Chapter 2459: Create more hidden thunders, there are still three days left

Seeing the discussion of survivors in the chaotic galaxy, Xiao Yi sighed again: "In fact, we still have many ways to solve the problem!"

"As long as the thinking doesn't slip, there are always more solutions than difficulties!" Du Kang laughed beside him.

Jiang Yuntian glanced at Du Kang, and said, "You're still a set of words!"

"Hey, I forgot all the knowledge in the book, but I remember a lot of these jingles." Du Kang replied.

Xiao Yi thought for a while and said, "Since there is still some time, let's make more hidden nuclear explosions. By the way, has comet No. [-] left the chaotic galaxy?"

Zhu Wu immediately replied: "Not yet! I plan to leave in two hours."

Xiao Yi nodded slightly, and continued to order: "Except for the spare ones, all the nuclear explosion mines in the inventory are handed over to the No. [-] caravan!"

"Yes!" Du Kang replied, he was in charge of logistics supplies, so all the hidden nuclear mines in stock were with him.

Xiao Yi did this to retain more survivor clients, and at the same time to ensure the safety of the members of the Yiranpin Alliance stationed in the Maitou Galaxy.

Now, except for the Ford galaxy, which does not have a stable garrison team, all the other three galaxies have teams from the Yiranpin Alliance.

Du Kang cooperated with Zhu Wu to trade all the hidden mines of the nuclear explosion to the No. [-] caravan. Although the two usually talk to each other, they are unequivocal in their work.

"Master Zhu, are all these hidden mines for sale?" Lu Qin asked curiously.

Zhu Wu shook his head: "No, when you get to the wheat head galaxy, leave [-] of them, and the rest will be put on the shelves for sale."

"Is it because of the undead invasion?" Apparently Lu Qin also saw the information on the Internet.

Zhu Wu responded: "Yes, this time may be the biggest test we have encountered!"

"Then what preparations do we need to make?" Lu Qin asked again.

Zhu Wu thought for a while and replied: "Not for now, the undead should not block the movement of the comet!"

"Yes, I understand!" Lu Qin replied.

After finishing the communication with Lu Qin, Zhu Wu pondered for a moment, came to Xiao Yi's side, and asked uncertainly: "Island Master, will the undead block the movement of the comet?"

Hearing this, Xiao Yi was slightly taken aback, and then replied uncertainly: "Probably not!"

Everyone has never experienced a large-scale invasion of the undead, so no one can tell.

The only person who has experienced it, also saw the undead, and hid in the black hole.

"In any case, let the team on the comet better prepare. It's better if the undead don't block the comet. If they do, we won't be in a hurry." Xiao Yi urged helplessly.

"Yes!" Zhu Wu replied.

At this time, Su Wan came over and said, "Island Master, there are many survivors in the Mudisen galaxy who have requested to migrate to our place."

Xiao Yi frowned slightly, and immediately posted a message on the Internet.

"According to the senior's introduction, after this reminder, it will take about three days until the undead invade. That is to say, everyone still has time, so don't panic too much, everyone thinks about it before making a decision."

"Boss, I've already thought about it, and I decided to take refuge with you!"

"Yeah, although the survivor from the Domire galaxy is right, I'm not confident how long I can last in the undead army!"

"That's right, that's what I thought too, let's hide in the boss's independent space!"

Seeing the reply from the survivors of the Mutisen galaxy, Xiao Yi shook his head helplessly, got up and walked out. "It's getting late, I'm going back to rest first!"

Du Kang immediately said: "Island Master, it's too early for you!"

"It's getting late, you have to get up early to practice tomorrow, so don't be too late!" Xiao Yi waved his hand and replied with a smile.

Everyone responded and waved to Xiao Yi one after another.

After Xiao Yi left, Wei and his group also bid farewell. They all joined the Yiranpin Alliance for various reasons later on. They were not very close to Jiang Yuntian and the others. Seeing the island owner leave, they also left.

At the scene, Ludi was the only one who was still eating Haisai, and Lu Meiyu had completely given up controlling Ludi.

"Fortunately, we took refuge in the island owner." Lu Meiyu said with emotion.

Yang Yangyang on the side nodded approvingly: "Yes, if we hadn't turned to the island owner, we should be worrying about the threat of undead invasion now."

"Yeah, now we just need to consider how to get the maximum benefit during this undead invasion." Lu Meiyu replied.

Brother Lu stopped stuffing food into his mouth, and asked suspiciously: "Shouldn't we hide a little bit? Can we still make money?"

Lu Meiyu glared at him, and replied, "Eat your food!"

Brother Lu wiped his lips and asked, "Can we really benefit?"

Lu Meiyu rolled her eyes and replied: "The undead that can exist in space must have been transformed into dark gold. As long as you can kill the undead and obtain its skeleton, it will be a lot of money."

Brother Lu nodded slightly: "If this is the case, then we must seize the opportunity and get more dark gold!"

"That's right, I'm finally motivated!" Lu Meiyu looked at Brother Lu with relief.

Before he finished speaking, what Brother Lu said made him speechless for an instant.

"In this way, we can order more takeaways. Not to mention, the takeaways Mr. Du Kang ordered are really delicious!" Brother Lu muttered, picking up an elbow and stuffing it into his mouth.

"Eat, eat, eat, you know how to eat, go back and rest!" Lu Meiyu said with black lines.

"Don't worry, there's still a lot, the rest will be wasted!" Brother Lu immediately felt sorry.

Du Kang heard Ludi's words and replied with a smile: "That's right, don't waste it, eat more."

"Did you see that Master Du Kang has spoken, I can't lose the chain." Brother Lu chuckled and rushed towards the food again.

Lu Meiyu rolled her eyes helplessly, and replied: "It's up to you, I'll go back to rest, if you can't get up tomorrow, I will whip you up!"

After speaking, he left the cockpit, out of sight, out of mind!
Brother Lu completely ignored Lu Meiyu's words when he left, and continued to fight on the front line of food.

The survivors of the chaotic galaxy this night, although worried, did not affect their rest, and other galaxies were different.

Survivors in other galaxies are losing sleep!
Although Xiao Yi had told them that there were still three days left before the undead invaded, they were still extremely worried.

They were not Xiao Yi, three days meant nothing to them, and it was impossible for them to develop by leaps and bounds!

Anxiety continues to spread, and they continue to discuss on the Internet, trying to relieve their anxiety.

"It's impossible to migrate to the chaotic galaxy in three days. It seems that we can only resist!"

"Not necessarily, maybe we have other methods!"

(End of this chapter)

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