Chapter 2394 Combat, ability kill, live broadcast

The reason why Jiang Yuntian took the team into the spaceship to deal with the undead was because he didn't want to destroy the loot too much, and at the same time he could train his team.

There are still many opportunities to encounter undead in the future, so it is good to get used to it as soon as possible!

After Jiang Yuntian led the team into the cabin of the miniature spaceship, an army of skeletons immediately greeted them.

Those skeletons rushed over with bone knives, Jiang Yuntian and the others immediately raised their particle assault rifles and started shooting.

"Instructor, why do I feel that this scene seems familiar?" A soldier said while shooting.

"Of course, when we were hired for the first time, we were in this battle formation. The opponent at that time was the Zerg." Jiang Yuntian replied with a smile, "Be careful, these skeletons are not like the Zerg, and the Zerg smashed them. The body is fatal to them, and these things, as long as the soul fire in the head is not concentrated, they will keep rushing towards them desperately."

"Instructor, if only one head is left, can they still rush over?" The soldier beside him asked curiously.

Jiang Yuntian didn't reply, but directly shot a skeleton in the neck.

The particle beam directly smashed its neck, and its skull rolled to the floor of the spaceship.

Jiang Yuntian fired two more shots to break the opponent's arm, otherwise, it would touch the head and install it again!
"See for yourself!" Jiang Yuntian continued to attack the undead rushing up from behind.

And the skull that fell on the floor jumped up!
Those soldiers took a closer look, and it turned out that the skull jumped forward by opening and closing its mouth.

"Lying on the grass, can this fucking work?"

The soldiers behind Jiang Yuntian were stunned, they had never seen such a strange scene.

"The undead are very special, and you must be more careful when you encounter them in the future!" Jiang Yuntian reminded after killing the jumping skull with one shot.

"Yes!" The crowd responded in unison.

"You are divided into two waves, the firepower cannot be stopped, I will go to other cabins to see!" Jiang Yuntian nodded slightly, turned and walked out.

"Instructor, let's go with you, it's too dangerous for you alone!" The soldiers beside him immediately objected.

Jiang Yuntian shook his head: "These little skeletons are not a big threat to me. I'm going to exercise my abilities. You all pay attention to safety here! Call me in time if you need anything!"

"Yes!" Those soldiers had no choice but to answer.

Anyway, we are all on the same spaceship. If there is any danger, everyone can arrive in time.

Jiang Yuntian came outside the spaceship, found another damaged spot, and got in.

The previous battle attracted all the undead in the spaceship to the position of the combat team, so Jiang Yuntian didn't meet any undead when he came in.

After walking a little further inside, I finally met the undead.

Jiang Yuntian smiled slightly, and immediately formed an iron net in front of him. This iron net seemed to be welded to the spaceship. Those skeletons hit it and broke all the bones in his body, but he still failed Knock open.

Standing behind the iron net, Jiang Yuntian immediately controlled a thin metal needle and began to kill these skeletons.

I saw the metal needle passing through the crowd of skeletons, and those skeletons fell down in groups!

"It's so convenient to kill these undead with no spiritual value!" Jiang Yuntian sighed.

Then, with a slight movement of his mind, he turned the metal needle into a metal snake, and got into those skulls to bite the fire of the soul.

It's not that he doesn't want to become a metal dragon, but that his mental strength can't support him to condense a metal dragon.

"Always develop slowly!" Jiang Yuntian comforted himself.

After dealing with the wave of skeletons in front of him, Jiang Yuntian stopped and took a short rest. Controlling the metal snake consumed more mental power.The Yi Ranpin Alliance team surrounded and killed the micro spaceship flying out from the giant skeleton group. This scene was captured by some survivors' detection satellites.

Although many survivors have left this meteorite area, some of them are still left behind.

There are always some adventurous radicals, who believe that high risks come with high returns, and they might have a chance to make a fortune if they stay here.

Live broadcasting is one of them. As long as you can broadcast some special scenes live, you can make a fortune!
This live broadcast of the spaceship captured by the Yiranpin Alliance besieging and killing the undead is an opportunity.

The people in the live broadcast room have already discussed it.

"This battle is so boring, isn't it just for delivering food?"

"Yeah, I thought the undead had some cards to wrestle with the satellite-class warships of the Yiranpin Alliance!"

"Oh, I feel bad watching this live broadcast!"

"Yeah, it cost me two yuan for the ticket!"

"What does this undead think, isn't it just looking for abuse when you come out like this?"

"I feel that this is not necessarily the spaceship of the undead, maybe it is the indigenous force!"

"It's also possible!"

"What's possible, the natives definitely don't dare to enter the giant skeleton group, even though they are an alliance, they don't dare to enter, I said!"

"Yes, it's definitely not native, but do these spacecraft have autopilot?"

"God damn autopilot, can't the undead drive by themselves?"

"Pilot yourself? How did the giant skeleton get into the cockpit? These are miniature spaceships!"

"Let's say it's miniature, even the cockpit of a large spaceship can't accommodate a skeleton about 50 meters tall!"

"Who said you need a giant skeleton to drive? Do you still remember what the boss said? These undead collect those meteorites with energy stones to build a portal. With the portal, can't they send some small skeletons?"

"Lying on the grass, it makes sense!"

"But why do the undead fly out? What are they going to do?"

"It doesn't matter what it wants to do, just like the boss, it will fight at the head, no matter what they want to do, they can't do it!"

"Makes sense!"

"No wonder the boss's team arranged for a team to board the ship after destroying those spaceships. The boss should know that there are little skeletons in it, right?"

"Look, there is a small skeleton coming out of a spaceship!"

Just as Jiang Yuntian and the others were cleaning one of the spaceships, a skeleton came out of the other spaceship.

"I really envy these skeletons. You don't have to worry about the impact of the space environment on them. We have to wear spacesuits when we go out!"

"You envy them so much, you can join them, they should welcome you very much."

"Ahem, it's not bad to be a creature, besides, I don't leave the cabin very often!"

"Why do these little skeletons run out by themselves?"

(End of this chapter)

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