Chapter 2495 Announcing the decision
Sensing Xiao Yi's intentions, Sun Hong frowned slightly.

If Xiao Yi really planned to save the Ka Suo star, how would he face his brothers.

Jiang Yuntian said: "Some people will pay the price for this matter, but not all Ka Suo people!"

Sun Hong is not stupid, he naturally knows that the Ka Suo people must be of great value, after all, they are a second-level civilization.

"My lord, we dare not question your decision. Sun Tiao must be the culprit, and death by a thousand swords is not wronged, but the Ka Suo people have hurt us too much!" Sun Hong knelt down again, ready to continue fighting for execution Those Casso stars.

"Get up, Brother Jiang, talk to him about the stakes." Xiao Yi ordered.

Jiang Yuntian nodded slightly, and then shared all the information with Sun Hong.

Sun Hong was originally one of his own, but Xiao Yi basically didn't use the power of charm to control him, he was no different from a free man, that's why he raised objections to Xiao Yi's decision.

After listening to Jiang Yuntian's explanation, Sun Hong was stunned.

Especially when they heard that the genetic medicine studied by Casso Star could quickly improve their physical fitness to above S level, Sun Xun's eyes lit up.

As a fighter, improving one's own strength is the greatest temptation.

At that time, Sun Hong chose to stay in the chaotic galaxy mainly to improve his physical fitness and become a supernatural being.

Sun Hong sighed slightly, and said helplessly, "I understand!"

If he was in Xiao Yi's position, he would eventually make this decision.

Xiao Yi spoke again: "It's really wrong for Ka Suoxing to use your compatriots for experiments, but you can ask those experimental subjects who survived if they were abused after entering the laboratory. And those who failed the experiment, Ka Suoxing It is still under active treatment!"

Xiao Yi wasn't trying to find reasons for the Ka Suo people. Those who entered the laboratory were not abused, but were taken care of very well.

Studies have found that people with a good mentality are more likely to evolve successfully!

Therefore, keeping those experiment targets in a good state of mind is more conducive to their experimentation!
Sun Hong was stunned.

At this moment, his walkie-talkie rang.

"Captain, my sister was not abused in the laboratory, but she ate better than me!"

"Captain, my brother is too, and he has undergone tremendous changes. Now his strength is estimated to be more than ten times mine. What's going on?"

"Captain, my cousin just entered the laboratory the day before yesterday, he ate well and slept well!"

Hearing the feedback from these people, Sun Hong understood that Xiao Yi was not making excuses for the Ka Suo people.

Xiao Yi continued: "Every time the experiment fails and people die, they will pay Sun Tiao a large amount of compensation, or compensation for items. I believe no one will get this compensation!"

Sun Hong nodded slightly: "It is true that no one has received it."

"Actually, Sun Tiao wants the experimenters to die more than anyone else, so that he has enough chips to ask for better and more advanced items!" Xiao Yi concluded.

"This Sun Tiao really deserves to die!" Sun Hong scolded.

Xiao Yi continued: "Although Sun Tiao deserves to die, the people of Ka Suo Star can't completely escape the responsibility. After all, they experimented with people from your planet, and they have to pay the price!"

Sun Hong was stunned for a moment, he couldn't understand.

Didn't you just excuse the Ka Suo star people, why do you have to make them pay the price now?
Only then did Xiao Yi explain how he dealt with the Ka Suo people.

"The island owner is wise!" After hearing this, Sun Xun raised his hands and shouted.Xiao Yi waved his hand and continued: "This matter requires you to do some ideological work for the Munken people!"

"Please don't worry, the island owner, and promise to complete the task!" Sun Hong nodded and responded.

After Sun Hong left Xiao Yi's place, he immediately wrote a circular to tell everyone the truth.

"Dear compatriots, after interrogation, Sun Chou confessed to what he did. I would like to inform you as follows: It was Sun Chou who proposed using our people for in vivo experiments. He wanted to exchange them for high-level items. The target of the experiment died. , he can file for compensation. The Kasuo people did use our people for experiments, but there was no abuse during the experiment. You can find people who have entered the laboratory to verify this."

After explaining everything, Sun Hong announced Xiao Yi's decision.

"In view of this, the island master has decided: first, Sun Tiao will accept the trial of all the Monken star people, second, execute the heads of various departments of the Ka Suo star people, a total of more than ten people, and third, order the Ka Suo star people to use their own people to continue the trial Experiment, after the experiment has results, the people from the Monken Stars will use it first!"

Seeing the notice sent by Sun Hong, everyone was stunned for a moment, and then began to discuss.

"Made, it turned out to be a living experiment proposed by Sun Tiao!"

"He really doesn't regard us as human beings. In his eyes, we are just goods used to trade high-end items!"

"This time, Sun Qiao must be hacked into pieces!"

"Yes, we each cut a piece of flesh from him!"

"Sun Tiao is definitely going to be executed, but the island owner actually let the Caso star go?"

"I didn't let it go, didn't I say that the heads of various departments were executed?"

"But only a dozen or so people were executed, and there was no injury at all!"

"The Caso people themselves are not planning to use our people for live experiments, have you read the notice carefully?"

"It is stated in the notice that the Casso stars are still different from us. Even if they get the experimental data from us, they cannot directly use it on themselves."

"That's right, our people were well taken care of after entering the laboratory. My sister just came out of the laboratory, which can prove it."

"The Caso Stars did do something wrong, but the second and third decisions that the island master decided were to punish them!"

"Yes, especially the third one, let them have a taste of experimenting with their own compatriots!"

"I feel that the island owner's decision is very correct!"

"Well, for the sake of the island owner who saved us, I also reluctantly accept the decision of the island owner."

"Why? Listening to what you said, you still feel a little dissatisfied?"

"My father died during the experiment, how can you convince me? Although Sun Tiao is the mastermind, my father did die during the experiment!"

"Brother, sorry!"

"Made, I protest. My younger brother also died during the experiment. The Kasuo people must bury my younger brother with him!"

"If you have any opinions, go directly to the captain, but I suggest you not make it difficult for the captain!"

"Yeah, if it wasn't for the island owner's action, we would all be dead, and there would be no chance to protest here!"

"Even if it is to give the island owner a face, we have to accept this decision."

(End of this chapter)

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