Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 2646 Each has its own specialty, antimatter ammunition system

Chapter 2646 Each has its own specialty, antimatter ammunition system
"Don't worry, as long as I know his location, I will be able to rush there soon. Isn't the Yiranpin Alliance open the location transfer business?"

"Didn't you only open the transfer business to the undead meteorite area before? Can you transfer casually within the galaxy?"

"Isn't that the same? As long as you can pay for the business transfer, how you want to transfer it is up to you?"

"It seems to be the same. The Yiranpin Alliance never said that it can only be transferred to the undead meteorite area!"

"The resources of the Ford galaxy are not so abundant. Others have finally found a resource land, and you still want to step in?"

"That is, think about it differently, would you share this position with others?"

"Don't ask, I've already collected almost all of this area, and I'm about to leave. Even if I tell you, you won't be able to collect anything when you come here!"

"You are moving too fast!"

"It's too fast, I just found an excuse to prevent others from passing, you don't really believe it!"

"That's right, is there such a naive person?"

"Also, even if the other party sends you the location, do you dare to go there? What if he just gives you a coordinate and teleports to you and you are in danger?"

"It seems to be the same. In the future, the real-time coordinates must be shared, and the others are still unreliable!"

"Stop talking, hurry up and collect resources. I think someone has already bought the holographic simulation game cabin. How did they gather the raw materials so quickly?"

"There are always some survivors like this. You don't even know how he developed so fast, just like the boss of Yiranpin. Can you figure it out?"

"It really can't!"

"So don't worry about it, just collect resources honestly, and buy this game cabin first, so that we can improve our combat effectiveness and live longer!"

"That's right, but I only lack one raw material here, whoever has it, I'll buy some!"

"Me too, there are plenty of other raw materials, you can barter!"

"It's better for us to directly put more raw materials in our hands on the online market, and everyone can exchange them on demand."

"Good idea, I suggest that all online stores be named as raw materials for holographic virtual game cabins, so that everyone can easily find them."

"That's right, I've put my surplus raw materials on the shelves. You can exchange them with materials or buy them with money!"

Survivors from the five galaxies discovered after setting up stalls on the Internet that even the richest domithermal galaxies will have some kind of scarcity of resources.

And this scarce resource is redundant in other galaxies.

In other words, each galaxy has special resources, even the poorest Ford galaxy!
"Great, it turns out that our galaxy can also export resources!"

"I always thought that our galaxy was useless, but I didn't expect that there is still a certain kind of resource that is particularly rich!"

"The boss has said it a long time ago, every week has its own unique specialty, it depends on whether you have discovered it."

"That's right, that's why the boss didn't activate inter-galaxy teleportation."

"Big brother's vision is really long-term, and today I understand it."

At this time, Xiao Yi, who was talking about everyone, had finished his training before going to bed, washed up and got ready to rest.

Although Xiao Yi is already the well-deserved No.1 in the Yiranpin Alliance, he has never dared to relax. As long as he has time, he will seize the time to practice and improve his abilities.

Silent all night.

The next day, Xiao Yi opened his eyes and immediately signed in.

"Sign in successfully and receive the reward: Anti-material ammunition system template (Level II)*1."

Xiao Yi was slightly startled, then got up and said to himself, "How can I use ammunition instead of guns?"

While muttering, Xiao Yi washed up and rushed to the training room.When Xiao Yi arrived, everyone collectively turned on the acceleration cards and started practicing according to the previously arranged team.

Two hours later, Xiao Yi finished his practice, and Sun Yao said in surprise, "Island Master, I also touched the bottleneck!"

Xiao Yi was slightly startled, and then said with a smile: "It seems that your extra practice yesterday is effective!"

Hearing that Wei Bo had reached a bottleneck yesterday, Sun Yao became anxious immediately, and handed over all the work to Wei Bo, and kept cultivating in the practice room.

Unexpectedly, it reached the bottleneck this morning.

"Island Master, can I also enter the trial space and try to break through?" Sun Yao asked hastily.

Xiao Yi shook his head: "Wei Bo is fine, you can practice for a long time, and then go to the trial space breakthrough!"

Sun Yao was slightly startled, then nodded in response: "Yes!"

He knew that the island owner must want to increase the success rate of his breakthrough.

Although the Survivors of the Yiranpin Alliance have not yet failed to break through, since it is a breakthrough, there must be a success rate.

Using the trial space to break through is just a higher success rate. No one is sure that the success rate is [-]%, so we still need to be cautious!
"Eat first, take it easy, and then continue to practice!" Xiao Yi greeted.


Everyone went to the restaurant together.

Jiang Yuntian approached Xiao Yi and asked, "Are you here today?"

"I guess there is!" Xiao Yi replied.

Jiang Yuntian was stunned for a moment: "If there is, there is, and if there is no, there is not. It is considered to be, what does it mean?"

Xiao Yi explained: "This time I got a template for the ammunition system, I will use it later."

"Only ammunition?" Jiang Yuntian was taken aback again.

"Yes!" Xiao Yi nodded slightly, "So we'll talk about the specific situation later."

Jiang Yuntian nodded.

After finishing breakfast, those survivors who did not reach the bottleneck continued to use Dali Jingang Pills, and after finishing the first three waves of wild monsters, they withdrew from the trial space after eating experience.

Wei Bo didn't use the elixir and tried to break through, while Sun Yao continued to practice.

After Du Kang arranged his work, he entered the trial space and continued to grow crops.

Xiao Yi and Jiang Yuntian came to the island monument in the office of the City Lord's Mansion and used the anti-matter ammunition system template.

When they saw the ammunition that template could make, they finally understood.

It's not that they are not given firearms, but they can use existing firearms. Any firearm that can generate propulsion can launch this antimatter ammunition.

And this system can customize the ammunition shape.

It naturally requires antimatter and antimatter storage devices to make it.

These two raw materials have been obtained by signing in before.

"That's right, although we haven't been given new weapons, the lethality of our ammunition has been improved!" Jiang Yuntian said happily.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly: "Well, however, the efficiency of our antimatter generator is still not high. This kind of ammunition can only be used as a trump card. When it can be improved, it can be fully promoted."

(End of this chapter)

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