Chapter 2558 Don't use it for now, use mine
"I'll emphasize it again, follow the big brother, there is meat to eat!"

"Made, I won't pretend to be smart anymore, I still have to do what the boss asks!"

"Survivors who didn't fight against the undead this time are really at a loss!"

"It seems that having the blessing of the boss is not a good thing, it will make everyone less proactive!"

"Yeah, if Yiranpin is here with us, I can't help but hide in the space of the independent planet, after all, it's very safe there."

"As the island monument says, we need to be more active in resisting the undead."

At this moment, Xiao Yi had no interest in paying attention to the discussions of other survivors, but looked at the rewards that had been delivered to him.

The improvement of the level of the technological items he owns has completed the evolution from the first-level civilization to the second-level civilization in an instant.

The imperfect Dyson ball structure he took out has also been upgraded and turned into an ordinary Dyson ball structure.

The ability to capture stellar energy has come to 50%.

Various other equipment and weapons have been upgraded to the second level of civilization.

And the ten-fold speed-up card for cultivation was in Xiao Yi's hand. Looking at the speed-up card in his hand, he thought to himself, "It's a pity that there is no quadruple harvest state!"

As long as it passes through his hands, even if it is traded out, it will not be able to enjoy the bonus of quadruple harvest after waiting for the quadruple state to trade back.

But fortunately, everyone else has obtained the cultivation acceleration card, and he still has the opportunity to expand the benefits of the alliance members.

Thinking of this, Xiao Yi immediately sent a message in the alliance's internal group.

"Don't use the cultivation accelerator cards you have harvested!"

Seeing Xiao Yi's news, everyone was stunned.

Du Kang was the first to ask: "Island Master, why don't you let us use such a good thing? We can quickly improve our personal strength by using this thing!"

"It's precisely because it's a good thing that we need to make the most of it!" Xiao Yi replied, "Do you want to use only this one, or four?"

Xiao Yi had already reminded this point, and everyone immediately reacted.

"That's right, the island owner has a quadruple harvest status, and when one card becomes four, it will be amazing!" Du Kang exclaimed excitedly.

The rest of the people responded one after another.

Zhu Wu suggested: "It's better to leave it to the logistics. When the island owner is in quadruple state, let's trade it to the island owner together!"

"Okay, I will hand over the accelerator card to Du Kang."

Everyone handed over the cultivation acceleration cards they had just harvested to Du Kang.

Jiebi hesitated, and said: "Island owner, I want to improve my mental power as soon as possible so that I can pass the first six waves of wild monsters in the trial space faster. Can we use three cards first?"

The three of Jiebi are the fortified team of the trial space, so they need these practice accelerator cards more urgently.

Xiao Yi shook his head: "Your accelerator cards must also be handed in!"

Jiebi was a little disappointed, but Xiao Yi's next words made his eyes widen.

"Use the accelerator card in my hand first."

You must know that the accelerator card in Xiao Yi's hand is ten times faster, stronger than theirs!

If you use the concept of a game to understand, everyone else has double experience, triple experience and five times experience, but Xiao Yi has ten times experience!
"Island owner, this is your reward, isn't it a bit of a waste to use it for us?" Jiebi said with a frown.

Xiao Yi replied with a smile: "As long as it's valuable to use, it's not considered wasteful."

"Thank you, island owner!" the three of them said in unison.Xiao Yi handed his accelerator card to Jie Ji and asked them to use it first.

"There is only one accelerator card now, you take turns to use it first!"

"Yes, Island Master!" Jiebi replied.

Jiebi returned to the training room with the ten-fold accelerator card.

"Let's rotate it every two hours!" Jiebi thought for a while and said, "I'll use it first, Bai Qi is second, and Li Xiang is third."

Bai Qi and Li Xiang nodded in unison.

Jiebi immediately activated the accelerator card, and various runes suddenly appeared under his feet. In order not to waste the time of ten times acceleration, he immediately started to practice.

After entering the state of cultivation, Jiebi obviously felt that the speed of his exercises has become much faster!
And this acceleration does not endanger itself at all.

The other survivors also used the cultivation accelerator card immediately and began to practice.

In terms of technology, it is impossible to surpass the Yiranpin Alliance, which was forcibly upgraded to the second-level civilization, but there should be a chance in terms of cultivation!

This is the thought of all survivors. Of course, it is not to surpass Yi Ranpin, but to surpass other survivors in the alliance.

In the Domire galaxy, on Ji's spaceship, Ji Batian looked at the three-times cultivation accelerator card he had just harvested, and began to think.

"Zhentian, I want to use all these accelerator cards for Jiying." Ji Batian thought for a long time, and said, "Now that Yiranpin has ten times the accelerator card, it is too difficult for Jiying to get closer to him. Already!"

Ji Zhentian nodded slightly: "Well, I have no objection, I am already very happy to be awakened."

"Then it's settled!" Ji Batian said in a deep voice, then handed the two triple acceleration cards in his hand to Ji Jiying, and urged, "Come on!"

Ji Jiying was not polite either, but responded: "Okay, thank you Dad, thank you Second Uncle!"

"We're all a family, so don't be so polite!" Ji Zhentian replied with a smile.

Ji Jiying nodded, and took the accelerator card and walked to his room. He wanted to start practicing immediately, and he couldn't live up to the expectations of his relatives.

At this time, some survivors who have already used the accelerator card and stopped are describing the feeling of using the accelerator card in the public chat room.

"This accelerator card is amazing. After using it, the speed of cultivation is much faster than before, and I dare not use it anymore!"

"Isn't it fast? Why don't you dare to use it? Does this speed have sequelae?"

"I'm worried that if I get used to this speed, how can I bear the snail-like speed when I run out!"

"Yeah, after using the accelerator card, it feels like I'm on a high speed!"

"Made, I really want to experience the feeling of going on a high speed!"

"Who told you to hide in the space of the independent planet? Look at the boss. The space of the independent planet is his own. He didn't even hide in it. Don't you understand?"

"I don't think the boss is taking care of the overall situation. In order to prevent the undead from invading our galaxy, that's why he stopped the undead outside!"

"Yeah, who would have thought that there would be rewards for blocking the undead?"

"You said, did the boss know from the beginning that there would be this reward?"

"It shouldn't be so. If the boss knows this information, he should not call us out to fight, but pull us out to fight!"

At this time, Su Wan immediately clarified in the public chat room.

(End of this chapter)

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