Chapter 2388 Advanced civilization detection satellite

With the current technological level of survivors, it should be impossible to find it!
Xiao Yi replied in a deep voice: "Don't look at other survivors with fixed eyes, maybe they have obtained special devices."

Jiang Yuntian nodded slightly and said no more.

Back in the cockpit, Xiao Yi immediately came to the island monument, and the public channel was still talking about it.

"What is that? It seems that I have never seen it before!"

"Yeah, is it someone's drone?"

"It doesn't matter what you are concerned about. What matters is whether this thing has always been here, or has it just come?"

"Does it matter?"

"It's a big relationship. If we're here all the time, it means we've been being watched!"

"Aren't we being watched all the time?"

"Yes, our every move cannot escape the surveillance of the world's rules."

"These two kinds of surveillance are completely different. The rule of the world is observation, and this strange aircraft is likely to be an item of other civilization forces. After other civilizations study it clearly, they will definitely attack us!"

"Everyone, don't be so nervous, this thing is not necessarily a detection satellite!"

"Yeah, don't scare yourself."

At this time, Xiao Yi said: "Survivors, this thing is a detection satellite. We found the same thing near the alliance spacecraft before!"

Seeing Xiao Yi's message, everyone was stunned.

"Lying grass, it's really a detection satellite. It seems that the chaotic galaxy is being targeted by other civilizations again."

"Oh, it really doesn't stop at all!"

"Mad, the chaotic galaxy has been occupied by two stars, will other civilizations come over?"

"It looks like we're going to fight again!"

"Yeah, it's very human to let us rest for so long."

"Or, let's move to the dinosaur galaxy!"

"Is this useful? They can also follow!"

"Just destroy the wormhole!"

"Let's forget it. The survivors in the Dinosaur galaxy are completely extinct. It's not a good choice to stay in such a galaxy, let alone there are still undead people now."

"Yes, there are still undead, and it feels more difficult for the dinosaur galaxy!"

Xiao Yi flipped through their previous discussions, and finally found out why they were able to discover that advanced civilization's detection satellite.

It turned out that a survivor found an anti-spy satellite device while excavating the ruins.

It was with this device that he discovered the probe satellite.

"Did the opponent's detection satellite notice that you found it?" Xiao Yi asked again.

"It's not clear yet, anyway, it didn't leave, it stayed where it was." The survivor who found the strange detection satellite replied immediately.

"Don't startle the snakes for the time being, and see if they have the next move." Xiao Yi reminded.

"Okay! Boss, are there many such things in our chaotic galaxy?"

Xiao Yi shook his head: "I really don't know about this, we just found one!"

"Then is this detection satellite advanced?"

"Advanced!" Xiao Yi replied affirmatively, "Better than a first-level civilization."

"No, doesn't that mean that this thing is at least the product of a second-level civilization?" "Damn, my horse riding is just an escape cabin, and the invasion of the second-level civilization has begun?"

"Brother upstairs, isn't it a bit too slow for the escape pod now?"

"I have never used the escape pod to exchange spaceships with the boss, and now it seems that I can't do it!"

"If the other party is really a second-level civilization, you can do it directly. There is no need to monitor us like this!"

"It seems to be the same, just crush it directly, we can't stop it at all."

"I think it's because they don't know us yet, or this is just their vanguard." Xiao Yi speculated.

"Well, it makes sense. The higher the level of civilization, the more cautious they will be. If they observe us long enough, they should find that we are actually very strange."

"Yes, the chaotic galaxy does not have any planets suitable for our survival and development, but we have survived."

"Also, after our spaceship is damaged, there is no need to go out for repairs, it can be restored in an instant!"

"If you change positions, everyone is a second-level civilized team. After discovering this, do you dare to attack easily?"

"That's true, especially when it returns to normal in an instant, it's too unbelievable!"

"This is also the time the world rules allow us to develop!"

"So you don't have to worry too much, and develop with peace of mind. When the second-level civilization comes over, we will be able to deal with it!"

Seeing this, Xiao Yi raised his head and asked, "Brother Jiang, have any of our other ships found this strange detection satellite?"

Jiang Yuntian shook his head: "No."

"It seems that this second-level civilization didn't arrange too many detection satellites!" Xiao Yi nodded slightly and said.

"Yes!" Jiang Yuntian said with emotion, "Island Master, I feel that we need more powerful weapons now."

"I want it too. Weapons are something you can meet but not ask for." Xiao Yi shook his head and sighed.

Feeling emotional, Xiao Yi continued to ask: "Are there any more actions from the undead?"

"They just drove the survivors out of the meteorite area, but they didn't take any further action!" Jiang Yuntian replied.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly: "Well, let's go here first, I'm going back to rest!"

"Island owner, Jiebi would like to have supper today, won't you come?" Du Kang said immediately.

"No, I'll have a drink with everyone later this weekend!" Xiao Yi stood up with a smile and left the cockpit.

After Xiao Yi left, Du Kang immediately came to Jiebi: "Now order the supper first!"

"Okay, just order it on my mobile phone! Everyone, I will place an order together!" Jiebi unlocked his mobile phone and handed it over.

Du Kang took it unceremoniously and started to light it up.

"Two days ago, I just found out that there is a family whose barbecue is very special, and today it happened to kill a big family!" Du Kang said happily.

"Are you preparing some food for other survivors?" Jiebi was stunned for a moment and said with a smile.

"Of course, if you eat the food in the alliance every day, you have to change the taste." Du Kang replied logically.

Zhu Wu curled his lips and said, "Tomorrow I will tell the chef of the restaurant that Xiao Kangkang doesn't like their food anymore!"

"Who says I don't like it? I'm just trying something new. You are so good at adding oil and vinegar, why didn't you become a chef?" Du Kang retorted.

"Don't tell me, I really have the talent to be a cook. If you don't believe me, ask Ergou, he has seen my cooking skills before!" Zhu Wu said confidently.

Ergou nodded in cooperation.

"Ergou, if you are threatened, just blink!"

(End of this chapter)

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