Chapter 2677 Preheating, gratitude, trying to make money

"I still have to tell everyone in advance to make everyone work harder to make money!" Feng Menglong said with a smile, "Only by showing these high-end items can everyone work harder to make money!"

Jiang Yuntian was slightly startled, then nodded with a smile: "Indeed, without the stimulation of these advanced items, they might lie flat!"

"Then prepare to warm up on your side!" Xiao Yi ordered.

"Yes!" Feng Menglong replied, turned and returned to his seat.

Soon, Feng Menglong issued a notice.

"Hello, all survivors! In order to help everyone survive in the second stage, our island owner has just issued an order to fully open all technological items of the first-level civilization and below in the near future. If you need it, please pay attention The network market of our alliance!"

Seeing this notice from Feng Menglong, all the survivors were overwhelmed!
"It's still a big boss! I'm developed, and I won't forget us punks!"

"It seems that a large sum of money is needed to purchase new items from the Yiranpin Alliance!"

"What else is there to say, hurry up to collect resources and accumulate money!"

"What does it mean to be fully open? Will everything in the Yiranpin Alliance be sold to the outside world?"

Seeing this question, Feng Menglong replied directly: "Basically all the technological items of our alliance, only a few items without templates will not be sold."

"Great, I saw a lot of things in the Union Entertainment City and wanted to buy them back. Unfortunately, the Yiranpin Alliance did not sell them before. Now I finally have a chance!"

"I feel that I have almost bought all the high-end items. Is there any better item?"

"Almost? You feel too good about yourself! I'll just find a few, such as intelligent robots, do you have them on the spaceship now?"

"Huh? Yi Ranpin Alliance still has this?"

"It turns out that you are not a survivor of the chaotic galaxy. No wonder you don't know. As long as you go to the entertainment city of the Yiranpin Alliance, you will always have a chance to see intelligent robots!"

"How intelligent is the intelligent robot of Yiranpin Alliance?"

"How should I put it? At least the work you arrange, it can help you complete the work with quality and quantity! Of course, it still seems a bit fake to say this. For example, intelligent robots can help you drive a spaceship or an escape pod. , avoid the meteorite attack, and repair the spaceship!"

"It is very useful to avoid the meteor attack, but it is not necessary to repair the spaceship!"

"That is, we can use the island monument to repair it in an instant, and we don't need it to repair it at all!"

"Really? If you are going to enter the trial space and a meteorite hits your spaceship directly, if no one is there to deal with it, you will be in danger when you come back!"

"It seems to be the same. Intelligent robots are still very useful for those survivors who only have one person!"

"Then I have to buy one. Every time I enter the trial space, I am terrified!"

"Me too, I haven't found a companion until now!"

"We've talked so much, and it's still not sure when the Yiranpin Alliance will open for sale of these things!"

"Yeah, the notice only said that it was recently, how many days is it?"

Feng Menglong immediately said: "Up to three days, our side will sell those items to the public."

"So fast, I guess I won't have enough money by then!" "Not fast at all, I hope they start selling it right now!"

"Yeah, brother is not short of money, but high-end items!"

"Are they all so rich? Why can't I even get 100 yuan in my hand?"

"The two upstairs are rewarded by the Yiranpin Alliance. It's normal for them to have a lot of money! Most people don't have much money in their hands."

"I just wonder if the Yiranpin Alliance can sell these items a little cheaper!"

"Thinking about it like this is a bit overkill. It's already very good for Yiranpin to sell these high-end items to us. You still think that others will sell you at a loss?"

"It's definitely not possible to lose money. I mean it's a little cheaper. After all, everyone doesn't have much money now."

At this time, Feng Menglong said again: "When we started the sale on the first day, the island owner will give you a discount according to the situation. Our island owner launched these high-end items in the hope that everyone can survive the second stage together. , the greater the strength of the survivors, the easier it will be for us to fight against the undead!"

"Big Brother is so kind, I'm so lucky to meet Big Brother at this stage!"

"The structure of the boss is different from ours. We are still considering mutual competition, and the boss has already considered common development!"

"Don't talk about it, hurry up to collect resources to make money, don't get discounted by the big boss, and I can't afford it, then it will be embarrassing!"

"That's right, I have to kill a few more giant skeletons quickly."

The Worm Star Fleet in the dinosaur galaxy also received the news.

The commander-in-chief Qixing looked at the news and said with emotion: "This Yiranpin Alliance is really not simple! It has such a vision and structure!"

The staff officer on the side nodded: "It would be great if we didn't have a grudge against the Yi Ranpin Alliance!"

Qixing shook his head: "It's too late to say this now! But we can take this opportunity to get some more high-level items, so that our chances of survival will be much greater!"

"We have accumulated a lot of resources recently, and we should be able to win some high-level items!" said the staff officer.

Qixing nodded slightly, and then asked: "How are the two survivors learning about teleportation?"

"I asked them both at noon, and they reported that everything went well, and they should be able to master the basic knowledge of teleporters today!" The staff officer responded.

"Very good! I hope the Yiranpin Alliance can build a teleportation array and trade it to us as soon as possible." Qixing nodded with satisfaction.

"According to the available information, it seems that all the teleportation arrays purchased have not been delivered yet." The staff officer said, "Commander, the Yiranpin Alliance will not swallow our raw materials and not give them to the teleportation array?"

"Probably not, the reputation of the Yiranpin Alliance is still good!" Qixing shook his head and said.

"I hope so!"

Ji Batian of Domire galaxy also saw the notice sent by Feng Menglong, and his brows frowned.

"Does this Yi Ranpin really think so? Did he really take out all his high-level items to keep everyone alive?"

Although he was skeptical, Ji Batian ordered his natives to collect as much resources as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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