Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 2541 Isolation from high temperature, siege, very strong

Chapter 2541 Isolation from high temperature, siege, very strong
"Yes!" Jiang Yuntian turned and left to deliver Xiao Yi's order.

After receiving this order, the survivors reacted.

"So many attacks landed on the dark web are useless?"

"Yeah, the defense of this black net is too strong!"

"No attack even penetrated the black net, this defense is a bit exaggerated!"

"Why did the Yiranpin Alliance suddenly issue such an order? Although we can't break through the defense of the black net, the undead don't dare to approach us, right?"

"Yes, the temperature of the stars is so high, they must not dare to approach!"

But at this time, some survivors have realized the possible purpose of the undead.

"I know, the black net of the undead is used to block the high temperature of the stars!"

"Huh? Can the black net block the high temperature? Don't be kidding!"

"He's not joking, it should be like this, if it's just to surround and trap us, there is no need for such a big net!"

"Yes, the Yiranpin Alliance has clearly seen through the intentions of the undead, and that's why they let us attack the black net. After the attack was fruitless, the boss knew that the undead were going to attack, so he let us prepare to fight."

"That said, everything seems to make sense."

"Is this black net so strong?"

"Our laser beam is actually a kind of energy. Since the black net can completely block the energy, the high temperature of the star cannot pass through either."

"No way, the temperature of stars is much higher than the energy generated by our lasers. Can the black net really withstand such high temperatures?"

"The boss has issued this order, and it should be possible in all likelihood!"

"It's not supposed to be possible, but it is definitely possible. Everyone can pay attention to the temperature outside. It has slowly dropped now."

"Lying on the grass, it really is!"

"The undead have also started to move!"

"Made, get ready for hand-to-hand combat, the laser shield is on!"

Xiao Yi also noticed a drop in the outside temperature.

"Island Master, should we move closer to the stars?" The soldier who had been monitoring the outside temperature suggested.

Xiao Yi shook his head: "No, if we continue to get closer to the stars, we will get closer to the black net. If the undead turn back and surround us with the black net, then we are equivalent to throwing ourselves into the net! "

The soldier froze for a moment and nodded.

Xiao Yi paused, and continued: "Even if the undead don't surround us with black nets, they can also remove the black nets directly. Our thermal insulation device can't withstand the close-range scorching of stars."

"Island Master, I understand!" The soldier nodded.

Jiang Yuntian frowned and looked at the image fed back by the spy satellite, and said: "Island Master, the black net has not stopped, and is still moving towards the stars. It seems that your speculation is correct. The original target of the undead is the stars of various galaxies. !"

Xiao Yi nodded slightly: "We can't care about the black net now, the undead army has rushed over!"

As the outside temperature dropped, the undead army rushed towards them again!

Jiang Yuntian nodded: "Our team is ready!" "Well, we must not let the undead approach the wormhole in our second space!" Xiao Yi emphasized again.

The wormhole in the independent planetary space is their way out, and there is absolutely no room for loss.

"Yes, I will personally lead the team to guard the wormhole!" Jiang Yuntian replied in a deep voice, then turned and left.

The speed of the undead army was very fast. In less than a minute, the undead army ran into the team of survivors.

Survivors have already opened the one-time laser shield, and the undead collided with the shield and were immediately torn apart by the interlaced lasers.

"These survivors still have the courage to resist our army. It seems that the Yiranpin Alliance has given them some inexplicable confidence!" Bone King said in surprise as he watched the survivors block their army with their defensive shields .

During the last large-scale invasion, the survivors only knew how to run when they saw them.

"With the size of our army, their energy will soon be exhausted. Their resistance is just to delay some time, which is meaningless!" The black robe on the side said indifferently.

Bone King nodded slightly: "Well, let's see how long they can last!"

Speaking of this, Bone King suddenly thought that it seemed to have said the same thing before.

"Have all the survivors surrounded by our team been dealt with?" Bone King asked.

Heipao was stunned for a moment, and then replied: "I'll go and confirm it now!"

Survivors from the Ford galaxy were the first to be surrounded by the undead. At this time, he was still standing strong, and the undead team was firmly blocked by the disposable laser shield.

"What? Our team hasn't been able to break through the survivor's defense yet?" Heipao was stunned when he got the news.

You must know that it has been a full six hours since the survivors in the Naford galaxy were besieged by the undead.

When they invaded last time, the average survival time of the survivors was only three hours!

"Maybe this is an accident!" Thinking so, the black robe asked about the situation of other survivors who were besieged by them in the nearby galaxies.

After learning that all the besieged survivors were still standing strong, the black robe immediately realized something was wrong.

It is a special case and an accident that a person can persist for more than three hours, but all survivors are like this, so it is different.

The black robe hurried back to King Bone, and Gong Shenghui reported: "King, so far, in the three nearby galaxies, our team has not broken through the defense shields of any survivors!"

"What?" Hearing this, Bone King was also surprised.

"Their energy seems to be sufficient, and the defensive shield has not disappeared!" The black robe replied in a deep voice, "According to the news from the bone soul, this situation is most likely due to the Yiranpin Alliance!"

The Bone King looked at the Yiranpin Alliance, which had been surrounded by the undead army, and said with a frown, "I underestimated the Yiranpin Alliance, you all go there too, and get rid of them as soon as possible, I will continue to control the dark sky. "

"Yes!" The black robe responded with a bow, then turned and left.

From various positions in the undead army, many undead in black robes jumped out, gathered together, and rushed to the position of the Yiranpin Alliance.

At this time, the undead army had completely occupied this space, and the spy satellites of the Yiranpin Alliance had been taken back, so Xiao Yi and the others didn't know what happened outside.

Survivors who were blocking the undead outside saw that the undead could not break through the defensive shield, so they slowly relaxed.

"The same goes for the undead. They can't break through our defensive shield at all. I thought it would be so powerful!"

(End of this chapter)

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