Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 2643 Open the entertainment city, Mu Disen has no herbs

Chapter 2643 Open the entertainment city, Mu Disen has no herbs
"It's definitely different, but it's almost the same. Of course, the boss may also make some changes to the internal cabin."

"So I want to go over and have a look. When will the Yiranpin Alliance open an entertainment city in our galaxy!"

"That is, everyone's food and clothing has been solved now, and the spirit is still empty. If we can open an entertainment city in our galaxy, the business will definitely not be bad!"

"You can have this. It's boring to survive all day. I hope the boss will carefully consider this matter."

Seeing everyone's comments, Xiao Yi pondered for a while, then found Feng Menglong, and asked, "In the public chat room, survivors from other galaxies are asking to open entertainment cities in other galaxies. What do you think?"

"I think it's totally possible!" Feng Menglong replied, "Maintain order, and the rest is for them to send us money."

Xiao Yi nodded slightly: "You discuss with Brother Jiang to increase the order maintenance team to ensure the safety of Union Entertainment City."

"Yes!" Feng Menglong replied.

Xiao Yi was about to leave when Feng Menglong hurriedly called him: "Island Master, if the survivor who has gathered the raw materials for the teleportation array wants to buy the teleportation array, what should we do here?"

"Let him wait, just say that it takes time for us to build the teleportation array." Xiao Yi thought for a while before replying.

After finally finding a set of raw materials for the teleportation array, it is natural to wait for the quadruple state.

Now there is no quadruple state, only one can be made, which is too bad.

"Yes!" Feng Menglong replied.

After Xiao Yi left, the Survivor who got enough raw materials for the teleportation array bought the teleportation array in the online market.

Feng Menglong asked Dora to receive the raw materials, and then said: "It will take time to build the teleportation array. Please wait patiently. During the waiting period, the teleportation array of our alliance allows you to rent it for free for 10 minutes every day."

"Okay, thank you very much." The survivor responded.

The survivors of the Domire galaxy gathered the raw materials for the teleportation array.

The resources of the Domire galaxy are abundant, and it is normal for the first survivor to gather raw materials in their galaxy.

Survivors from other galaxies are very envious.

"The Domire galaxy is still rich in resources. We basically don't see any resources about the teleportation array in the Ford galaxy."

"The same is true for our wheat head galaxy. After collecting for such a long time, we found two raw materials."

"It would be nice to have two, we don't have any of them in the Mudisen galaxy."

"Upstairs, it's an exaggeration, I found one."

"The raw materials for this teleportation array are really rare, and it's really hard to find. We can only find two sets in the chaotic galaxy."

"There are already a lot of two sets, even stronger than the Domino galaxy, and we only got one set."

"It can't be compared like this. Our chaotic galaxy collected the raw materials of the teleportation array much earlier than other galaxies. If the Domire galaxy started collecting the raw materials of the teleportation array at the same time as us, they probably have already gathered two sets!"

"That's true. In just a few days, someone has collected all of Domire's galaxies!"

"Hey, let's not talk about it, the more I talk about it, the more enviable it is. The Domire galaxy is rich in resources, the Wheathead galaxy is rich in metal deposits, the Mudisen galaxy is rich in herbs, and the chaotic galaxy has big bosses. Just our Ford galaxy , nothing!"

"Stop, in our Mudisen galaxy, herbal medicine has become a thing of the past. After the undead invaded, all the herbs were ruined! Now there are no green plants on all planets."

"Wucao, isn't it? Are you so cruel?" "Yes, we were occupied by the Zerg before, so we couldn't get herbal medicine. The undead invaded in large numbers, and the Zerg withdrew, but all the green plants were contaminated by the death energy and all died. Got it!"

"It's so miserable! Isn't there nothing in the Mudisen galaxy?"

"It's not that exaggerated. At least they still have those planets. There used to be so many types of plants, which shows that there must be a lot of resources on those planets."

"That's right, before the bugs come back, you should quickly land on the planet and start the crazy collection mode."

"Yes, there are advanced collectors provided by the Yiranpin Alliance. Collect more before the Zerg fills the planet again."

At this time, wormholes had appeared on the planets of the Mudisen galaxy.

Insects of various shapes emerge from the wormhole.

"Made, just now when we talked about worms, a wormhole of the Zerg race appeared on my side!"

"Are there nuclear mines? Build a few more and blow them up, so that you can buy for a while longer."

"I think so too, but I don't have that many hidden nuclear mines. Even if I do, I don't have the ability to get close to that wormhole!"

"Yeah, everyone saw how much effort the Yiranpin Alliance blew up the wormhole of the Zerg before. We ordinary survivors have no chance to get close."

"Since you can't handle it, then quickly withdraw, there is no way!"

"Withdrew a long time ago, find a location far away from the wormhole, and continue collecting!"

Seeing this, Xiao Yi frowned a little, and after a little thought, he asked, "Sun Yao, can you ask if the new Zerg that appeared in the Mudisen galaxy are wearing biofilms?"

Although the undead invaded those planets in a large scale, and the environment of the planets has been destroyed, the environment did not collapse instantly. At least the atmosphere is still there, and the composition of the atmosphere has not changed greatly.

Soon Sun Yao asked the answer, and he reported it to Xiao Yi.

"Island Master, those Zergs are all wearing a layer of biofilm!" Sun Yao replied, "It should be that the atmospheric environment of those planets is no longer suitable for Zergs to survive."

"This should be one of the reasons. Another reason is that the Zerg are also afraid of death!" Xiao Yi said in a deep voice.

Sun Yao was startled, then nodded: "They are covered with biofilms, making it more difficult for us to kill them."

"Well, but our ships are not the same as before. After upgrading, it shouldn't be difficult to kill them!" Xiao Yi said with a smile.

"That's true!" Sun Yao replied.

"How's your cultivation going?" Xiao Yi changed the subject.

"I have used the accelerator card for the past two days, and the speed is much faster. I should reach the bottleneck soon!" Sun Yao replied, "Two days at most, maybe tomorrow I will be able to touch the bottleneck."

"Well, break through as soon as possible. There are many herbs in the trial space. You and Wei Bo can train alchemy in the trial space." Xiao Yi said.

Sun Yao nodded, and replied helplessly: "Since you said that the trial space is rich in medicinal materials, Wei Bo and I have been practicing non-stop, but the speed is still too slow."

"It's already too soon, don't be so demanding!" Xiao Yi comforted with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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