Chapter 2627 Invisible Intelligent Nanomachines
The survivor was slightly taken aback when he heard Bilu's words, then shook his head, and replied: "As for whether the world rules are advanced civilizations, I don't know, but they can control the fate of all our survivors."

Bilu nodded slightly, and then continued to ask: "Does the Yiranpin Alliance have the ability to open wormholes?"

"Are you talking about opening the independent planetary space?" the survivor asked back.

"Independent planetary space?" Bilu was stunned.

The survivors carefully explained the matter of the independent planetary space.

Bilu suddenly realized that the former survivor's reinforcements came from the space of the independent planet!
"How did this independent planet space be harvested?" Bilu continued to ask.

This thing is so useful, if he can get it, his fleet will be more mobile in the future!

"You need to collect all four fragments to synthesize them. The fragments that appeared before were all purchased by the Yiranpin Alliance. So far, no more fragments have been found. This thing is likely to be the only one!"

Hearing the survivor's answer, Bilu was a little disappointed.

However, since we know that the Yiranpin Alliance has this, we still have a chance!

After some interrogation, Bilu had a general understanding of the situation of the Yiranpin Alliance, and at the same time, he also had a better understanding of the group of survivors.

"I am very satisfied with your performance. As long as you cooperate in the future, I will guarantee that you will have no worries about food and clothing in the future!" Bilu said very satisfied.

The survivor responded immediately: "Thank you General, I will definitely cooperate!"

In this state, the survivor must cooperate with Bilu if he wants to survive.

The survivor was taken to a side cabin and locked up.

Bilu discussed with his staff group.

"It seems that the Yiranpin Alliance is not so invincible!"

"Yeah, their warships have just been upgraded to the level of a second-level civilization, so it's not certain whether they can be operated proficiently!"

"The most important thing is that they only had satellite-class ships at most before. Even if they upgrade to the second-level civilization, they are only satellite-class ships of the second-level civilization. We have planetary-class warships in our fleet, and we can definitely crush them! "

"That's right, you don't have to worry too much about the support from the Yiranpin Alliance when you meet other survivors."

"No, now that we understand the opponent's strength, we should hope that the opponent will call for support!"

"That's right, we can use this to lure the Yiranpin Alliance team out, and then fight back!"

Bilu has been listening to the discussions of the staff, he nodded slightly: "This can be considered, you can draw up a plan."

"Yes!" All the staff officers responded in unison.

After capturing a survivor and getting a lot of information about the Yiranpin Alliance, they thought they were doing it again.

This may just explain that it is the unknown that makes people afraid. Once you know the details of the other party, there is nothing to be afraid of.

This survivor was caught by Bilu, but no news came out, and the other survivors were still practicing hard.

Silent all night.

The next day, Xiao Yi woke up on time and checked in immediately.

"Sign in successfully and receive the reward: Invisible Intelligent Nano Machine Template (Level II)*1."

Seeing this reward, Xiao Yi was slightly taken aback: "A nanomachine that can be invisible? Is this an additional means of detecting sneak attacks?"

He muttered something like this, then washed up, got up and walked to the practice room.

Bai Qi and Li Xiang still haven't come out of the trial space. Except for them, everyone else has arrived and is concentrating on practicing.Xiao Yi also immediately started practicing. After leading everyone to complete the morning exercises, he specifically asked Du Kang: "Have you remembered the location of Qinjia Village?"

"Don't worry, Island Master, I had an in-depth exchange with Jiebi yesterday, and I can't be wrong!" Du Kang replied with a smile.

"Well, that's fine!" Xiao Yi nodded slightly.

"However, Island Master, we discussed it yesterday, and it would be better for you to take us into the trial space." Du Kang continued.

Xiao Yi was slightly stunned, then immediately thought of the guardian beast in Qin Family Village, and nodded: "It seems to be the same, I have to tell the demonized tiger to enter this time."

"Yes, otherwise, if the rest of us find Qin's Village, we will probably be tortured by that demonized tiger!" Du Kang said in agreement.

"Well, after breakfast, let's all go in together. I'll wait for you in Qin's Village." Xiao Yi replied.

"it is good!"

Everyone went to the restaurant together.

Jiang Yuntian asked the same question tirelessly.

"Island owner, do you have any weapons?"

Xiao Yi shook his head: "No, today is an invisible intelligent nanomachine, it should be an auxiliary function, don't keep thinking about weapons, are you familiar with the planetary space battleship now?"

"It feels almost done!" Jiang Yuntian replied, "You can go to the battle test at any time!"

"Well, try to operate that planetary-level space battleship as proficiently as possible. Yesterday, the quadruple state harvested a batch of supplies. I will build ten more ships for you later. Let's train to your heart's content!" Xiao Yi replied.

"Yes, Island Master!" Jiang Yuntian happily replied.

Now that the Yiranpin Alliance has occupied a star, energy is no longer a problem, so training and other things can be done casually!
After breakfast, Xiao Yi went back to the island monument, used up the invisible intelligent nano-machine template, and built ten more planetary-class warships, and handed them over to Jiang Yuntian.

After dealing with all this, Xiao Yi greeted Jiang Yuntian and the others to enter the trial space.

Xiao Yi, Jiang Yuntian and Jiebi appeared directly in the Qin Family Village, while Du Kang appeared in a forest.

Du Kang immediately came to the top of a big tree, identified the direction, and then rushed towards Qinjia Village.

Xiao Yi walked out of his room, and immediately a villager reported his arrival to the village chief.

The village head immediately rushed over in a wheelchair.

"My lord, you are here!" the village head greeted.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly, and asked, "Did that tiger interfere with your life?"

"No, it has been in the woods near the village." The village chief replied.

"Well, another companion of mine will come over today, and he should be here soon. I'll go out and talk to that tiger first!" Xiao Yi said.

"Okay!" The village head replied.

Jiang Yuntian and Jiebi on the side also followed closely. The purpose of coming in with Xiao Yi this time was to get acquainted with the tiger.

Xiao Yi came outside the village and used the power of the contract to call the demonized tiger back. After only a few tens of seconds, an oversized tiger jumped out of the woods.

A few vertical jumps came in front of Xiao Yi, and he fell on the ground.

Xiao Yi pointed to the two people behind him, and said, "These two are also my own, understand?"

(End of this chapter)

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