Chapter 2474 Coordinate problem, charm is not enough

"We'll find out later?" Sun Hong looked at Xiao Yi suspiciously.

"You go back and prepare first. I'll find you in half an hour and contact Sun Tiao together. Then we can determine the coordinates of your home planet!" Xiao Yi made a fool of himself.

Sun Hong was still puzzled, but he didn't continue to ask, and could only leave with a question mark on his face.

On the way back, Sun Hong was still thinking about what Xiao Yi said.

"Does the island owner want to ask Sun Tiao directly?" Sun Hong frowned and thought about it, but quickly denied his idea.

Xiao Yi had clearly said before that he would not appear on camera, since he would not appear on camera, there would be problems in communication.

Besides, it's impossible for Sun Tiao to tell him the coordinates of Moonken Star!

What's more, Sun Tiao didn't know the exact coordinates either.

After thinking about it for a while, Sun Hong shook his head helplessly.

Back on his battleship, Sun Hong immediately asked his men to prepare the team and wait for Xiao Yi's notification.

"Captain, has the island master agreed to us?" a staff officer asked tentatively.

Sun Hong nodded slightly: "Yes, the island owner led the team personally!"


All the staff members became excited.

"With the island master leading the team, then this time it will be safe!"

"Yeah, I heard that the island master has very powerful abilities, and he can easily block the attacks of all other abilities by himself!"

"Don't listen, it's a fact!"

At this time, a staff officer also thought of the problem of coordinates: "Captain, we seem to be unable to confirm the exact coordinates of our parent star."

"I have already told the island owner about this. The island owner has a solution. He will come and contact us with Mountken later!" Sun Hong replied helplessly.

The other staff members frowned.

"Even if you contact Monken Star, you can't know the exact coordinates!"

"I'm afraid Sun Xiao doesn't even know this coordinate!"

"That's right, the fleet that went back didn't have an island monument, so it's really impossible to confirm the coordinates."

Sun Hong shook his head: "I don't know how the island owner will confirm the coordinates, don't worry, we will find out in a while!"

And Jiang Yuntian quickly gave instructions on the rescue precautions, and finally said: "After arriving there, the most important thing is to obey the command. If anyone dares to disobey the order, he will never bring him back on the next mission. go out!"

"Yes!" Du Kang and others immediately responded loudly.

After arranging all of this, Du Kang seemed to have thought of some evil idea, and immediately approached Xiao Yi.

"Island Master, don't you know the charm technique of the Fox Clan? When you contact Sun Tiao later, just charm him, and everything will be settled?" Du Kang said.

Xiao Yi shook his head: "I don't have this ability!"

"No, didn't you control other people through the island monument before? Hu Yi also tried to control you through the island monument. With your skill, it should be easy!" Du Kang looked at Xiao Yi suspiciously, with a puzzled expression on his face .

"You also know that it's an island monument. It's not an island monument that we use to communicate with Monken now, it's an inter-galaxy communicator!" Xiao Yi explained, "The island monument can extend our spiritual power, but Inter-galactic communicators don't have this capability!"

Du Kang suddenly realized: "It seems that the island monument is more advanced!"

Zhu Wu interjected from the side: "Nonsense, all the items we have obtained so far cannot exceed the level of the island monument!"

"Not only now, but probably not in the future!" Sun Gudao continued.

No survivor should object to this.Of course, Xiao Yi doesn't think so in his heart. In his opinion, his sign-in system should be more advanced than the island monument.

This matter was only in his mind.

Looking at the time, after almost half an hour, Xiao Yi rushed directly to Sun Hong's side.

Jiang Yuntian and others also followed.

Arriving on Sun Hong's battleship, Sun Hong and a group of staff greeted Xiao Yi respectfully.

"Welcome, Lord Island Master!" Sun Hong and the others said in unison.

Xiao Yi waved his hand: "Don't waste time, get ready to contact Sun Tiao immediately!"

"Yes!" Sun Hong replied in a deep voice, and then led Xiao Yi and the others to the cockpit.

"Island Master, what should we do next?" Sun Hong looked at Xiao Yi and asked suspiciously.

Xiao Yi smiled slightly, and installed the tracker through the island monument on Sun Hong's battleship.

After installing the tracker, Xiao Yi continued: "Next, just contact Sun Tiao on your side. Before I give a response, try to delay the call time!"

Sun Hong was startled slightly, then nodded.

"Let's get started!" Xiao Yi signaled that he could contact Sun Tiao.

Sun Rong took a deep breath, then adjusted his state, and immediately requested to connect with Sun Tiao in the inter-galaxy communicator!
The connection was quickly connected, and it was not Sun Qiao who appeared on the communicator.

Sun Hong was slightly startled, and then asked, "Where's the Star Lord?"

"The Star Lord is in a meeting." The other party replied.

"I have something important to contact Star Master, please let me know!" Sun Hong said with a frown.

"I will report to the Star Master here, and the Star Master should have time before dinner, so just wait here!"

After finishing speaking, it is convenient to hang up the communicator!

Sun Hong didn't even have time to say a word!

Seeing the hung up communication, Sun Hong was stunned for a moment, and then said to Xiao Yi: "Island Master, I guess I can delay it for a while until I contact Sun Tiao!"

Xiao Yi was also stunned for a moment, but what surprised him wasn't that the other party hung up the communication so decisively, but that the tracker had tracked the other party's coordinates!

Hearing Sun Hong's words, Xiao Yi replied with a smile: "No need, I have already found the coordinates of the other party's communicator."

Sun Hong was stunned, and so were the staff officers.

Everyone including Jiang Yuntian was also stunned.

Seeing everyone's surprised expressions, Xiao Yi explained: "I didn't know that the tracker could be so powerful, and it tracked the other party's coordinates so easily!"

"Bull!" Jiang Yuntian gave Xiao Yi a thumbs up.

At this time, Sun Hong finally knew what the instrument Xiao Yi had just installed was!
"Can this instrument track the coordinates of other galaxies?" Sun Hong looked at the instrument beside Xiao Yi in shock.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly: "But there is a prerequisite, that is, you must be in contact with the other party, just like the previous signal positioning!"

It's like the location of criminals can be located on the earth by making a phone call.

"This thing is too powerful!" Du Kang said with emotion.

Jiang Yuntian agreed: "It is indeed very strong, but this thing is not very useful in the hands of other survivors. Even if they know the other party's coordinates, they will not be able to go to other galaxies!"

(End of this chapter)

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