Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 2685 Scaring the grass and scaring the snake, the art of charm

Chapter 2685 Scaring the grass and scaring the snake, the art of charm

"The survivor said that he opened a detection satellite from a supply box. Can such an advanced detection satellite really be launched now?"

"It might be possible, but the probability is close to zero."

"If he didn't open this detection satellite from the supply box, he got it from the natives!"

"There seems to be an indigenous force of a second-level civilization in the chaotic galaxy, it's called Ka Suo star!"

"Lying grass, after analyzing it like this, I feel that everything is clear!"

"No wonder he always wants us to fight the Yiranpin Alliance!"

"What about the account that posted the video just now, I suggest that the Yiranpin Alliance block it!"

"Don't, I'm just reposting, remind the boss, there is such a video, these pictures and videos are posted on the island monument, you will know after looking at the island monument!"

Seeing this survivor's speech, many survivors who had never seen the island monument went back to the island monument and checked it.

They also finally saw who the perpetrator was.

"@易然品, boss, I suggest blocking this Survivor directly, he must be the puppet of Ka Suo Xing!"

"That's right, it's best to confiscate all the money in his virtual account, we can't sell anything to these wicked natives!"

"It's too late now!"

"Late? What's late?"

"The other party chose to post the video and picture at this time, it must have already bought everything that should be bought, and all the money that should have been spent has been spent!"

"Yeah, you see they didn't post this video and picture on the Internet, they must be worried that the Yiranpin Alliance will find them through the network address."

"No way, can the Yiranpin Alliance still find our actual location through the network address?"

"Why not? As long as you are in the Yiranpin Alliance network, your location can be found!"

"Lying on the grass, is it so dangerous?"

"Dangerous yarn, that little thing in your hand can't get into the eyes of Yi Ranpin boss!"

"That's right, not only are you not in danger, but you are also much safer. After all, if you are in any danger and want to ask for help, the boss will find you as soon as possible!"

"That's true, it just feels like there's no privacy anymore!"

"It's just a location, what privacy can it expose?"

"You can't say that, that is, if you don't know anyone right now, if you're on the home planet and your location is located in a hotel, wouldn't it be embarrassing!"

Seeing this, Xiao Yi said again: "Don't worry, everyone, we won't check your exact location if it's not necessary. After all, we have a lot of things to do ourselves, and we don't have that much free time!"

"Boss is very busy, how can I have time to pay attention to where you are!"

"Boss, how are you going to deal with the survivor who posted the video?"

"It must be blocked in all directions!"

Xiao Yi replied helplessly: "Originally, you didn't analyze it so clearly, maybe I could use him to find Ka Suoxing, but as a result, you analyzed it so clearly, they must have been prepared, so there is no way It’s over, we can only block it completely!”

Seeing Xiao Yi's reply, everyone was taken aback for a moment, and then started discussing again.

"It seems that our analysis is too thorough, which is not a good thing!"

"Originally, the boss was planning to lure the snake out of the hole, but we frightened it!" "It's all your fault, you guys who think you're smart, don't be so smart, wouldn't the boss have a chance to pull out the Kasuo star! It's better now, Kasuo Xing’s team has been hiding near us, and we must always be on guard against them!”

"Yeah, you guys just talk too much! You can't hold back for a while!"

"Don't we want to help the boss clear his suspicions!"

"Yeah, seeing those survivors pouring dirty water on the boss, we couldn't help but get angry, and the truth came out after being angry. Can you blame us for this?"

"Of course it's your fault, you can't bear it!"

"I can bear to scold me, but not to slander the boss!"

"That's right, my life is given by the boss, and the boss's innocence must be maintained!"

Seeing a group of sycophants in the public chat room, Xiao Yi couldn't help but said: "Okay, even if you don't discuss the truth, Ka Suoxing and the others must be prepared, and I may not be able to lure them out!"

"Boss, I want to ask those undead, where do you put them?" Suddenly a survivor asked.

Xiao Yi replied directly: "I keep them in the space of the independent planet, don't worry everyone, I have a way to completely control them and they won't have any impact on everyone!"

"It turns out that those undead are also in the independent planet space! I have gone to the Alliance Entertainment City to play several times, but I have not encountered them!"

"You still want to meet them, the boss must have stuffed them in a corner, the space of the independent planet is so big, how can you have a chance to meet them?"

"That's right, since the boss can completely control those undead, he will probably confine them to a small area."

"I'm very curious about how the boss managed to control those undead. Can you tell me about it?"

"Brother upstairs, you're pushing your limits! This must be the master's unique secret skill, you still want to know everything?"

Xiao Yi opened his mouth and explained: "Our alliance has someone who knows how to charm, and the skills I practice are special, so I can control those undead people through mental power."

"The art of charm? There is such a special talent in the boss's alliance!"

"Is it possible to charm the enemy into one of our own?"

"This sentence is nonsense, it must be so, otherwise how can the boss control those undead!"

"Then this is too awesome, isn't it equivalent to having unlimited contract cards?"

"No wonder the boss can control so many natives!"

"I really want to learn this charm technique!"

"I also think, boss, do you want to sell the spell of charm?"

"It's useless to sell this to you, because the charm technique is a unique skill of the fox clan, and other races cannot practice it." Xiao Yi replied with a smile.

"Oh, that's such a pity, if I can also use the charm technique, that would be great!"

"According to what the boss said, the boss has a fox survivor under his command. I really want to know how the boss subdued this fox survivor?"

"The boss still needs to be subdued? As long as the boss says something, I will go to the boss immediately!"

"The boss has more than one fox clan. According to the message sent by the boss last time, there are at least nine races under the boss!"

"Big brother's alliance has absorbed so many races, don't you worry about friction with each other?"

(End of this chapter)

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