Chapter 2613

"You worry too much!" Bai Qi chuckled, "With the island owner here, are you still worried that you won't be able to keep it?"

Li Xiang was slightly startled, then nodded.

The two soon returned to the village.

Bai Qi looked around, but didn't find Xiao Yi, and asked suspiciously: "You won't lie to me, right? Why didn't you see the island owner?"

Li Xiang looked at the village chief suspiciously, and asked, "Village chief, where is our island master?"

"Responding to the words of the two adults, he went out to look for Jiang Nong!" The village chief responded.

Bai Qi and Li Xiang nodded.

At this time, Jiang Nong and his party were about 3 kilometers away from the village.

"Jiang Nong, this position should be the limit for the two adults to clean up. We can't go any further!" Qin Mu said with a frown on the side.

"There are still a lot of herbs we need ahead. After I collect them here, we will go back immediately!" Jiang Nong looked at the large piece of herbs in front of him, his eyes shining.

Qin Mu nodded slightly: "Okay, hurry up on your side!"

Jiang Nong immediately bent down and continued to collect herbs, while Qin Mu directed the other team members to be alert to the surrounding situation.

At this moment, several black shadows suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Be careful! Jiang Nong is back!" Qin Mu shouted in a deep voice.

Jiang Nong also saw those black figures at this time, and immediately stopped collecting herbs and retreated.

Those black figures were several hyenas. They looked at Qin Mu and his party fiercely, with saliva dripping from their mouths.

"Mu Shao, these hyenas should not be demonized!" A team member asked uncertainly with a machete.

Qin Mu shook his head: "I can't see it, everyone be careful to back off!"

Everyone stepped back cautiously, but the hyenas kept pressing on.

Wang Wu!

A hyena barked, as if giving an order, and all the hyenas immediately rushed towards Qin Mu and the others.

"Block them!" Qin Mu shouted in a deep voice.

Three team members holding shields directly stood in front of the crowd.

These shields were made by Jiang Yuntian before he left. They are all made of metal, they are very heavy and can provide enough defense!

The claws of those hyenas collided with the thick shield, and sparks even appeared!
The villagers holding the shields felt a huge force coming, but fortunately Qin Mu and the others helped stabilize their bodies behind them!
Seeing the opportunity, Qin Mu stretched out the long sword in his hand from the gap in the shield.


A hyena couldn't dodge in time, and was pierced through by the long sword.

When the other hyenas saw that their companion had been dealt with by a sword, they all took a few steps back!
At this time, there was another bark, and the hyenas rushed up again.

Obviously, the hyena who gave orders behind was the leader of the hyena this time.

"Hold the shield, and the others attack with the weapons in their hands!" Qin Mu shouted.


Seeing that Qin Mu succeeded in one blow, the villagers all gained confidence and thrust their weapons out through the gaps in the shield.

This time the hyenas learned to be smart, and they avoided the gaps in the shields one after another, so that it was difficult for the villagers' weapons to hurt them.

"No, why are these hyenas so smart?"

"Yes, they have only suffered a loss once, and they know how to avoid the gaps in the shield?" "This is not clever. Wild beasts already know how to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. Since the gaps in the shield will cause fatal injuries to them, they avoid them. It’s only natural!”

"Don't be distracted, everyone, pay attention to the hyenas attacking from both sides!" Qin Mu immediately reminded.

"Yes!" The villagers responded one after another, and then concentrated on dealing with the group of hyenas in front of them.

Qin Mu was very speechless at this moment. He found that whenever he came out to perform missions, he would always encounter all kinds of wild beasts, but An Sheng never happened.

"Could it be that my physique can easily attract beasts?" Qin Mu thought.

At this moment, the three villagers holding the shields suddenly found that their shields were cracked!
"Not good! Be careful!" Qin Mu immediately put the long sword in his hand in front of two of the villagers.

The sharp blade made the hyenas dare not continue to attack the villagers who had no shield protection.

Another villager holding a shield was pulled back by his companions. The hyena's sharp claws passed his eyes, but he did not hurt him.

Qin Mu swung his sword to push back the hyenas who were approaching them.

"What's going on? Why did the shield crack?" the villager holding the shield asked with lingering fear.

Qin Mu replied in a deep voice: "Obviously, we have encountered a demonized hyena again!"

"Are we so lucky?" The villagers looked bitter.

"Call for backup immediately!" Qin Mu ordered.

A villager immediately took out a bamboo flute and played it!
The sharp bamboo flute sounded!

Xiao Yi, who was looking for Jiang Nong and the others nearby, immediately rushed over when he heard the sound of the flute!

After the demonized hyena destroyed Qin Mu's shield, he rushed towards Qin Mu and the others along with the large army!

The speed of demonizing hyenas is much faster than ordinary hyenas!
Qin Mu only felt a black shadow rushing towards him, and he hastily put the long sword in his hand in front of him.

A villager behind Qin Mu drew his bow and shot.

Facing Qin Mu's long sword, the demonized hyena didn't hide, but the arrow shot from behind made it dodge to one side.

Qin Mu immediately reacted, and shouted: "This demonized hyena is of the gold type, and it is not afraid of metal weapons. Let's attack it with wooden weapons!"

"Yes!" The villagers responded in unison.

But in the next moment, the action of the demonized hyena shocked everyone.

It actually condensed a shield and blocked it in front of itself.

"No way, it has such a strong learning ability, so it learned to defend with a shield so quickly!" Qin Mu's eyes widened.

With the shield defense, the demonized hyena quickly approached Qin Mu and others, while other ordinary hyenas also approached quickly under the restraint of the demonized hyena.

"I hope those two adults can hear our call for help and rush over as soon as possible, otherwise we will have to confess to being here!" Qin Mu sighed secretly.

At this moment, the shield in front of the demonized hyena suddenly turned into a cage, trapping the demonized hyena inside.

And the tattered shields in the hands of those villagers also flew up, turning into cages one after another, covering all the other hyenas!

Seeing this scene, Qin Mu immediately said pleasantly: "My lord has come to save us."

The rest of the villagers were also pleasantly surprised and looked around for the figure of the adults.

But Qin Mu soon became confused again: "Didn't Lord Jiang Yuntian leave already?"

Xiao Yi has already told them about Jiang Yuntian's and the others' attributes, only Jiang Yuntian is the gold type, neither Bai Qi nor Li Xiang!
"Could it be that there are other supernatural beings?" Qin Mu frowned and thought.

(End of this chapter)

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