Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 2546 Hard against the attack of the bone king, 3 series of supernatural beings

Chapter 2546: Resisting the attack of the Bone King, three series of superpowers

Jiang Yuntian also came to his senses at this time, he knew that rushing over now would have no effect other than burdening Xiao Yi.

"Zhu Wu, withdraw immediately and take precautions!" Jiang Yuntian ordered in a deep voice.

"But the island owner." Zhu Wu hesitated for a moment, but finally responded, "Yes!"

Just now subconsciously rushed over, just because Xiao Yi is too important, anyone can die, but he can't.

After being stopped by Jiang Yuntian, Zhu Wu immediately understood that it was useless for him to rush over like this, and he might drag Xiao Yi down.

So he gritted his teeth and turned his head back.

But Jiang Yuntian didn't go back directly. The mecha on his body was still good. When the Bone King released his big move just now, he was still outside the attack range.

With its own abilities, the mecha should still be able to protect itself, and even help Xiao Yi block the knife at critical moments.

Xiao Yi was already within [-] meters of the Bone King, and there were more skeletons around, and they frantically blocked Xiao Yi's progress.

But at this moment, the Bone King struck again, and a mental attack came straight at Xiao Yi.

Because Dili suddenly fell into a coma before, Xiao Yi was always on guard against Bone King's mental attack.

A powerful mental force condensed into an arrow and flew straight to his mind.

The mecha on his body was already paralyzed, and the bio-aerospace suit could only maintain basic life support functions, so Xiao Yi could only defend against this attack by himself.

With a slight movement of his mind, his spiritual power condensed into shields in front of him.

But the spiritual arrow of the Bone King easily broke through his own spiritual shield.

Xiao Yi didn't even have time to be shocked, and immediately contracted all his mental power to defend his spiritual core!
Shrinking the defense like this, the Bone King's spiritual arrow entered Xiao Yi's sea of ​​knowledge like no one's land, and Xiao Yi immediately felt a splitting headache!

Xiao Yi gritted his teeth and persisted, while holding on to his spiritual core, he continued to advance towards the Bone King!

The spiritual arrow hit Xiao Yi's spiritual core, and Xiao Yi's defense was immediately broken!


Xiao Yi snorted, his face pale!

But fortunately it was blocked.

Bone King looked at Xiao Yi who was still approaching him in shock: "How is this possible?"

It could clearly sense that Xiao Yi was only a second-level supernatural being, only at the peak state of the second level, but his mental power had already reached the third level.

Although the Bone King had just released his big move, it was not something a second-level power user could compete with!
But the survivor in front of him actually resisted his attack, and kept getting closer to him!
After being shocked, Bone King felt that his majesty had been challenged.

"Do you think you can hurt me by getting close to me? How naive! I want to see how many mental shocks you can resist!" Bone King said coldly.

At this moment, Xiao Yi had come within 50 meters of the Bone King. He immediately used the time ability, and time stood still!
At the same time, it released the light-type ability that restrains the undead, the arrow of light!

At this moment, Jiang Yuntian, who was following Xiao Yi, also attacked the Bone King with a tacit understanding!

The communicator on Xiao Yi's side was damaged, so the two of them couldn't communicate at all.

Just as Bone King was about to condense a spiritual arrow, he suddenly found that his movements had slowed down!

Then a turmoil arose in its heart: "There is actually a second time-based superpower, and it is even more powerful than the previous one!" Looking at the bright aura flying towards him that made him extremely disgusted, the Bone King was even more excited. Shock.

"In the Yiranpin Alliance, there are even light-type supernatural beings!"

But in the next moment, the Bone King realized that there was only one survivor in front of him!
Could it be that this Survivor is a dual-element supernatural being of time and light?
No, there is also a gold system. Is this a three-line superhuman?

Under the skill of standing still, Bone King's thinking slowed down.

The arrow of light quickly crossed a distance of 50 meters, and it was about to hit the bone king, who struggled frantically!
It uses its own powerful mental power to resist the force field generated by the time system ability.

The moment before the arrow of light hit the bone king's head, the bone king turned his head, and the arrow of light hit its side face.

Directly smashed its profile!

When did the Bone King suffer such an injury, it screamed angrily, but sound cannot be transmitted in a vacuum, unless it uses mental power to roar, otherwise, no one can hear it.

Just as he roared, a laser flew over immediately.

Bone King hastily lowered his head slightly!

The crown on its head was directly shattered by the laser and fell down.

This laser almost hit its soul fire!
Just when it was still dead, a shield beside Xiao Yi directly turned into dense needles and flew towards the Bone King.

At the same time, Xiao Yi exhausted his last bit of mental power, and once again cast the ability of freezing time.

Bone King once again found himself trapped in the force field of the time-based ability.

This time it was a little panicked. The supernatural being in front of him was very difficult to deal with. If he hadn't released that big move before, the survivor in front of him would not be worth mentioning.

But there are no ifs here!
Bone King looked at the flying metal needle, and it felt the threat of death.

It no longer cared about its arrogance and elegance, and frantically summoned its little brother to block those metal needles!

And Bone King struggled hard, trying to break free from the control of this time-based ability!

Just now Xiao Yi used the time-based ability again, and it was a little scared. It didn't know if Xiao Yi would have more mental power to continue using the time-based ability.

The time-based ability is too difficult to defend, and it takes a lot of mental power to break free from the control of the time-based ability.

What's more, there is a survivor with a black gun behind him. Since the survivor dares to rush out, it must not be easy!
Seeing the surrounding undead rushing towards him again, Xiao Yi knew that the Bone King was afraid, so he decisively took out a box and threw it in the direction of the Bone King.

At the same time, Xiao Yi gestured to Jiang Yuntian who was behind him, and Jiang Yuntian didn't hesitate, and retreated directly.

After Xiao Yi threw out the box, he immediately opened the No. [-] independent planet space and got in, and the surrounding undead people also got in.

After Xiao Yi entered space No. [-], he decisively closed the wormhole.

As for the box that Xiao Yi threw out, the undead people surrounding it immediately blocked it and destroyed it.

When the Bone King saw the box, he felt his soul fire tremble, and he hurriedly issued an order: "No."

It didn't finish its words at all, it just disappeared!
Also disappeared, and the dense crowd of undead people around!
At the same time, huge energy was released, and the undead within ten kilometers nearby were directly burned to death by the high temperature.

The undead who were ten kilometers away were also burned by the high temperature.

(End of this chapter)

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