Chapter 2509 Arrive at the destination and clean up the swarm
Ji Jiying smiled confidently: "Dad, you may surpass me in other things, but in terms of cultivation, you are too far behind!"

"Then try it!" Ji Batian replied with a smile.

"Just try it!" Ji Jiying said unconvinced.

At this time, in the dinosaur galaxy, the bone soul of the undead elder who left the meteorite area with the help of the meteorite rain has come to the vicinity of a planet.

"Elder, is this the planet?" The survivor captive asked cautiously.

After Xiao Yi dropped a portal, Bone Soul was in a bad mood.

"That's it!" Bone Soul replied.

"Then shall we land immediately?"

Bone Soul shook his head: "We need to find a favorable position to land! Fly at low altitude first!"


The survivor captive immediately drove the spaceship to the surface of the planet.

This is a terrestrial planet, but there is no atmosphere, so the Zerg on it are dormant.

When the spaceship with the island stele approached the planet, the dormant bugs immediately woke up and opened their teeth and claws at the three spaceships.

"Keep the altitude and search for a location without Zerg!" Bone Soul ordered.


But to Bone Soul's disappointment, he searched around and couldn't find such a location.

The planet is full of bugs!

"Elder, there is no place to stay!" The Survivor Prisoner reported, "And because of our search, those bugs have awakened from dormancy!"

Bone Soul nodded slightly, and ordered: "Don't look for it, just land here!"

"Just land here? There are bugs all over the place!"

"What? Are you questioning my decision?" Bone Soul looked at the survivor captive and asked.

The survivor tensed his chrysanthemum, and hurriedly responded: "Don't dare!"

"Land immediately if you don't dare!" Bone Soul's tone was cold.

The survivor hurriedly controlled the spaceship to land on the surface of the planet!

When they were about ten meters close to the ground, those bugs had already climbed up by stacking Arhats!

"Hover, open the hatch!" Bone Soul ordered.


The captured survivors had already put on their space suits, and opening the hatch would not affect them.

After the hatch was opened, the skeletons on the spaceship rushed out immediately, attacking the bugs approaching the spaceship!
The skeleton's attack is simple and rude, it uses its own hard finger bones to tear apart the insect's defense!
The Zerg destroy the skeleton's body by gnawing!

Although the body of the skeleton has been turned into dark gold, the Zerg can destroy the hull of a spaceship made of dark gold and cornerstones, so these skeletons are naturally no problem!
Seeing that the skeletons that rushed out were shattered by insect bites, the survivors were extremely worried.

It's not that I'm worried that these skeletons will die, but I'm worried that I will be drowned in the swarm!
The attack of those skeletons is really strong, but there are too many bugs!
"Elder, shall we retreat first?" A survivor couldn't help but suggest.

Bone Soul snorted coldly, and the Survivor immediately screamed with his head in his arms!


The survivor's tone was full of pain!

Obviously, the bone soul used a mental attack on him, and the spiritual world of these survivors has a contract signed by the bone soul.

Bone Soul only needs a thought to make their life worse than death!
"Elder, spare your life!" The survivor hurriedly begged for mercy, holding his head.

"Next time you dare to talk too much, you will die!" Bone Soul said coldly, and then stopped the mental attack.The survivor was covered in sweat and hurriedly knelt down and replied: "Thank you, elder, for your kindness. I will never dare to talk again in the future!"

Bone Soul walked to the hatch, stretched out his arms, and seemed to be singing something!
I saw those skeletons that had been gnawed by insects recovered, and at the same time, the skeletons of insects killed by the skeletons also stood up and rushed towards their companions just now.

Those survivors were shocked when they saw this scene!
"No wonder the elder dared to land here!"

"The undead are too scary, and they can still recover?"

"More than that, the enemy's corpse can also be used again to become one's own soldiers. The undead are too difficult to fight!"

Those survivors began to discuss in a low voice behind.

Although the bone soul heard it, it didn't care. It was still restoring its own skeletons and using the corpses of those bugs!

But soon those survivors realized something was wrong.

"Look, those bug skeletons seem very brittle?"

"Yeah, the Zerg can bite to pieces, it seems that the fighting power is very weak!"

"How could this be? Those bug skeletons are much weaker than the previous ones!"

"I see, look carefully, the previous skeleton soldiers are still different from bug skeletons!"

"Yeah, the skeletons of those bug skeletons seem to be a little whitish?"

"Yes, this should be the reason why the undead have to hide in the meteorite to complete the dark gold transformation when they come over!"

"They cannot survive in this vacuum until the dark gold is completed."

"So that's the case. The skeletons of these bugs don't have time to turn into dark gold. However, there seems to be no problem. Those bug skeletons themselves are cannon fodder, and it's enough to block the skeleton soldiers for a while!"

Indeed, as these survivors said, the bone soul really only used those bug skeletons to block the attack of the Zerg, and the main attackers were the skeleton soldiers brought by themselves.

As the skeleton soldiers killed more and more bugs, those brittle bug skeletons also began to show their power.

This is exactly the same as the Zerg's tactics, which is to use the crowd tactics to pile up.

One bug skeleton can't beat one bug, what about the two?What about ten?Or even a hundred?
This is not an exaggeration at all, as the battle continues, there will be more and more bug skeletons!
It is still very possible to form a quantitative advantage locally.

Under the watchful eyes of those survivors and captives, the advantage of the undead gradually expanded.

There were no more bugs under the spaceship, and it was blocked out of a certain range by skeleton soldiers and bug skeletons.

"Continue to land!" Bone Soul ordered.

The pilot immediately controlled the spaceship to land on the ground.

Soon, the spaceship landed on the surface of the planet, and the bone soul went out to continue expanding its territory.

"Is the elder planning to occupy this planet?"

"Maybe it is true, I guess this is the base camp of the undead!"

"Well, although the meteorite area is not small, each meteorite is not big enough, so the elders are constantly hoping to get out!"

"It must be so!"

It took Bone Soul three hours to clean it up, clearing out a space with a radius of about five kilometers before it came back.

"Drive the spaceship to the edge!" Bone Soul ordered in a deep voice.


The pilot immediately drove the spaceship to the edge of the space cleared by the undead.

Bone Soul did not leave with the spaceship, but stood in the middle.

(End of this chapter)

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