Chapter 2409 The ability of the defense system, surprise
"Report instructor, there are three medium-sized spaceships flying towards you in the indigenous fleet!"

After receiving this news, Jiang Yuntian was not surprised at all, and replied with a sneer: "Okay, I know, they really still want to cooperate with the undead and kill us!"

"Instructor, didn't we show in the public channel yesterday that we would not follow them? Why are they so cautious?" The soldier on the side asked suspiciously.

Jiang Yuntian shook his head slightly: "They don't fully believe the chats on the public channel. Besides, they don't lose anything by doing this. If we don't follow, the undead can reach their destination smoothly. If we follow, they will We can unite and siege."

The soldier nodded, and asked again: "Instructor, do you want to get rid of the spacecraft of the indigenous forces in advance?"

Jiang Yuntian shook his head again: "No need, our main purpose this time is to see where the undead are going?"


The undead's miniature spaceship flew forward rapidly, followed by the two large spaceships of the Yiranpin Alliance stealthily, and behind them were Jiang Yuntian and the others.

Almost parallel to the undead miniature spaceship, three medium-sized spaceships from the Worm Star Fleet followed.

Jiang Yuntian thought for a while, and ordered: "Arrange a battleship to follow the three medium-sized spaceships! Be careful to keep a distance, and don't let the other party find out!"


All the warships on Jiang Yuntian's side are equipped with signal jammers and anti-detection systems.

As long as they are not close to the native spaceship, the opponent cannot find them.

Qixing, the commander-in-chief of the Worm Star Fleet, is naturally also paying attention to the situation here.

"Commander, do you think the Yiranpin Alliance has arranged warships to track the undead spaceships this time?" asked the staff officer on the side.

Qixing shook his head, he was really not sure if the Yiranpin Alliance had arranged for warships to follow the undead spaceships.

"If I were them, I would definitely arrange it, but it doesn't rule out that the Yiranpin Alliance will not take an unusual path." Seven Star looked at his team on the screen and said in a deep voice.

The staff officer nodded slightly.

Qixing continued to order: "Let the team following the undead spaceship use invisible tracking nuclear bombs to detect the surroundings from time to time, especially behind us. Although we can't detect the opponent's battleship, the opponent can't detect our invisible tracking nuclear bomb either!"


After receiving Qixing's order, the three medium-sized spaceships immediately began to control the three invisible tracking nuclear bombs in their hands and flew around.

This kind of operation is purely a blind cat to touch a dead mouse, but the Worm Star Fleet has no other better way.

Ordinary meteorites can be detected by detection satellites. In addition, as long as the invisible tracking nuclear bomb hits anything, it is basically certain that it has hit an invisible aircraft.

Under the current situation, the aircraft hidden around them can basically be sure to belong to the Yiranpin Alliance!

Xiao Yi and the others naturally guessed that the other party might use this method to find their own battleship, so all the soldiers on the battleship were fully focused and vigilantly observing every inch of space.

"Short-range defense system, keep it on!" Jiang Yuntian reminded again.

This is the item that Xiao Yi just signed in and obtained, and Jiang Yuntian installed it on these three satellite-class warships.

"Yes, instructor! All process defense systems have been turned on!"

Before the soldier could finish speaking, Jiang Yuntian sent an alarm to the battleship arranged by Jiang Yuntian to follow the indigenous force.

"Unauthorized flying objects are found approaching. Are you going to attack?" This is an alarm issued by the short-range defense system.

Jiang Yuntian was slightly taken aback, and immediately replied: "Don't attack, just dodge immediately!"

"Automatic evasion is being performed, and it has been evaded! When encountering such flying objects in the future, do you want to perform the same operation?"

Jiang Yuntian thought for a while, then replied: "Give a reminder, and perform the same operation!"

"Yes, if you need to modify the operation, please modify it in advance before the next encounter."


After finishing the conversation with the short-range defense system, Jiang Yuntian happily reported to Xiao Yihui: "Island Master, your progress defense system can actually scan the invisible weapon of the native!"

Hearing this, Xiao Yi was stunned for a moment, and then asked in surprise: "Really?"

"Of course, when I send you the work log of the short-range defense system just now, you will know!" Jiang Yuntian replied with a smile.

"Great, finally there is a system that can find the opponent's invisible weapons." Xiao Yi said happily.

Jiang Yuntian nodded slightly, then frowned and said: "But when the short-range defense system recognized the invisible weapon, the invisible weapon was still a bit too close to us. With the power of the weapon, if it exploded at this distance, it would be a huge hit. Our warships are still affected."

"Well, but now we can't be so demanding. As long as the other party can't find us, we just need to avoid it, which is also a way to deal with it!" Xiao Yi replied with a smile.

"Yes, I know!"

The spaceships of the Worm Star Fleet are constantly searching for warships of the Yiranpin Alliance with invisible tracking nuclear bombs.

But they get nothing.

"Commander, I suspect that the Yiranpin Alliance didn't arrange warships to follow us at all!" The staff officer on the side said in a deep voice.

The three medium-sized spaceships that flew with the undead spaceship just now controlled three invisible tracking nuclear bombs, and tested almost all the surrounding space.

Unless the Yiranpin Alliance has the means to detect and evade the stealth-tracking nuclear bomb, the possibility of them just evading the stealth-tracking nuclear bomb is very slim.

According to their previous confrontation with the Yiranpin Alliance, Xiao Yi should not have a device that can detect invisible tracking nuclear bombs.

That's why the staff came to such a conclusion.

Qixing nodded slightly, and he had been watching the operations on the front line, and there was indeed no omission.

But he still said cautiously: "Next, we must continue to search the surrounding space according to the previous actions, and we must not be careless!"


The staff officer asked again: "Commander, what if the Yiranpin Alliance is following the undead spaceship?"

Qixing narrowed his eyes and replied: "Using the detection methods of the Flammables Alliance, our three medium-sized spaceships will definitely be found. Since they have discovered it, there is no reason not to arrange a warship to follow us!"

The staff officer was stunned for a moment, then nodded with a sudden realization: "That is to say, as long as we can be sure that we are not being followed by the warships of the Yiranpin Alliance, it is basically impossible for there to be warships of the Yiranpin Alliance behind the spaceship of the undead."

(End of this chapter)

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