Chapter 2669 Reward, tame wild boar, barbecue
"Yes!" The villager ran away in a hurry.

After a while, Jiang Nong rushed over.

"Master, this is the pill you want!" Jiang Nong handed over a wooden box.

Xiao Yi took it, opened the wooden box, and a strong medicinal fragrance wafted out.

This is the advanced marrow washing pill refined by Xiao Yi.

The demonized tiger at the side smelled the fragrance of the medicine, and immediately became excited, looking longingly at the wooden box in Xiao Yi's hand.

"You saved my companion this time, so this elixir is a reward for you!" Xiao Yi took out the elixir and threw it at the demonized tiger.

The demonized tiger immediately opened its mouth to catch the pill, and swallowed it directly.

Then he leaned over to Xiao Yi and let out a low growl, expressing his gratitude!

Xiao Yi waved his hand: "You're welcome, you deserve it."

The demonized tiger nodded slightly, then roared again, and jumped towards the setting sun forest.

Just took a marrow washing pill, it needs time to digest.

These beasts were ordinary beasts before the invasion of the energy from the other world, and a lot of toxins had accumulated in their bodies.

This marrow washing pill can help him get rid of the toxins accumulated in his body.

The process of eliminating toxins will not be particularly easy, so it needs to find a place that it thinks is safe.

At this moment, Sun Yao asked, "Island Master, is Wei Bo here?"

"Here we are, an hour earlier than you!" Xiao Yi replied with a smile.

Sun Yao said helplessly: "I'm really bad enough!"

"You should be very lucky, otherwise you wouldn't have met the demonized tiger I subdued!" Xiao Yi shook his head and corrected.

"There seems to be nothing wrong with that!" Sun Yao nodded slightly.

"Okay, as long as you come to Qinjia Village, let me introduce you. This is my apprentice, Jiang Nong, the doctor of Qinjia Village!" Xiao Yi introduced Jiang Nong, pointing to the side.

"Hello, I'm Sun Yao, and I can be regarded as the master's apprentice!" Sun Yao greeted with a smile.

"Hi brother!" Jiang Nong said immediately, cupping his hands.

Xiao Yi and Sun Yao were slightly taken aback. They didn't expect Jiang Nong to follow Sun Yao's words and call his senior brother.

"This is a good title. From now on, I will be the senior brother, and Wei Bo will be the second senior brother. We will teach the teacher first, and if we don't understand, then let the master take over!" Sun Yao said with a smile.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly: "Well, that's what I planned originally, and you can also train in alchemy operations here!"

"No problem!" Sun Yao replied, "I've been tossing and tossing for so long, and I'm hungry. I happened to catch a wild boar with supernatural powers and came back. Shall we kill it first?"

Xiao Yi glanced at the wild boar tied up by vines, and said, "Let the villagers keep this wild boar. When the wild beasts attacked the city before, there was still a lot of meat that hadn't been consumed. Use that meat!"

Sun Yao nodded slightly: "No problem!"

With a wave of Xiao Yi's hand, a special metal cage enveloped the wild boar, and the vines on the wild boar instantly faded away.

Seeing that there were no more vines, the wild boar immediately slammed into the cage.

The moment it hit the cage, Xiao Yi immediately bounced a ball of lightning.

The wild boar was immediately stunned and fell down, but Xiao Yi's strength was well controlled so that it would not threaten the wild boar's life.

Soon it stood up again, and rushed into the cage again unwillingly.

Xiao Yi followed the same method, and after electrocuting the wild boar four or five times, it finally became honest and did not dare to continue to rush into the metal cage. "Send this wild boar to the pig pen!" Xiao Yi ordered.

"Okay!" Sun Yao immediately used the vines to pull the cage over.

The wild boar lay directly in the cage, not daring to touch the metal around it, it was about to be electrocuted!

Sun Yao brought the demonized wild boar to the pigsty, and said to the villagers of Qinjia Village who were in charge of the pigsty, "This wild boar has been transformed by the energy of another world, it has supernatural powers, take care of it here." !"

Hearing Sun Yao's words, those villagers immediately took several steps back.

"My lord, you said that this wild boar has supernatural powers, so wouldn't it be too dangerous to put it here?"

"Yeah, we are all ordinary people, and we can't control the beasts with supernatural powers at all!"

"Don't worry, our island owner has already tamed it, you just need to feed it!" Sun Yao explained with a smile, "We will have someone stay here every day in the future, if it really dares to resist, let us know in time Let's do it!"

Although those villagers were afraid, they could only respond.

Jiang Nong had already told the village head that Xiao Yi was going to stay in Qin's Village for lunch, and the village head immediately summoned the peasant women who could cook from all the families to make a fuss.

But they cook here just to cook the food, and they don't have any special cooking skills.

Xiao Yi directly suggested: "Today we eat barbecue, cut the meat into small pieces and skewer them on bamboo sticks to eat."

Hearing this, the village chief was stunned for a moment, because if the meat was cut into small pieces and skewered on bamboo sticks, the bamboo sticks would be easily broken and it was difficult to control the temperature of the fire.

After the village chief expressed his concerns, Xiao Yi smiled, and with a wave of his hand, several barbecue grills were formed beside him.

Of course, this grill is a bit different from the real one. After all, they don’t have any coals for grilling, so they can only fill it with firewood, so the combustion chamber of this grill is very large.

There is a layer of fine iron mesh on the place where the meat is grilled, and Xiao Yi also made an iron sheet.

It is much more convenient to control the meat skewers that need to be grilled on these iron nets and iron sheets.

After Sun Yao and the others demonstrated it to the villagers, the villagers immediately understood how to use the grill.

After the villagers grilled a batch of meat skewers, they immediately started discussing.

"This thing is really easy to use, much more convenient than roasting on the fire before!"

"I feel that the roasting is more even. I used to roast a large piece of meat, the outside was cooked, and the inside was still raw!"

"This thing looks so simple, why didn't we think of it?"

"Even if you can think of it, it's useless, we don't have the ability of adults."

"That's true, it's very difficult to create such an exquisite item with the rough technology of our village blacksmith!"

"Whenever we can have this ability!"

"Listen to those adults, we have a chance! Let's grill the meat first!"

At this time, Jiang Yuntian also entered the trial space.

"It's better to come early than to come by coincidence. It seems that I came in at the right time!" Jiang Yuntian said with a smile.

Xiao Yi replied, "You came here to smell the scent!"

Jiang Yuntian picked up a meat skewer and ate it: "Well, it's not bad. Although some seasonings are missing, you can experience the original meaty aroma."

Xiao Yi nodded with a smile, and then said to the village chief, "Jiang Yuntian and Jiebi are both here, so you can discuss it."

(End of this chapter)

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