Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 2405 Actual combat, marrow washing pill light in seconds

Chapter 2405 Actual combat, marrow washing pill light in seconds
Jiang Yuntian also frowned and said, "Unless the gap in strength between the two is very large, if the gap is not large, it is easy to hurt each other in actual combat!"

Everyone nodded.

Xiao Yi smiled slightly: "Who asked you to compete, I'm talking about actual combat, Sun Yao, don't you have a chance for everyone to actually fight!"

Being caught by the cue suddenly, Sun Yao was stunned for a moment, and then immediately understood what Xiao Yi meant.

"That's right, yesterday morning, the island owner joined me and showed me a new way of collecting medicinal materials." Sun Yao introduced.

Through Sun Yao's introduction, everyone understood what was going on!

"That's right, it's indeed a good place for actual combat, and it can also help you collect herbs, killing two birds with one stone!" Jiang Yuntian nodded slightly.

"You guys go there in groups, pay attention to safety!" Xiao Yi warned, "Each person should have no less than two hours of actual combat every day!"

"Yes!" the crowd responded.

"Let's go, let's eat first!" Xiao Yi walked out of the training cabin first.

Jiang Yuntian just chased after him: "Island Master, today"

Xiao Yi shook his head: "There is still no weapon, today it is a short-range defense system, how close it is, I don't know yet!"

"Defense system?" Jiang Yuntian thought for a while, "Is it also an item of a first-level civilization?"

"Yes, it's Level I." Xiao Yi responded.

"That shouldn't be bad. I'll see if I can make a few sets later, and I'll take them there!" Jiang Yuntian continued.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly.

Jiang Yuntian will continue to go to the undead to monitor the movement of the undead today. With one more defense system, their safety will be more secure!

After breakfast was quickly settled, everyone brought their mobile phones and computers and left in groups.

Now it is all telecommuting and remote commanding. At present, all known galaxies have installed servers and base stations, so they can work anywhere.

You can even work while fighting!
Yang Jian, the three-eyed boy, has received a report on the situation from Domire Galaxy.

"Master Yang, shall we start selling the marrow washing pill immediately?"

Yang Jian shook his head: "Don't worry, according to the order of the island owner, the sale will start at eight o'clock sharp, and you can decide for yourself!"


Sun Yao led them back to the chaotic galaxy through the wormhole, and then teleported to the wormhole leading to the Mudisen galaxy, and finally came to the Mudisen galaxy.

"In each team, there must be at least one earth type and one wood type, and the rest are freely distributed. Do you understand the specific operation process?" Sun Yao asked again.

"Understood!" Everyone responded.

Du Kang said with a smile: "Fake medicine seller, why are you messing around like a bitch now!"

"I don't like to hear what you say, why are you girls just talking about it!" Feng Qingluan immediately retorted.

"Exactly!" Wang Xin echoed.

Du Kang was stunned for a moment, and then immediately confessed: "You two sisters, I was wrong, I was the one who spoke out!"

Seeing that Du Kang admitted his mistakes with a good attitude, Feng Qingluan did not continue to hold on.

Zhu Wu looked at Du Kang amusedly from the side: "Let you talk more, hehehe!"

Du Kang rolled his eyes at him angrily: "I am willing, can you control it?"

"I don't care, but I'm happy to watch it!" Zhu Wu replied.

Feng Menglong said helplessly from the side: "Sun Yao, I feel that the two of them should not be in the same team, or they will fight!"

Du Kang and Zhu Wu happened to be the same as each other, and they were in the same team!Sun Yao also laughed: "The two of them like to bicker. After all, they are two men. There is nothing we can do about it. However, they are still very serious when fighting!"

Everyone laughed.

After breakfast, Xiao Yi went back to the island monument. After using the short-range defense system template, he looked at the raw materials needed. The inventory was enough to make three sets.

Without hesitation, he created three short-range defense systems and handed them over to Jiang Yuntian.

Jiang Yuntian rushed to the undead with these three sets of defense systems.

Xiao Yi chose to enter the trial space for today's trial.

Just as Xiao Yi was conducting the trial, the Domire galaxy finally released the Marrow Washing Pill.

But in less than a second, the [-] Marrow Cleansing Pills were sold out!
In the Domire galaxy, the public channel of the island monument immediately became lively.

"What's the situation? It's past eight o'clock! Where's the marrow washing pill? Why isn't it on the shelves yet?"

"Brother upstairs, are you stuck? It's already on the shelves!"

"What? No way, I just blinked my eyes and it's gone?"

"In this situation, how dare you blink your eyes? Immortal medicine like Xisui Pill is not expensive, and you can know it in seconds with your ass!"

"Made, I expected that I wouldn't be able to grab it, but I didn't expect to be able to get it in this way!"

"Did someone grab it? I'll pay double the price!"

"I'll pay double the price too! Anyone offer?"

"Only a fool will sell the marrow-washing pill that we have snatched. This is related to our awakening. It is the improvement of personal strength. Who would hand it over to others!"

"No, I'm going to ask Yiranpin boss on the Internet, can I bring some more next time."

"Go together, go together!"

At this time, Ji Batian asked nervously: "Zhentian, did you get the marrow washing pill?"

"Fortunately, I got two of them!" Ji Zhentian replied excitedly.

"Two! That's great!" Ji Batian slapped the table beside him and shouted happily, startling all the subordinates around him!
Ji Jiying also looked at Ji Zhentian excitedly: "Uncle, you've worked hard, where's the marrow washing pill?"

Ji Zhentian immediately took out the two high-level marrow washing pills he had obtained, and put them on the table.

Ji Batian said happily: "Zhentian, you did a good job! We only have three island monuments in total, and you managed to snatch two, which is very good!"

In the Domi Hot Galaxy, the Marrow Cleansing Pill is also available in limited quantities, and each ID can only purchase one.

"It can only be said that luck is good!" Ji Zhentian replied with a smile.

Ji Batian thought for a while, and said: "These two marrow washing pills, one for Ying'er, and one for Zhentian, you take!"

"What?" Ji Zhentian looked at his brother in surprise.

Ji Batian said again: "It will take a long time to use the Xisui Pill once before we need another one. Ying'er only needs one now, and it is a waste to keep the other one. It is better to use it to increase our strength."

Ji Jiying nodded: "That's right, Uncle, I'll take it for you!"

Ji Zhentian hesitated a little, but shook his head: "Let's use it for you, brother, my aptitude is not as good as yours!"

Ji Batian smiled and shook his hands: "Brother, you are too humble. We have similar qualifications, but I am the boss and enjoy more resources. Now that I am old, you have more opportunities!"

Ji Zhentian said speechlessly: "You are only five years older than me!"

(End of this chapter)

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