Chapter 2367 Weird little skeleton, opportunity to kill
In the group of giant skeletons, a skeleton with the same size as an adult human is sitting cross-legged on a meteorite, and there are many corpses of bugs hunted by giant skeletons around it.

Some of the insect corpses lost all flesh and blood and turned into skeletons.

There are also many meteorites brought in from the outside, and the interior of these meteorites contains energy stones.

The little skeleton stretched out his hand to take a worm corpse, the flesh and blood on the worm corpse quickly disappeared, but a layer of periosteum appeared on the little skeleton.

"Fortunately, there are these bugs, otherwise, I don't know how long it will take for me to recover to this level!"

The little skeleton's voice was gloomy and hoarse.

It seems that not only a layer of periosteum has been formed on the surface of its skeleton, but also vocal cords have been formed by the way, but this vocal cords are not very easy to use.

With a periosteal skeleton, it looks like a skinned mummy, which looks even more terrifying.

"Move over all those meteorites containing energy stones, the more the better!" Little Skull ordered.

As a result, more giant skeletons left the group of skeletons to carry those meteorites containing energy stones, and the undead had their own unique method to distinguish whether a meteorite contained energy stones.

"Island Master, the group of giant skeletons changes frequently, and more and more giant skeletons are coming out to carry those meteorites." Jiang Yuntian raised his head and said in a deep voice.

Xiao Yi thought for a while, and said, "Let's grab it!"

Jiang Yuntian was slightly startled, and replied in a deep voice: "Yes!"

As long as the undead come out to carry the meteorite, the possibility of placing orders is much higher than before, which also gives them a chance.

Xiao Yi immediately called out on the public channel of the island monument.

"Hello, all survivors, the undead are now coming out to carry meteorites. If you have a team, you can try to kill these giant skeletons alone, but you must pay attention to safety!"

"Giant skeletons carry meteorites? What are they going to do?"

"Yes, do you want to build a house here?"

"How is it possible? In this weightless situation, it would be nice to be able to gather meteorites together. It can't be built!"

"That is, the giant skeleton is so huge, if you want to build a house, how big should it be?"

Xiao Yi thought for a while, and decided to tell the truth.

Even if he didn't say anything, if a team killed the giant skeleton, they would definitely collect the meteorites that the giant skeleton carried.

As long as the meteorite is collected, they can get the energy stone.

Therefore, it is meaningless for Xiao Yi to hide this moment!

"The meteorites carried by those giant skeletons contain power stones, which are the kind used by our alliance's teleportation array." Xiao Yi spoke again.

"What? The meteorites they carry contain energy stones!"

"Lying grass, is this true?"

"Big brother has never lied to us, and it doesn't make any sense to lie to us."

"Yeah, as long as a team completes the killing of the giant skeleton later, it will naturally prove the truth. There is really no need for the boss to deceive us about this."

"Doesn't that mean that killing the giant skeletons this time will have double benefits, in addition to the dark gold on the skeletons of the giant skeletons, and the power stones they carry in their hands!"

"That's how it should be!"

"Then why don't you hurry up, form a team, form a team of ten people, this way, although the income will be a little less, it will be safer!"

"Yes, the last time I watched that five-person team fight, it felt a little dangerous. The more people, the better!"

"Nonsense, the more people there are, the more chaotic they will be, and they might even hurt their own people!"

"That is, the more people in the team, the more troublesome it will be to cooperate. Sometimes the result will be 1+1<2, so we should be more cautious." At this time, the first hunting team established had already found a lone man. They immediately pounced on the giant skeleton, and there were two detection satellites nearby responsible for live broadcast.

These two detection satellites also have a cooperative relationship with this hunting team, and [-]% of their live broadcast income will be distributed to the hunting team.

And those exploration satellites that have no cooperative relationship are not allowed to approach them to take pictures!

Therefore, there are only two live broadcast rooms on the live broadcast of the hunting team's hunting action.

This time is naturally a replica of the last tactic, but after the last exercise, they are more proficient.

One person restrains the giant skeleton with a fishing net, while the rest attack with laser cannons!

It may be because the giant skeletons need to carry meteorites, which affects their agility, so it feels easier to kill this time!

"Captain, it feels better to kill now!" A member of the hunting team said with a smile.

The captain nodded slightly, and then shook his head again: "Didn't you realize that you took an extra round to kill it this time?"

The other four were stunned for a moment, then frowned and thought for a moment, then nodded.

"It seems so!"

"Could it be that these giant skeletons have been strengthened again?"

"Fortunately, the captain has that A-level big net, otherwise it would be even more difficult to kill."

Netizens who saw the live broadcast of this hunting team also began to discuss it.

"It feels much easier this time than last time!"

"Yeah, I feel like I can do it too, I hope it's not an illusion!"

"It would not be easy without such a large net. However, they are carrying meteorites, which will indeed affect their agility. Now is an opportunity to hunt them down!"

"Have you noticed that this time the hunting team took several more fights than last time to finish off that giant skeleton?"

"Ah? Is there any? I feel similar to the last time. I feel that the kill is faster than the last time!"

"I compared the previous attack, and it took several more shots to solve it!"

"No, it's only been more than a day, have they been strengthened again?"

"At present, it should be so, but what do they use to strengthen themselves?"

While everyone was discussing in the live broadcast room, Xiao Yi also received feedback from the intelligence department.

The intelligence department not only pays attention to the information of each live broadcast room, but also has the first-hand intelligence sent back by the spy satellite.

Although the hunting team did not allow uncooperative detection satellites to approach and take pictures, the spy satellites of the Yiranpin Alliance still wandered around them.

It's just that they can't detect the presence of spy satellites.

"According to the image analysis sent back by the spy satellite, there is a thin layer of film on the skeletons of these undead people. If you don't look carefully, you can't see it!" The head of the intelligence department continued.

Xiao Yi was startled, and then carefully looked at the pictures and videos sent by the intelligence department, including the comparison with the giant skeleton before.

"There is indeed a thin film!" Jiang Yuntian agreed.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly, narrowed his eyes and said, "It's those bugs!"

Jiang Yuntian was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized: "That's right, no wonder they collect bug corpses!"

(End of this chapter)

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