Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 258 When the night comes, everyone is worried, and the luck of the emperor

Chapter 258 When the night comes, everyone is worried, and the luck of the emperor

"Those natives should not be mistaken about their own homes."

Xiao Yi replied: "Perhaps, we'll find out in three or four hours! You guys have a good rest first, and after three hours, arrange someone to wait for my news in front of the island monument!"


After finishing the chat, Xiao Yi leaned back in the chair, closed his eyes and meditated, and after a while, he called out: "Beastmaster, come in!"

"Roar!" The Beastmaster responded, and then walked into the cabin slowly.

"Wait, if you arrive at your destination, listen to my password and act without making any noise." Xiao Yi said.

The beast king responded with a low growl, and lay down in the cab.

Because he wasn't sure if the time of Bu's feedback was accurate, Xiao Yi didn't plan to take a break, so he turned to Yi Tianqun to see what everyone was talking about.

"The natives came during the day today, but I repelled them. They probably won't come again at night!"

"Then maybe, after repairing my ship during the day, maybe I will come back to sneak attack again at night!"

"It's not over! Is there a way for them to repair their ships at sea?"

"It's not easy to say, just ask the boss, he may know."

After all, Xiao Yi said before that he could understand the language of the indigenous people. Maybe he had tortured the indigenous people on these questions.

Xiao Yi saw that everyone was asking him questions, so he said: "There should be no island monuments on their ships, at least the two ships I met did not."

"Without the island monument, wouldn't it be impossible to repair it in real time? This is good news!"

"That's not necessarily the case. What if they have a superb carpenter and can repair the ship at sea?"

"There is another situation. If they can't fix it in time, in order to ensure that they will not be silent with the ship, they will definitely land on the island forcibly!"

"That's right, if it can't be repaired, it's dead if you stay at sea. It's better to fight before you die, so you might still have a chance to live!"

"Lying grass, you say that, I dare not rest at night!"

"Brother, haven't you found your little partner yet?"

"Oh, I also want to find a partner! But there are no islands nearby! I have already contacted one, but it is a full 1600 kilometers away from me. The boss's yacht has priority in picking up passenger transportation below 1000 kilometers. What do you think I should do?"

"Ask the Zuiqiang clan!"

"Don't talk about asking the Zuiqiang family, they have a longer time. According to the schedule of Zuiqiang's survival, if I use their passenger transport, it will take at least a week before my turn."

"Has no one developed another device that can sail remotely?"

"If someone drives it, it must have started the passenger transport business! Since no one else is in the passenger transport business, then there must be no one!"

"You can't say that, maybe the person with this equipment thinks the sea is too dangerous, and he doesn't want to earn those few cornerstones? If it were me, I would definitely think about this matter, after all, those prehistoric monsters mentioned by the boss are too dangerous. Too scary!"

"That's right, but the boss also said that those prehistoric beasts should be aimed at equipment beyond the current general level, and ships like small boats and medium-sized sailing ships shouldn't have to worry about it."

"You also said that it should be. If it appears, it will be a dead end!"

While discussing team formation and passenger transportation in the Yitian group, Emperor Lintianxia received a report from his subordinates.

"President, Yi Ranpin said that he could understand the language of the indigenous people and said that the indigenous people came for our island monument!" Di Lintianxia nodded and said: "This is within my expectation. The manipulation behind the scenes The attackers will definitely give the natives an excuse to attack us, and the island monument is a very good excuse. Is there any other news?"

"There isn't much other news. It's just that there is a profession called wizards in the indigenous tribes, and those indigenous people all obey the orders of the wizards!"

"Well, you can continue to listen to news in Yi Tian Group!" Di Lintian replied, and then ended the call.

After thinking about it, Di Lintianxia said in his Di Lin group: "How many single-person islands are there in the meeting?"

Originally, there were more than 1000 people in Emperor Lin. After the sneak attack by the indigenous people last night, there are only more than 9000 people still in the group!
"I'm still single!"

"Me too!"

Emperor Lin Qinglong made some statistics in the group, and replied: "President, there are still 6388 single-person islands."

Di Lintianxia frowned and said: "Everyone should get together as soon as possible. No one knows whether the natives will come tonight. It is too difficult for one person to cope with the current situation!"

"We also want to form a team as soon as possible, but the passenger transport of the Mouth Strong family will be scheduled until the Year of the Monkey!"

"Yeah, I registered with the Zuiqiang clan, and it's been six days!"

"I also registered with Yiranpin, but Yiranpin's yacht needs to be charged, and the other party didn't clearly explain when I was waiting."

"Hey, monopoly is arrogance, not even telling you the time, whether you like to sit or not!"

"It would be great if we could provide sailing equipment in our meeting!"

Dilin Tianxia was also a little helpless, even he himself was still alone, and Dilin Qinglong was relatively close to him, only nearly a thousand kilometers away.

But it is very painful to wait in line for the boat!

"I really don't know how they all came up with such perverted items!" Di Lintian muttered and walked out, there was a material box outside that just drifted to the closest distance to his own island.

After catching the material box with a fishing net, I opened it, and there was only a dark angel statue inside, and there were no other materials.

Seeing this statue, Emperor Lintianxia felt a little nervous, and hurriedly took it to the front of the island monument, and finally saw the name and basic attributes of the black statue.

"[Angel Figure] (Grade A): Placed on the ship to reduce the hostility of marine life to the ship."

"Great!" Di Lintian almost jumped up.

He immediately chatted with Emperor Lin Qinglong in private, and said: "Trade me all your things, and we will merge!"

Dilin Qinglong said suspiciously: "But I'm queuing up at the Zuiqiang clan, and it's my turn in two days!"

"Don't wait, I just opened this thing, [Angel Figure] (A-level)." Di Lintian said.

Dilin Qinglong's eyes widened, and he said: "The president is really the chosen one, this thing can be opened!"

"So, you trade the things to me, and I will rent you the medium-sized sailboat! With the additional C-class sails, the speed can be increased by 20%, and you should be able to reach my island in two days!" Emperor Lin Tianxia said excitedly.

"Yes!" Emperor Lin Qinglong responded immediately.

He was also a man who was on tenterhooks all day long. Although no natives came to attack him last night, he couldn't sleep well either!
After trading everything to Dilin Tianxia, ​​Dilin Qinglong immediately drove the medium-sized sailboat to Dilin Tianxia.

(End of this chapter)

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