Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 256: 2 miles away in an instant, the little thoughts of the natives

Chapter 256 Twenty thousand miles away in an instant, the little thoughts of the natives

Seeing that eager tone, Xiao Yi was a little dazed, and replied: "I'm fine, what's wrong? It feels like you guys have discovered some danger!"

Everyone in An Ran who was standing in front of the island monument heaved a sigh of relief when they saw Xiao Yi's reply.

"We're scared to death, just look at the map!" An Ran sent a video and said.

Xiao Yi switched to the map interface in doubt, and stayed there completely.

The map interface shows that his current location is more than 2 kilometers away from his own island!

When Xiao Yi set out, he took a micro locator with him so that when he arrived at the indigenous island, he would know the specific location of the indigenous island!

An Ran just wanted to see how far Xiao Yi had driven, but she almost died of fright when she opened the map.

It was less than [-] kilometers before, but it suddenly became [-] kilometers.

At that time, she thought that Xiao Yi had met those powerful prehistoric creatures, who swallowed them and took them [-] kilometers away.

That's why she eagerly sent several messages in succession.

Xiao Yi pondered for a while, and he could conclude that it must be the storm just now and the effect of the compass magnet that made them run thousands of miles away in an instant!
"I probably guessed what was going on. It should be the function of the compass magnet, but the specific situation is not very clear!" Xiao Yi roughly explained.

An Ran and the others were confused.

Seeing their confused faces, Xiao Yi said, "Forget it, I'll talk to you guys after I figure it out!"

Everyone nodded.

"By the way, have the residences of the natives been arranged?" Xiao Yi asked.

Anyue nodded and said, "It's been arranged. Now that the contract has been signed, I'll let them live in the farmhouse nearby."

"Well, yes, but be careful to remind them not to mess around!" Xiao Yi said.

These indigenous people must deal with diarrhea anywhere. Xiao Yi didn't want to live with them for a while and the whole house turned into a hut!

"Don't worry, I've already trained them!" Anyue replied with a smile.

Xiao Yi nodded and said, "Help me prepare some food. There was a storm just now, and many people vomited!"

"Okay!" Su Wan replied, and then walked away.

"Everyone go to rest. You don't have to stay here. If you can't sleep, go to the basement to play for a while." Xiao Yi said.

"Okay, just take care of yourself, we don't need you to worry about us on the island!" An Ran said.

Xiao Yi nodded, and then ended the call.

"Bu!" Xiao Yi shouted.

Bu rushed in from the outside immediately and said, "My lord, what's the matter?"

"When you went to my island, how many times did you encounter storms?" Xiao Yi asked.

"Four times." Boo replied.

Xiao Yi frowned and said, "Does that mean there will be three transitions in the storm?"

This kind of going from one location directly through space to another location is especially like a transition.

For Bu, this word seemed a little too profound, and he couldn't understand it at all.

Xiao Yi waved his hand to let Bu back down, and then secretly calculated.

"Twenty thousand kilometers once, what about the four times? Is this indigenous island [-] kilometers away from my island?" This distance is really too far, and now Xiao Yi is a little worried about the return trip.

If this kind of compass magnet can only be used once and for all, wouldn't he really want to drive the boat across the [-] kilometers?
Xiao Yi shook his head, he could only take one step at a time, and now it seemed too late to turn around, more than 2 kilometers was far enough!
Soon, Su Wan made a bunch of grilled fish and sent them over.

Xiao Yi handed the grilled fish to Bu, and said, "I saw everyone spit out their dinner just now, let them use this pad to pad their stomachs when they take it easy."

"Thank you sir!" Boo replied gratefully.

Those companions who were vomiting to death just now were all saying they were hungry, but now Xiao Yi unexpectedly prepared food for them.

Boo felt that the man was as powerful as the wizard, but treated them much better than the wizard.

The sorcerer looked superior and would only let them do their work, and let him occupy any good in the tribe.

Even his favorite female native was snatched away by a wizard!

Bu secretly made up his mind that he must find a way to follow Xiao Yi, and he no longer wants to stay in his tribe!
When the other natives saw that Bu had brought a lot of grilled fish and some lettuce, they immediately gathered around.

"This is the food specially prepared for us by our lord when he saw that we were vomiting so much. Your lord has been so kind to us, so everyone should repay the favor!" Bu said, looking at the surrounding natives.

"We must follow the orders of the adults and absolutely execute them!"

"I will follow the adults from now on!"

"What about the wizards in the tribe?"

"What should I do? My lord is so powerful, the wizard must not be his opponent!"

"Yes, how about letting your lord be the wizard of our tribe in the future?"

Hearing this proposal, Bu's eyes lit up, and he said, "This is a good idea. I'll discuss it with your lord later! Fill your stomach first, and let's sail!"

"Yes!" the crowd responded.

Xiao Yi opened Yi Tianqun again to see how many survivors were lost in this wave of indigenous attacks!
When Yitian Group was first established, the number of people was about 20, but now the total number of Yitian Group is more than 17!
In other words, nearly 3 people died in this wave of indigenous attacks.

To be more precise, there should be nearly [-] survivors on the island that were conquered by the indigenous people.

The death toll could be much higher and there could be more than one person on an island!
"My companion has disappeared from my friend list!"

"One of mine disappeared too!"

"Do you say that these disappeared people are still alive?"

"It's difficult. According to the existing information, the two sides have no way to communicate. Even if they surrender, they may be considered by the other party as an attack!"

"Yeah, the culture is completely different. We raise our hands to surrender. They may be a sign of attack here. Not being able to communicate is the most painful thing!"

"This Gou Ri's world rules, do you dare to let us communicate?"

"Even if you can communicate with the other party, can you survive? I don't think so. If they want your island monument, it is most convenient to kill you!"

"Yeah, facing a group of barbarians, you still want to engage in negotiation! It's useless!"

"Yes, this situation depends on force. As long as you are strong enough, you can handle them. If you are not strong, then they will handle it!"

Xiao Yi thought for a moment and said, "Those natives just want our island monument!"

"Boss has appeared, how do you know they want our island monument?"

"Yes, yes, did the boss capture those natives and torture them out?"

(End of this chapter)

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