who succeed in PK."

"It's also possible. You can arrange for someone to go over and guard the point where I killed that person. The opponent's strength is about 350 meters!" Xiao Yi reminded.

"Okay, now Bai Qi's mental strength should be close to 400 meters, let him go and guard it!" Jiebi replied.

"Then let him take a rest early, and let him stay there after midnight!" Xiao Yi ordered.

"Yes!" Jie Bi responded, and after thinking for a moment, he spoke again, "Island Master, if we want to know the rules of PK between survivors, we can test it with our own people."

Xiao Yi was slightly stunned: "Are you beating your own people to gain experience? The rules of the world shouldn't leave such an obvious bug, right?"

Jiebi spread his hands and replied: "So we want to test!"

"Will this kind of test have some bad consequences?" Xiao Yi hesitated.

If the test is really going to be carried out, it means that one party must "die". Although it is not really dead, it will definitely not feel good!

In the trial space, everyone's feelings are very real!
"The rules of the world tell us that the rules of the trial space are that you can't really die. As long as you don't really die, you can bear with it in other aspects. I am willing to be the first tester!"

(End of this chapter)

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