Chapter 2656 The Worm Star Fleet Discovers a Zerg-Free Planet
"Who said no? When I knew that the Yiranpin Alliance could deal with that little star, I regretted it!"

"Don't say anything, I'm flying in the direction of the dinosaur planet. Anyway, I can't collect any resources here. There are too many bugs!"

"Then why don't you know how to find the station of the Yiranpin Alliance here, and just spend some money to teleport there!"

"I want to teleport too, but I don't have any power stones in my hand!"

"Spend money to buy it, as long as you can afford it, you can still buy it."

"Okay, let me try!"

Somewhere in the Dinosaur Galaxy, a fleet stopped in place, it was the Worm Star Fleet.

"Commander, now that the Zerg is making a comeback, our resource collection is very affected!"

Fleet Commander Seven Star frowned, and asked, "Didn't the detection satellites we released find planets and meteorite areas without Zerg, or with fewer Zerg?"

The staff officer who came to report shook his head: "The planet is basically occupied by the Zerg, and the meteorite area was pushed to the same position by the undead to form a meteorite belt. According to the chats of those survivors, most of the survivors stayed there. The meteorite belt, and the situation on the meteorite belt is not optimistic."

The staff officer released the screenshots on the Internet, pointed to the chat content, and continued: "Look, most of them are going to the Chaos galaxy, where the Yiranpin Alliance is going to clean up the Zerg on the meteorite belt."

Seven Star nodded slightly.

"Commander, do you think the Yiranpin Alliance is really that powerful? Can they really have a Dyson ball device and install it on a star?"

Qixing sighed helplessly, and replied: "Nine times out of ten, there is no need for these survivors to lie to us. Besides, they don't know that we have been spying on the screen!"

"So, the gap between us and the Yiranpin Alliance is getting bigger and bigger!" The staff officer said with emotion.

When they met for the first time, they were actually evenly matched, but they kept chasing afterward, but they never caught up.

Before the large-scale invasion of the undead, Qixing led the fleet to fight the Yiranpin Alliance once. He thought that he would have the upper hand with the invisible tracking nuclear bomb, but he still couldn't do anything to the Yiranpin Alliance.

Although after joining the undead alliance, they took advantage of the survivors, but that was only the advantage of other survivors, and they never took advantage of the Yiranpin alliance.

Qixing nodded, and said with emotion: "Yeah, I won't fight with them in the future, honestly, let's use the power of survivors to develop, and then see if we still have a chance to return to our home planet."

The staff officer nodded helplessly. After seeing the gap with the Yiranpin Alliance, he also knew that to provoke the Yiranpin Alliance would be a terrible act!
"Now there is no way to collect resources here, so should we also go to the Chaos Galaxy?" the staff continued.

Just as Qixing was about to nod, a soldier suddenly stood up and reported, "Commander, we found a planet that has not been occupied by Zerg!"

"What!" Qixing immediately stood up and walked towards the monitor.

On the monitor screen, an earth-like planet appeared in front of them, and there were indeed no bugs on it.

Not a single bug!

"Great, this is God's favor for us, seeing that we have not collected resources, and left us a planet!"

"Yes, there is no unparalleled road!"

"Commander, let's hurry over and log in to collect resources before the bugs invade!"

The staff officers on the side began to discuss, and finally looked at Qixing, waiting for his order.

Qixing frowned, and said, "Don't you all find it strange?"

All the staff officers were startled.

"No planet is immune to Zerg invasion. Why is this planet so special?" Seven Star continued.

"Is it possible that we haven't invaded here yet?" a staff officer speculated. "The Zerg invaded through wormholes. There shouldn't be any situation where they didn't invade somewhere!" Before Qixing could speak, another staff officer replied.

Qixing nodded slightly: "If something goes wrong, there must be a demon, so we still have to be careful!"

"Then shall we go there?"

"Of course, it's hard to find such a planet, we must go there, let us know, and get close to that planet first!" Qixing replied.

Following Qixing's order, the entire fleet headed for the newly discovered planet.

"Commander, if the Zerg didn't invade that planet, would it be because there are special creatures on that planet?"

"Yeah, I see that there are survivors exposed on the Yiranpin Alliance network. A microorganism that can quickly devour metals appeared on the planet on the side of our dinosaur galaxy from the chaotic galaxy!"

"This is very possible. The universe is so big that all kinds of strange creatures may appear!"

Qixing heard their discussion and nodded slightly: "When we reach that planet, arrange for the robot to go up and explore first!"


Two hours later, the Worm star fleet came to a dead planet.

Following Seven Star's instructions, the fleet immediately released ten robots to land on that planet.

Qixing and the others watched the ten robots nervously, but surprisingly, nothing happened to the ten robots.

"What's going on? This planet is normal!"

"Yeah, our robot is working perfectly, and we haven't found any living things."

"Let's wait until the robot collects the soil!" Qixing said with a frown.

No abnormality is the biggest abnormality!

Soon, the robot brought back the soil from that planet.

The laboratory on the Worm Star Fleet immediately began to test nervously!
After 10 minutes, the test results came out.

"Report to the Commander-in-Chief that the planet's soil is free of microorganisms and harmful substances."

Hearing this result, Qixing and the others were slightly surprised.

"There is really no problem, then let's go directly to collect resources!" A staff officer said happily.

Qixing shook his head and said, "No way!"

The staff officer was stunned for a moment: "Why?"

"The biggest problem is precisely because there are no problems!" Qixing said in a deep voice, "There is no problem, and the Zerg didn't come to occupy it. Doesn't that explain anything?"

"Then why don't we just watch and don't do anything?" The staff officer was stunned for a moment, and then asked unwillingly.

Qixing squinted his eyes and said, "Directly arrange for the collector to log in and try to collect resources! But personnel are not allowed to log in!"

"Yes!" the crowd responded.

Following the order from the Seven Stars, the Worm Star Fleet immediately arranged dozens of collectors to fly to that planet.

(End of this chapter)

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