Chapter 2490 Space City, Prepare to Die

Xiao Yi used his mental power to detect that there is a metal structure below!

Combined with the fact that they encountered a metal layer when they entered the range of the castle, Xiao Yi basically understood it.

This building, which looks like a castle, turned out to be an aircraft!

When Xiao Yi told everyone about his discovery, everyone was shocked.

"He turned the castle into an aircraft, isn't that awesome? Is it the city in the sky?" Du Kang said in surprise.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly: "It's possible, I even suspect that this castle is a space city!"

"Space City?" Everyone was surprised.

Xiao Yi continued: "Think about it, isn't it too wasteful to spend resources on Kaso Star just to build a castle that can fly on the planet?"

"But can this thing really go into space?" Du Kang still felt a little unbelievable.

"Of course, if there is a glass cover, then the idea of ​​traveling in space can be fully realized!" Xiao Yi replied.

"The idea of ​​this Ka Suo star is really unconstrained!" Du Kang said with emotion.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly.

Jiang Yuntian pondered for a while, and then said: "Then if we directly destroy the base of this castle, can we stop it from flying?"

"The power system, gravity and anti-gravity systems of this castle should all be at the base." Xiao Yi nodded slightly.

"Then let's do it directly?" Jiang Yuntian asked.

"Well, do it!" Xiao Yi responded.

As the height of the castle rise increases, they will also be in some danger after they destroy the base.

As the saying goes, the higher you fly, the harder you fall!

Just as Xiao Yi and the others were discussing how to destroy the base, Sun Hong and the others saw the castle flying up, and their eyes widened.

"What's the situation? Can this castle still fly?"

"This is too exaggerated, Captain, shall we continue to attack?"

"Of course!" Sun Hong said in a deep voice.

The more than a thousand warships immediately continued to attack. Their attacks fell on the castle's defensive cover, but they still failed to break through the castle's defense.

"Captain, we seem to be doing useless work now!"

Sun Hong shook his head: "No, I believe in the judgment of the island owner. The defense system of Kaso Star must have an upper limit."

Those warships could only continue to attack, but the defense of the castle remained rock-solid.

At this time, the attack system of the castle was also fully charged, and the weapons on the top of the castle began to adjust their angles.

"The captain is not good, we are locked by the castle's weapons!" Sun Xian shouted.

"Try to interfere with the lock!" Sun Hong shouted in a deep voice.

"I've tried it, and I can't interfere!" Sun Xian replied helplessly.

Sun Hong nodded slightly: "It's okay, I believe that the island owner will definitely be able to solve the castle of Casso star, even if we sacrifice, the island owner will lead Monken star to a brighter future!"

Hearing this, Sun Xian, who was a little panicked at first, also calmed down, and said with firm eyes: "Well, I also believe in the island owner!"

Although he has only met Xiao Yi twice, Sun Xian still believes that he is not mistaken, Xiao Yi is definitely someone he can trust!
All the soldiers in Sun Hong's spaceship knew that they were locked by the castle weapon.

A sense of despair permeated the ship.Sun Hong even started to make funeral arrangements.

"My compatriots, if I die, everyone must listen to the island master's arrangement. Only the island master can lead us to the prosperity of Monken Star!"

"Captain, what's the situation here?"

"Yeah, why did you suddenly say such dejected words?"

"Captain, what happened to your side, the nearby ships immediately support, we must ensure that the captain is safe!"

"The captain's spaceship is locked by the castle weapon!"

"Everyone help block the castle's attack immediately!"


The next moment, the ships around Sun Hong were immediately surrounded by other ships!

They are all going to use their ships to block the attack of the castle in exchange for Sun Hong's life!
Seeing this scene, Sun Hong let out a long breath, and ordered in a deep voice: "Leave the place immediately!"

"Yes!" Sun Xian replied.

Sun Hong's spaceship started to move in other directions, and he couldn't let his comrades block the gun for him!
Just as Sun Hong's spaceship was moving, the surrounding spaceships immediately surrounded him!

"What are you doing! I order you to disperse immediately!" Sun Hong roared.

"Captain, you have saved me three times on the battlefield, let me save you once today!"

"Captain, I am the soldier you brought out, please review now!"

"Captain, I have guessed your intentions now! Hahaha, I always lost to you in military exercises before, but today I finally won!"

Sun Hong's prestige in the army is very high, and his meritorious service is very powerful, which is why Sun Tiao arranged for him to explore the Survivor galaxy!

Originally, Sun Tiao's plan was to let Sun Hong die outside, but he did not expect that Sun Hong would successfully conquer the Survivor galaxy and bring back many high-level items.

In this way, Sun Hong's prestige is even greater, and Sun Tiao regards him as a thorn in his side.

When he heard that Sun Hong would not come back, he was in a great mood!

But those people who came back even brought back an inter-galaxy communicator, and this communicator could still contact Sun Hong!

This made Sun Tiao intolerable!
Then, he heard that there were so many high-level items in the Yiranpin Alliance, and with the temptation of exercises, he used Sun Xian and others to threaten Sun Hong.

Seeing more and more warships blocking his side, Sun Hong was extremely moved, but still scolded: "Made, how long have I been away, and you won't listen to me?"

"Captain, please allow me to disobey your order for the last time!" The soldiers on the surrounding battleships said one after another.

"You bastards!" Sun Hong had tears in his eyes.

When Ka Suoxing saw so many ships blocking the target he was aiming at, he immediately knew that they had found a big fish.

"Turn to the maximum power, no matter how many ships stand in front, kill me!" General Ka Suoxing said with a sneer.

He is very confident in the weapons on his castle, and Sun Hong's ships are only first-level civilization ships, it is impossible to stop them!
"Yes!" The soldier on the side responded.

The weapons that could be fired at first began to charge again.

The more powerful the weapon, the more energy storage time it takes!
In this way, it bought time for Xiao Yi and the others!
At this time, Xiao Yi and the others had already touched the key positions of the anti-gravity system and the stability system, but the Ka Suo star who was only interested in fighting with Sun Hong didn't notice this time.

At the same time, Xiao Yi and the others carried a signal jammer with them, so they couldn't be found by ordinary scanning, which was another layer of insurance!
"Island owner, do you want to do it now?" Jiang Yuntian asked in a deep voice.

(End of this chapter)

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