Chapter 2665 Two sets of teleportation array raw materials

"Are you so confident?" Bone Charm looked at Bone Soul suspiciously.

Bone Soul nodded slightly: "Because killing me is not in their interest at all! After all, it is hard to find a team that can help them clean up the Zerg!"

Gu Mei nodded slightly, but did not speak.

Bone Soul went on to say: "Actually, I hope they can do it more. Only in this way can I have a chance to control the Worm Star Fleet!"

Bone Charm was slightly stunned, and then said with a slight smile: "Then you have to be careful, if you are not careful, it is easy to capsize!"

Bone Soul smiled, and replied: "Just relying on Qixing and this group of people, they still can't make me capsize!"

"To what extent has your mental strength reached now? Have you advanced to Bone King?" Bone Charm continued to ask.

Bone Soul shook his head and replied: "Not yet, but we have reached a bottleneck. This is another reason why I volunteered to help them clean up the Zerg. I need to fight to break through my bottleneck!"

Bone Demon nodded slightly, and said helplessly: "This Zerg seems to know where we are. As long as we are on the planet or the meteorite, they will no longer appear."

"It should be that the Zerg are more sensitive to our death!" Bone Soul speculated.

"There is another question, that is, it will take a long time for Seven Stars to finish collecting this planet, should we just wait like this?" Bone Charm asked with a frown.

Bone Soul thought for a while, and replied: "Then let him collect for a day first, and then ask them to leave some hiding places for our skeletons, so that they don't continue to collect them!"

"I'm afraid they won't agree to us so easily." Gu Mei shook her head and said, "After all, there is still a distance from the newly formed meteorite belt!"

"I understand this too, I can only watch it when the time comes!" Bone Soul said helplessly.

At this time Qixing suddenly received a feedback from a survivor.

This survivor was captured by him before, and he completed the contract.

"Commander, I have collected the raw materials for the teleportation array here. Should we buy the service of constructing the teleportation array in the Yiranpin Alliance?"

Seeing this news, Seven Star was extremely excited: "Great, but don't buy it yet, wait for my notification!"

"Yes!" The survivor responded.

Qixing happily told the staff team the news, and those staff members also became excited.

"Great, we finally have our own teleportation array!"

"That's right, the connection between us and other survivors and captives will be closer!"

"Everyone, it's better not to be happy so early, now we only have one teleportation array, and there is no way to teleport with them at will!"

"That's right, at least two teleportation arrays are needed!"

"Ask other survivors if they have gained anything!"

The Worm Star Fleet has been dormant in the Dinosaur Galaxy for so long, capturing five survivors.

It was only one of the survivors who collected the raw materials for the teleportation array just now, and now they need to ask the other four if they have collected the raw materials for the teleportation array.

"Then hurry up and ask the other four survivors, and then gather the raw materials of the teleportation array they have on hand." Qixing immediately ordered.


A staff officer immediately asked the other four survivors this question on the island tablet.

Soon he got a reply from the four survivors and put together the raw materials they had on hand.The staff officer excitedly reported to Qixinghui: "Commander-in-Chief, the other four people have also put together a set!"

Qixing asked in shock: "Isn't it difficult to gather the raw materials for this teleportation array?"

"Judging from the information on the Internet, it is really difficult to get together, but there are still a lot of survivors who get together!" The staff officer replied, "It is so easy for us to get two sets together, which shows that God favors us more. !"

Qixing nodded slightly: "That's right, give the other set they gathered together to a survivor, and let these two survivors who have the raw materials of the teleportation array buy them from the Yiranpin Alliance tonight and tomorrow morning respectively. Teleportation array construction service!"


All survivors who have gathered the raw materials of the teleportation array can be trained by the Yiranpin Alliance and become teleporters, of course, the premise is that the survivor has the space attribute.

If there is no space attribute, the Yiranpin Alliance has nothing to do.

In this case, survivors can hire teleporters from the Yiranpin Alliance to help them control the teleportation array.

For the convenience of training, Xiao Yi made a training video here, and those survivors can follow the video for training.

In this way, Xiao Yi also saved the need to identify whether they had space attributes one by one.

Directly participate in the training, if it can be successful, it means that it has spatial attributes.

If it fails, it means that it does not have the qualifications to become a teleporter.

One of the survivors has already traded a complete set of raw materials for the teleportation array to the Yiranpin Alliance.

Feng Menglong also replied: "It takes time to build the teleportation array, please be patient. You can study the training video during the waiting time!"

Feng Menglong sent the training video over, so he got the training video and immediately forwarded it to Qixing.

Qixing thought for a while, and ordered: "Let all survivors learn this training video!"


They now have two teleportation formations, and they must have teleporters.

Qixing didn't dare to let the teleporters of the Yiranpin Alliance come to their ships.

This means they must have their own teleporters.

Right now, Qixing has no way to identify whether a person has the attribute of space, so they can only let all five of them learn it, try it!
As for the members of the Worm Star Fleet, they are still weak in physique and lack of mental strength. Even if they have space attributes, they cannot become teleporters.

"I hope there will be two teleporters among the five of them." Qixing prayed.

If there is really no teleporter, then their two teleportation arrays will be useless!
As for putting them on the spaceships of those captives, Qixing still did not dare to let the teleporters of the Yiranpin Alliance board those spaceships of those captives.

In case the teleporter of the Yiranpin Alliance sends out that these survivors have been contracted, they will also be exposed.

Qixing also pointed out that the five survivors were captives lurking in the group of survivors, helping him to steal the information of the survivors!
"Commander, you don't have to worry too much. Even if the five of them don't have teleporters, there are quite a few in our own fleet!" a staff officer comforted.

"I understand what you said, but it will take a long time for people in our fleet to become teleporters. Their physique is too weak!" Qixing shook his head helplessly.

"This is a problem, if there is something that can instantly improve their physique!"

"You really dare to think! If there is such a thing, wouldn't everyone be a supernatural being?"

(End of this chapter)

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