Chapter 2536 Locate Xiao Yi, hit him head-on, pretend
Now that the decision has been made, Qixing immediately contacted the bone soul with the island tablet.

"Elder Bone Soul, we just got a locator here, which can locate a survivor's location in real time. I wonder if you are interested in this thing?"

When Bone Soul saw the news, he immediately replied: "I'm really interested, how about helping us locate Yi Ranpin?"

"It's definitely not a problem to help you, but what can we gain?" Qixing replied with a smile.

"Eliminate the Yiranpin Alliance, and all their technologies belong to you!" Bone Soul said, "You should also see that we are not interested in those technologies at all."

Qixing nodded slightly: "Okay, then it's a deal!"

"It's a deal!" Bone Soul replied, "It's not too late, let's share the real-time location of Yiranpin now!"

Qixing immediately activated the locator and entered the ID of the person he wanted to locate, Yi Ranpin.

Soon, the location of Yi Ranpin appeared on the map, and Qixing shared it with Bone Soul.

After receiving Yi Ranpin's location, Bone Soul immediately reported to Bone King: "Please tell the king, I have obtained Yi Ranpin's real-time location here, and we can locate him in real time for an hour. Do you want to arrange a team?" Go to kill?"

When Bone King received this news, he was slightly taken aback, and then said: "Okay, share the location, and I will lead the team personally!"

"Yes!" Bone Soul immediately shared Yi Ranpin's real-time location.

The Bone King asked the pilot to park the spaceship in the undead army, and then used the undead that appeared constantly to push the spaceship forward.

After knowing Xiao Yi's location, the movement speed of the undead army became faster again!
Jiang Yuntian, who was harassing the undead on the front line, immediately discovered this!
"Island Master, there is a change in the undead, and their movement speed has become much faster!" Jiang Yuntian immediately sent a message to Xiao Yi, "And the team facing our alliance headquarters is moving faster!"

Hearing the news, Xiao Yi was stunned for a moment: "Why did you suddenly speed up again? The team facing the alliance is faster? Did you find the position of our alliance?"

"I'm not sure yet, let's prepare to fight!" Jiang Yuntian shook his head and replied.

"Well, I will move the location of the headquarters to test whether the undead have really found our location!" Xiao Yi responded.

After finishing the call, Xiao Yi immediately ordered the space city to move.

After driving at full speed for 10 minutes, Xiao Yi sent Jiang Yuntian the trajectory of his movement, and asked, "Do the undead have any corresponding movements?"

"Yes, the fastest-moving part of the team has been following your movement trajectory, and they can know our real-time location!" Jiang Yuntian said in surprise.

Xiao Yi frowned: "If the undead had this ability from the beginning, then there's no need for them to use it until now."

"You mean, they were able to find our real-time location with the help of other people?" Jiang Yuntian immediately understood what Xiao Yi meant.

"Yes!" Xiao Yi said in a deep voice, "It is estimated that those survivors captured by the undead have harvested props that can locate our location!"

Jiang Yuntian nodded slightly: "Then what shall we do next?"

"You guys come back first! It is estimated that the confrontation between us and the undead will be staged ahead of time!" Xiao Yi replied.


Xiao Yi also thought about hiding directly in the space of the independent planet, but they couldn't hide forever, and it would be very troublesome if they were surrounded by undead when they came out.

He simply didn't hide and went straight to work. He still has a lot of disposable laser net shields in his hand, so it should be safe!
Jiang Yuntian led the team to retreat to the back, then opened the No. [-] space wormhole, got in, and then closed the wormhole.

Xiao Yi waited for a while and opened the wormhole in Space No. [-]. Jiang Yuntian flew out in a spaceship and came to the headquarters office. "Island owner, let's continue flying to the star and find an environment that is conducive to us!" Jiang Yuntian suggested.

"Well, we've already flown to the stars again!" Xiao Yi nodded slightly.

Bone King is also paying attention to Yi Ranpin's trajectory, seeing that Yi Ranpin has shifted for a while, it sneers and says: "It seems that they should already know that their position has been exposed!"

The black robe on the side nodded: "It should be, but he is flying directly to the star now, probably because he wants to use the high temperature of the star to resist us!"

Hearing this, Bone King laughed: "Jie Jie, let's give them a surprise then!"

After 10 minutes, Space City came to the closest position to the star that the insulation device could withstand!

"Are we just waiting for them now?" Du Kang walked over and asked.

Jiang Yuntian looked at the image fed back from the spy satellite ahead on the screen, and said, "The team with the fastest speed will come to us in about 10 minutes!"

Xiao Yi nodded slightly, and then suddenly ordered: "The city of space enters the second space!"

Jiang Yuntian was stunned for a moment: "Didn't you mean to fight them head-on? Now hide in, and when we come out, they will already be there, and it will be very troublesome for us to come out!"

"Let's use the independent space to shake them for a while!" Xiao Yi replied in a deep voice.

"Fake?" Jiang Yuntian looked at Xiao Yi suspiciously.

Xiao Yi explained: "The other party is most likely to locate my location. After we enter the independent space, the other party's location should be gone. Then I will first teleport to the wheat head galaxy, wait for 10 minutes, and then teleport back. Anyway Idle is idle, let's see their reaction!"

Jiang Yuntian nodded.

The driver of the space city immediately controlled the space city and entered the space of the second independent planet.

After entering the No. [-] space, Xiao Yi immediately closed the wormhole.

Xiao Yi's coordinates on the map of the island monument on the undead side suddenly disappeared!
"What's going on?" Bone King was stunned for a moment, and asked in a deep voice.

"I'm contacting Bone Soul!" The black robe at the side responded respectfully.

Bone Soul is asking Qixing at this time: "What's going on, why did Yi Ranpin's coordinates disappear?"

Qixing immediately replied: "My side shows that the positioning target is no longer on the plane! I guess it should have entered the space of the independent planet they mentioned!"

Bone Soul nodded slightly, and immediately reported the news to Bone King.

Bone King was slightly surprised: "He actually has an independent space in his hands? It seems that the Yiranpin Alliance must be won. There are really many good things in this alliance!"

"My lord, shall we proceed in the original direction?" asked the black robe beside him.

"Go in the original direction!" Bone Soul replied.

At this moment, Xiao Yi's coordinates appeared again!
"How did this Yi Ranpin go to other galaxies?" Heipao pointed to the coordinates displayed on the map again, and said in shock.

(End of this chapter)

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