Chapter 2610 Selling SSS level collectors, difficult

"How old are you, and still so dependent? The Yiranpin Alliance is not our nanny, not to mention what the boss said is very correct. We all gather here, and everyone has very little resources. Even everyone We need to rush to mine those meteorites."

"That's right! I left right after the undead army was wiped out, all crowded together, what can I collect?"

"I also left a long time ago, and now I have come to the Chaos Galaxy!"

"I really couldn't grab the Yiranpin Alliance's collection team and left!"

"Yeah, the collectors used by the collection team of the Yiranpin Alliance are too advanced and very efficient. You can't even drink soup with them!"

"Is it more advanced than the SSS-level collectors they sell?" Survivors from other galaxies asked curiously.

"Isn't this for sure? All the survivors who are following the Yiranpin Alliance now must have purchased that SSS-level collector! They all say that the high-end ones must be even more advanced than the machines they have!"

"Oh, this is the gap. We are still using the lowest level collectors to collect resources. The Yi Ranpin Alliance doesn't even use SSS level ones?"

"Boss, can you sell some SSS-level collectors to other galaxies?" Survivors from other galaxies couldn't help but ask.

When Xiao Yi saw this message, he immediately replied: "Our alliance marketing department has already started planning to put collectors on the shelves!"

"Wucao, the boss replied, are you really planning to sell the SSS-level collector to us?"

"Great, I can't bear the low collection efficiency of my ordinary collector anymore!"

"With this advanced collector, the advantages of our domithermal galaxies will be further amplified!"

"Boss, when will this machine be available on your side?"

Xiao Yi replied: "I will urge the marketing department here, everyone, please be safe!"

After replying to everyone, Xiao Yi handed over the matter to Feng Menglong.

After Feng Menglong received Xiao Yi's instructions, he immediately began to check the quantity of raw materials in stock.

Today happened to be Xiao Yi's quadruple state, so the raw materials in stock were very sufficient.

Now that he has decided to sell it to others, Feng Menglong immediately sent a message in the public chat room: "Dear survivors, in order to meet everyone's needs for advanced collectors, our alliance will immediately launch SSS-level collectors, and the first batch will launch 20 units. , if necessary, please go to the online market to purchase by yourself..."

"Lying grass, the speed of the Yiranpin Alliance is too fast!"

"Yeah, the boss just said that, and the marketing department launched it immediately. It's so awesome!"

"However, this time there are only 20 units, isn't it too little?"

"Yeah, basically I can't grab it with my hand speed!"

"Boss, can you provide more, 20 units is too little!"

"Brothers upstairs, let's not be too greedy! 20 units is not a small number, and the raw materials needed for it are absolutely massive!"

"Take your time, I believe the Yiranpin Alliance will definitely let us all use SSS-level collectors!"

"Yes, just like the advanced equipment before, everyone will have a share in the end."

"Don't talk about it, I have already prepared money here, and I am always waiting for the Yiranpin Alliance to put the collector on the shelves!"

This time Feng Menglong directly listed the collector on the online market of Dinosaur Galaxy.

Survivors from other galaxies can also come over to snap up collectors, but after grabbing them, they have to wait to get them.

Survivors in the dinosaur galaxy have already purchased this collector, so none of the survivors in the dinosaur galaxy snapped it up. Of course, they are not eligible to snap up it.

All survivors who have purchased the SSS-level collector can no longer purchase it.

Feng Menglong put 20 collectors on the shelf, but they were all gone in seconds.

Five galaxies are on sale at the same time. 20 is really not enough. "I don't even want to say anything. I'd better wait for Yiranpin Alliance to put more collectors on the shelves before buying them!"

"I didn't grab it either, but it's okay, I can wait, I'm not in a hurry!"

"Why is it so calm upstairs?"

"People are in a good mood!"

"It's not that I have a good mentality, it's just that I have an S-level collector in my hand, and I can still use it!"

"Wancao, no wonder you're not in a hurry. If I had an S-level collector, I wouldn't have to buy this SSS-level collector!"

"That still has to be bought, after all, the gap between two levels is still very obvious."

"That's right, the efficiency difference between the two levels is at least three times."

"I have to say that the speed of the SSS-level collector is very fast. You have collected a meteorite within a short time of chatting."

"So fast? I feel even more sad when you say that, why didn't I grab it."

"Don't be envious, you will be so fast in the future!"

"When people reach middle age, they have more energy than energy, and everyone will get faster and faster!"

"Damn, finally someone is driving again, and the familiar feeling is back."

"Is this going on the highway again?"

At this time, in the trial space, Jiang Yuntian waved and killed a magic rabbit, feeling that the time was almost up, so he chose to return to Qin's Village.

"Instructor, are you back?" Qin Mu greeted after seeing Jiang Yuntian.

Jiang Yuntian nodded slightly: "I'm going back, if you encounter any difficulties, please tell Bai Qi and Li Xiang first."

"Yes, instructor!" Qin Mu replied in a deep voice.

Jiang Yuntian returned to his room in Qinjia Village, and then chose to leave the trial space.

Back on his battleship, Jiang Yuntian immediately rushed to the headquarters. On the way, he used his mobile phone to check if anything special happened.

Soon, Jiang Yuntian returned to the headquarters.

"Island Master, there is no abnormality report?" Jiang Yuntian came to Xiao Yi's office first.

Xiao Yi shook his head: "Everything is normal, the most important thing is that there is no news from both Bilu and Bone Soul!"

Jiang Yuntian nodded slightly.

"Has the Qin Family Village team in the trial space trained yet?" Xiao Yi asked casually.

"Well, I've already made a training plan for them, and they just need to train according to the plan!" Jiang Yuntian replied.

At this time, there was a knock on the door of Xiao Yi's office.

"Please come in!"

Su Wan pushed open the door and said, "Island Master, there are difficulties in collecting resources on Chaos Star."

"Huh?" Xiao Yi was stunned for a moment, "Didn't it be fine before?"

"According to speculation, the meteorite belt in the chaotic galaxy should have been invaded by the undead, and it has been pushed forward for a certain distance towards the star!" Su Wan explained, "In this way, the original insulation device of the survivors will not be able to protect their spaceship. , and the collector!"

A small star broke into the chaotic galaxy, causing the temperature of the entire galaxy to rise!
(End of this chapter)

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