Chapter 2411: Survivors with cat ears have poor endurance

There is only one survivor on the undead spaceship, and those skeletons are not smart enough to operate the spaceship and weapons, especially the remote command without the bone soul, which becomes more rigid.

So Jiang Yuntian and the others quickly dealt with the undead spaceship.

"Leave one battleship to ensure signal shielding, and the other one to attack the indigenous forces!" Jiang Yuntian ordered in a deep voice.


The Worm star spacecraft has already begun to evacuate, and the Yiranpin Alliance's spacecraft did not dare to get too close. They can only attack from a distance, and they must also guard against the sneak attack of the opponent's invisible tracking nuclear bomb.

Although the short-range defense system can identify the invisible tracking nuclear bomb, the explosion at that distance will still threaten the battleship, so Jiang Yuntian and the others dare not approach it recklessly!

After chasing for a while, but failed to keep the other party behind, Jiang Yuntian decisively gave an order: "Don't chase!"

The two satellite-class warships immediately returned to Jiang Yuntian's side and surrounded the three spaceships of the undead.

"Put on the bio-space suit and go out to clean up the undead!"

Seeing that the warships had returned, Jiang Yuntian issued another order.


Jiang Yuntian also put on the bio-space suit, passed through the buffer room, came out of the cabin, and moved towards the undead spaceship.

At this time, those vanguard troops had already encountered the skeletons in the spaceship.

Jiang Yuntian randomly chose a spaceship and walked in from the broken position.

As soon as he entered, the skeleton inside rushed towards him.

Jiang Yuntian held the particle assault rifle in his right hand, and manipulated the metal with his left hand to kill wantonly.

These skeletons were not Jiang Yuntian's opponents at all, and Jiang Yuntian easily pushed into the spaceship.

He was supported by other soldiers from the Yiranpin Alliance, and he quickly advanced to the cockpit of the spaceship.

Just as Jiang Yuntian and the others cleared up the skeletons rushing out of the cockpit, a voice came from inside!
"Hold the attack, lie down and surrender!"

Listening to this crappy Xia Guoyu, Jiang Yuntian was stunned.

There are other creatures in this undead spaceship?

Jiang Yuntian raised his hand: "Stop attacking, pay attention to vigilance!"


Jiang Yuntian led people into the cockpit, and a creature with two cat ears on its head raised its hands high.

Jiang Yuntian was stunned for a moment, looked at the creature with cat ears, squinted his eyes and asked, "Are you a survivor?"

Pointing at the island monument, the cat's ears immediately replied: "Yes, I am a survivor. I was injured by a hidden weapon of the natives before. Fortunately, I didn't die, but I was contracted by the undead."

He said it in his own language, and through the translation of the island tablet, Jiang Yuntian understood it.

When Mao Er said this, he suddenly said in horror and anxiety: "No, the elders of the undead clan will use the power of the contract to kill me! What should I do?"

Jiang Yuntian smiled slightly: "Don't worry, our island owner has already considered this issue. We have already activated the shield at the beginning of the battle. If it can really use the power of the contract, you will have been killed by suicide a long time ago." !"

Hearing what Jiang Yuntian said, Mao Er immediately let out a long sigh of relief: "Thank you, sir, thank you, boss!"

"Now tell me, where are you going?" Jiang Yuntian looked at the other party and asked.

"I don't know where to go, but I have coordinates!" The cat's ear replied truthfully, "It was given to me by the elder of the undead clan!"

Jiang Yuntian was slightly startled, and then said: "Send me the coordinates!"

Mao Er immediately shared the coordinates of the destination with Xiao Yi and Jiang Yuntian on the island monument.Xiao Yi was stunned for a moment when he received the coordinates.

Jiang Yuntian immediately called and explained: "This is the destination of the undead!"

"How did you find it?" Xiao Yi asked in surprise.

Jiang Yuntian immediately reported the situation of the cat-eared survivor.

"Great, this undead is too confident, even dare to put a survivor on the spaceship!" Xiao Yi said happily.

This was indeed a surprise. He didn't expect that Jiang Yuntian would get something unexpected by doing it in advance.

"Well, I want to go directly to this coordinate to check the situation." Jiang Yuntian continued.

"I really should go and have a look, but we must pay attention to safety, let the robot take the lead!" Xiao Yi thought for a while, and immediately replied.

"Yes!" Jiang Yuntian replied.

"Keep the signal jammer turned on, otherwise the survivor will definitely die." Xiao Yi urged again and again.


Xiao Yi suddenly realized that Jiang Yuntian hadn't entered the trial space yet, so he suggested: "Brother Jiang, you can directly take the Berserk Pill to enter the trial space today, and come out directly after eating the first two waves of experience in it. !"

Jiang Yuntian naturally knew that it is not suitable to stay in the trial space for a long time now, so he replied: "Okay!"

Xiao Yi traded a Berserk Pill, along with his island tablet and battleship.

After agreeing to the transaction, Jiang Yuntian immediately took the Berserk Pill and entered the trial space.

Although Jiang Yuntian's current strength to fight the second wave of wild monsters was a little bit reluctant, but after taking the Berserk Pill, it became extremely easy.

It only took him 10 minutes to return to the real world from the trial space.

After trading all his island monuments and warships back to the headquarters, Jiang Yuntian asked, "How long will it take us to reach our destination?"

"According to the current speed, it will take about 25 minutes." The driver replied.

The maximum speed of a satellite-class warship is 512 kilometers per second, which is much faster than the maximum speed of a small spacecraft engine of 32 kilometers per second!

Although they brought three tiny spaceships with them, it basically didn't affect Jiang Yuntian and the others' acceleration to the highest speed.

Xiao Yi saw the transaction initiated by Jiang Yuntian, and asked in surprise: "The trial is done so quickly?"

"Well, the effect of the berserk pill is very powerful, and I feel that it is very easy to deal with the two wild monsters!" Jiang Yuntian replied with a smile.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly, and reminded: "But after half an hour, you will fall into a one-hour period of weakness. You should be almost at your destination, don't be brave, and don't leave the cabin during the period of weakness!"

"Island owner, don't worry, I will definitely not be brave. The main purpose of our visit this time is to investigate, not to fight!" Jiang Yuntian replied.

"Well, contact us in time at your destination!" Xiao Yi urged.


The effects of the Furious Pill passed quickly, and Jiang Yuntian felt as if he had been drained, so he could only lie back on the chair.

"This period of weakness is too exaggerated!" Jiang Yuntian muttered, "I guess a child with a knife can pose a threat to me now."

At this time, Mao Er stood aside and looked at Jiang Yuntian curiously. He felt that Jiang Yuntian's condition suddenly became worse.

"He only left for about 10 minutes just now. With such poor stamina, is his body also so poor?"

(End of this chapter)

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