Chapter 2461 The Real Trial World

The rhino didn't even want to understand why the human being in front of him was so powerful!
After Jiang Yuntian killed a rhinoceros with three punches, he shouted loudly: "Excellent!"

Men should fight this kind of fist-to-body fight!
Although it was cool, Jiang Yuntian was in a hurry today, so he still had to make full use of his abilities.

He immediately started exploring around, and soon found a metal mine nearby, and extracted the metal from it!
This is also the hidden rule of the trial space. The trial space will provide the supernatural beings with elements corresponding to their department.

Ten minutes later, Jiang Yuntian ushered in two huge rhinos.

When the two rhinos found Jiang Yuntian, they immediately lowered their heads and charged.

Jiang Yuntian dodged their charge, and punched them hard, making their eyes stare.

In the next moment, Jiang Yuntian didn't continue wasting his strength, but manipulated two thin needles and pierced them through the rhinoceros' ears.

The rhinoceros, which was dizzy and staggering, stopped immediately, and then fell to the ground.

"With the help of pills, it's like a tiger with wings added!" Jiang Yuntian said with emotion.

Originally, it would be difficult for Jiang Yuntian to deal with the second wave of wild monsters, but now it is easy to handle, almost instant kill!

Jiang Yuntian sat cross-legged on the spot, waiting for the third wave of wild monsters.

Soon, 10 minutes passed, and four rhinos appeared at the same time, rushing towards Jiang Yuntian.

Jiang Yuntian did the same thing, dodging the rhino's attack, rewarding them with a punch, and finally finishing with a gold-type ability!

The four rhinos were all done in just over half a minute.

After solving the third wave of wild monsters, Jiang Yuntian immediately chose to leave the trial space, and then returned to the alliance headquarters spaceship.

Seeing that Jiang Yuntian came out so quickly, Xiao Yi said with a smile: "Today's speed is very fast!"

"The main reason is that your elixir is really powerful!" Jiang Yuntian sighed, "After taking the elixir, those wild monsters will appear too weak!"

Xiao Yi nodded slightly: "I'm about to enter the trial space here, you just watch here, those voices asking to come over on the Internet, don't pay attention to it for now!"

"Yes!" Jiang Yuntian replied.

In the short period of less than half an hour since Jiang Yuntian entered the trial space, Xiao Yi received information from many online survivors that they wanted to come.

After exhorting Jiang Yuntian, Xiao Yi left the headquarters spaceship and returned to the battleship where the main island monument was located.

When he came to the main island monument, Xiao Yi decisively chose to enter the trial space.

In a blink of an eye, Xiao Yi found himself in a jungle again.

"Did you randomly go to the jungle for two consecutive days?" Xiao Yi muttered.

But in the next moment, he smelled a stench.

Xiao Yi immediately looked aside vigilantly, and then froze!

There are those wild monsters that he entered the trial space to kill yesterday!
"Could it be that after defeating six waves of wild monsters, did you enter the trial space where you can save files?"

Xiao Yi looked at the corpses of wild monsters that had started to stink, and frowned, thinking!

At this moment, there was a rustling sound from the bushes nearby.


A lizard rushed out!
Seeing the lizard, Xiao Yi was startled again: "There are also lizards in the jungle?" This lizard must have been attracted by the rancid smell!
The lizard rushed over when it saw Xiao Yi. It thought Xiao Yi was the one who came to grab its food!

Xiao Yi didn't hesitate either, and immediately used Time to Stop to control the lizard, and then quickly killed it with the wood ability!

After finishing off the lizard, Xiao Yi immediately walked to the distance. After all, the corpses of the animals here have already begun to rot, and the environment is too harsh.

Xiao Yi was thinking while walking.

The animals that were killed yesterday stink a little today. According to the temperature here, it is indeed possible.

Therefore, the time flow rate of the trial space should be consistent with reality!

If it is true that every time you come in, it is the same place you left last time, then you need to find a safe area, at least in this way you can guarantee your safety when going online and offline!

Thinking of this, Xiao Yi came to a small hill, he climbed to the top of the hill, and then looked around.

The goal of entering is a lush forest, and the edge is completely invisible.

Xiao Yi shook his head helplessly, and then used his abilities to dig a cave on the steep side of the small hill.

"There shouldn't be any animals that can climb up here!" Xiao Yi muttered.

After dealing with all this, Xiao Yi immediately walked down the hill and started today's hunting trip.

There are many animals in the forest. He just walked around the hills and encountered dozens of animals, killing them to gain experience.

Looking at the time, he had entered the trial space for an hour and a half. He looked at the dense forest in front of him, shook his head slightly and walked back to the cave.

Seal the hole with a special ability, leaving a vent hole, and then choose to leave the trial space!
Xiao Yi returned to the spaceship of the alliance headquarters. Jiang Yuntian saw him coming in, and immediately stepped forward and asked, "Island Master, how is it? Has your trial space changed?"

Xiao Yi shook his head, and replied, "No, it feels like my trial space is more real!"

Jiang Yuntian was startled when he heard the words, then frowned and asked, "What do you mean by being more real?"

"It's more like a world, not like the first six waves. It's purely a test!" Xiao Yi thought for a while and said.

At this time, Du Kang also came over: "The first six waves are purely tests?"

"Yes, it's a test, so that you have the basic ability to survive in the trial space!" Xiao Yi replied with a slight nod, and then he told everything about the situation when he just entered the trial space, including himself speculation!

"Lying grass, isn't this the same as playing a game!" Du Kang shouted, "Can you save and log off?"

Xiao Yi nodded slightly: "It seems that it is indeed so!"

"Then what if I die in the trial space?" Du Kang asked curiously, "Should I be resurrected to reality, or resurrected in a special place in the trial space."

"The high probability is to return to reality!" Jiang Yuntian replied in a deep voice, "The next time you enter the trial space again, it will be where you died!"

Xiao Yi nodded in agreement.

Du Kang thought for a while and asked, "Island Master, according to what you said, as long as you pass the first six waves of wild monsters and enter the real trial world, won't you encounter so many supernatural monsters?"

"I can only say that I haven't encountered a wild monster with supernatural powers yet, and I don't know when I will!" Xiao Yi thought for a while and replied.

"I think there will definitely be, and there will be more!" Jiang Yuntian said.

"Well, but after entering the real trial world, you can freely choose the target of the battle, which is quite good, at least you can escape if you can't beat it!" Xiao Yi said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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