Chapter 2606 Peers, this is punishment

Jiang Yuntian nodded slightly: "It seems that your guess is correct, but where will this bone soul go?"

"It's probably the position of another planet!" Xiao Yi speculated after a little thought.

According to the previous actions of the bone souls, they have been looking for planets, so the bone souls leave this planet, and there is a high probability that they will go to another planet.

"Island Master, why do you think it is so persistent in finding a planet?" Du Kang asked curiously.

Xiao Yi shook his head: "Maybe just like us, only when they are down-to-earth can they feel at ease!"

Du Kang rolled his eyes: "They don't have a heart at all, what kind of peace of mind do they want!"

Xiao Yi smiled, and then ordered: "Brother Jiang, continue to release spy satellites around you, and don't relax on this planet, Bone Soul may return!"

"Yes!" Jiang Yuntian replied, and then went to arrange the spy satellite.

"Is everyone having supper?" Xiao Yi asked casually.

Du Kang smiled and replied: "No, there are only a few people, and everyone was stimulated by those survivors who broke through."

Xiao Yiwei was startled, then looked at Du Kang with a smile and asked, "What about you?"

"I'm almost reaching the bottleneck, and I have to relax!" Du Kang replied, "Maybe I can really reach the bottleneck after the morning exercise tomorrow morning."

Xiao Yi shook his head helplessly: "Since you're so confident, let's see how you perform tomorrow morning."

"Ahem, I just said it's possible, the last few meters are not so easy!" Du Kang hurriedly explained.

Now Xiao Yi laughed: "I thought you could really make a breakthrough, but it turned out that it was just a joke!"

"Blow it out first, then you will have a chance to realize it!" Du Kang chuckled.

Xiao Yi got up and walked out: "Go ahead, I'll go back and rest first."

"Okay!" Du Kang took the rest of the barbecue away.

Back at the restaurant beside him, Zhu Wu asked, "Is the island owner back?"

"Yeah, even though we are the same age as us, it feels like the routine of the elderly!" Du Kang replied helplessly.

Zhu Wu immediately said: "Stop, I am the same age as you, not me. We have been tossing around for 20 years in the first stage, and you cleared the level in a little over four months. There is more than one age difference between us." .”

"I didn't expect you to be an old man, I can't tell, you can pretend!" Du Kang immediately started the mocking mode.

Zhu Wu gave him a blank look: "Do you think you are very young?"

"I was very young!" Du Kang replied confidently.

"In terms of thick skin, you really haven't lost!" Zhu Wu was helpless, and then decisively changed the subject, "Now the genetic medicine is basically a success, and the next step is to expand production. Why do you think the island owner wants to produce genes for those indigenous people?" Potion? Wouldn’t it be very troublesome if there were a few youngsters with supernatural powers among those natives?”

Du Kang was slightly stunned, then nodded and replied: "There is indeed a hidden danger, but our biggest enemy is obviously the undead. Only when everyone's strength is improved, it will be easier for us to deal with the undead."

Zhu Wu frowned and said, "But there are too many natives, and we can't control them at all."

"It shouldn't be a big problem, as long as most of the aborigines don't get confused, individual aborigines can't make any waves!" Du Kang thought for a while and replied, "Besides, they are not indispensable to our Yiranpin Alliance. What’s missing, if you’re really disobedient, just throw it away!”

Zhu Wu was stunned for a moment, then laughed: "That's true, it's because they can't do without us, it's not that we can't do without them!"

Du Kang raised his glass: "Correct answer!" On Munken, in the space city, the head of the laboratory was reporting to Blue.

"General, there are more than [-] soldiers from the Bilu Fleet captured just now, and we have more than [-] soldiers here. How many people will we use for testing in the next step?" the person in charge asked in a deep voice.

"All the soldiers captured by the island owner were used for testing." Bruce replied without hesitation, "The test data of more than 2 people should be enough for the island owner's deduction machine to deduce!"

The person in charge was slightly taken aback, then nodded.

Since it's a test, it's fine if you don't need your own people. After all, the captured Casso stars are not from the Blue Fleet, so there is no pressure to use them for testing.

And this test is not life-threatening, it just feels uncomfortable for a while, and it will pass after a while!
"Then we're going to test it?" asked the person in charge.

Bruce nodded slightly: "Speak clearly to those soldiers, don't hide it."

"Yes!" The person in charge replied, then turned and left.

The person in charge of the laboratory came to the place where the captives were held and directly broadcast a notice.

"My compatriots, after receiving the notification from above, in order to reward you for your frankness and leniency, we have prepared a genetic medicine for each of you, and we will inject it for you one after another."

Hearing this notice, all the prisoners were stunned for a moment, and then began to discuss.

"Gene medicine? Hasn't this thing been developed yet?"

"Yeah, I heard that General Bru has been experimenting with the Monken Stars before, so why are they using it on us?"

"I don't think this is a reward at all, it's about using us as guinea pigs!"

"Be honest and be lenient, and sit in prison. Sure enough!"

"Oh, who made us captives, captives have no human rights!"

The captains of the two captured warships immediately protested.

"I want to see General Blue, we cooperate so much, why do we have to kill them all!"

The guard looked at the two captains, frowned and replied, "I will pass on your protest, but I don't know if the higher-ups will ignore it!"

As compatriots, the guards couldn't bear to experiment with these people!

The captain of the guard directly found the person in charge of the laboratory who issued the notice, and conveyed the captain's words to him.

"They're all compatriots, it's not appropriate to do this!" The captain of the guard frowned at the person in charge.

The person in charge was stunned for a moment, then smiled and shook his head: "You don't understand the research progress of genetic medicines. For them, injecting genetic medicines is indeed a reward!"

The captain of the guard froze for a moment, then frowned and asked, "Could it be that you have already solved the problem of genetic medicine?"

"That's right, look at the recent experiments, the people in our laboratory were the first to test genetic medicine!" The person in charge called out the recent live broadcast videos, "You play these videos for them to watch Just look at it!"

The captain of the guard turned on the videos suspiciously and began to watch them.

Soon, the guard captain's eyes widened.

"Researchers in the laboratory really tested the medicine themselves?"

(End of this chapter)

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