Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 2341 The test was successful and the caravan returned to normal

Chapter 2341 The test was successful and the caravan returned to normal

As long as the test of the thermal insulation device is successful, Xiao Yi and the others will have the opportunity to return to the meteorite belt in the chaotic galaxy to collect resources.

Affected by small stars, their spaceships and collectors cannot stay in the meteorite belt for a long time.

If the thermal insulation device is successful this time, thermal insulation devices can be installed on the spacecraft and the collector, so that they will not be afraid of the hot temperature emitted by the small stars.

At the same time, the Zerg can't get close to the meteorite belt, and they can collect resources unscrupulously.

After dinner, everyone came to the cockpit. At this time, the news from the public channel was not broadcast on the big screen, but the situation inside Zhu Wu's spacecraft was broadcast live simultaneously.

"I wonder if the equipment brought out by the island master this time can withstand the temperature of the little star?" Sun Gudao said with some concern.

"Don't worry, I feel fine!" Du Kang replied with a smile while holding a glass of beer.

Jiang Yuntian raised his eyebrows slightly: "Are you so confident?"

Du Kang looked at Jiang Yuntian with a calm face, and replied, "Aren't you worried at all?"

"Because we already know the worst outcome, it doesn't matter if we can bear it or not!" Jiang Yuntian shrugged and replied.

Sun Gudao was slightly taken aback, then nodded: "Yes, you really don't need to worry too much!"

While everyone was chatting, Comet No. [-] slowly approached the small star, and everyone looked at the big screen one after another.

The situation in Zhu Wu's spaceship has been stable all along, and there have been no alarms.

When the No. [-] comet crossed the nearest point, there was still no alarm sound in the spacecraft.

Everyone immediately cheered.

"Great, the island owner's heat preservation device is useful!"

"Yeah, I already knew that the equipment that the island owner took out must be fine!"

"Tch, I don't know whose palms were sweating nervously just now!"

"How do you know my palms are sweaty?"

"You've been holding my hand, and you're still holding it."

"Lying on the grass!" The man immediately shook off the opponent's hand, and then wiped his body, "You won't shake off my hand?"

"How can I bear it?"

"Go away, gay!"

Seeing that Zhu Wu's spaceship passed the nearest point smoothly, Xiao Yi also heaved a sigh of relief.

"When the next quadruple state is reached, we will mass-produce thermal insulation devices, and at the same time arrange a team to return to the Chaos galaxy, preparing to enter the meteorite belt to collect resources!" Xiao Yi said happily.

"Go to the chaotic galaxy meteorite belt to collect resources? Isn't it impossible to stay there?" Du Kang only said half of the sentence, and then immediately responded, "Island owner, are you going to install the insulation device on the spacecraft and collector?"

"Of course, otherwise, why should I care so much about this test of the thermal insulation device!" Xiao Yi asked back.

Jiang Yuntian's eyes lit up: "That's right, the point where Comet No. [-] is closest to the small star seems to be closer to the small star than the meteorite belt!"

"That's right, so as long as this test is successful, there will be no problem for us to go to the meteorite belt to collect resources!" Xiao Yi replied with a smile and nodded.

"The owner of the island is so awesome, he thought so far!" Du Kang shouted.

"Okay, stop flattering!" Xiao Yi said with a smile, "Let's get some barbecue from the kitchen and bring it over, let's eat!"

"Huh? Why is the island owner so upbeat today?" Du Kang asked in surprise.

In the past, Du Kang and the others stayed here to have fun until midnight, but today Xiao Yi actually wants to eat barbecue and drink beer here!

"Today is the 70th day since we entered the second stage. It happens to be the weekend. We will wait until the early morning before resting today!" Xiao Yi replied with a smile. "Damn, it's the 70th day today? I'm so confused!" Du Kang patted his head and said.

"There are a lot of things going on recently, and everyone will still have to arrange a rest day every week." Xiao Yi said.

"Yes, thank you, Island Master!" Everyone said in unison.

Xiao Yi waved his hand, at this time Zhu Wu was already arranging for the No. [-] Comet caravan to return to the spaceship!

"Master Zhu, is our spaceship far away from the small star?" Lu Qin asked curiously.

Zhu Wu shook his head: "Not yet, but the heat preservation device given to us by the island owner has been tested and can withstand the heat of a small star at this distance, so you can go to your work!"

Lu Qin asked pleasantly: "Then we don't need to transfer back from now on?"

"It seems to be the case at present." Zhu Wu nodded slightly.

"Great!" Lu Qin said happily.

"Next, you will be in charge of the No. [-] Comet business line. If you have any questions, please contact me in time!" Zhu Wu continued.

"Yes, I understand!" Lu Qin replied in a deep voice.

"Well, then you go there!" Zhu Wu waved his hand.

Lu Qin nodded slightly, and walked directly into the teleportation array.

After teleporting to Zhu Wu's spaceship, Lu Qin checked the status of the spaceship for the first time.

"everything is normal!"

The engineer in charge of all aspects checked it quickly and reported to Lu Qinhui.

Lu Qin turned on the broadcast inside the spacecraft and said: "Some people may not know that our spacecraft has not fared away from that small star so far."

"What!" Everyone exclaimed, with panic on their faces.

Lu Qin continued: "However, don't worry, the island owner has provided us with a thermal insulation device to ensure that the temperature of our spaceship is constant. In the future, we don't have to worry about the temperature threat of this little star."

"No wonder I can't feel the high temperature. It turns out that there is a heat preservation device!"

"Yeah, just now the Lu team said that we are not far away from the small star, I am worried that our spaceship will be roasted!"

"It was roasted last time, and Master Zhu didn't come over this time, which means it must be safe!"

"Great, I can finally stop moving back and forth!"

Lu Qin clapped his hands and signaled everyone to be quiet: "Although there is no need to worry about the threat of the little star, everyone should be vigilant and pay attention to other dangers."

"Yes!" The crowd responded in unison.

At this time, in the Yiranpin Alliance headquarters, Xiao Yi and the others were eating and chatting.

"Before I knew it, more than two months have passed!" Du Kang said with emotion.

"I feel as if more than two years have passed, and all kinds of headaches have been tested one after another!" Sun Gudao said.

"Yeah, I feel that the people behind the scenes are getting more and more casual. In the first stage, they can give reminders every week! It's been ten weeks since the second stage, so it seems like they only reminded you three times?" Feng Menglong Tucao Road.

"In the past, the island monument would remind us of new tests in advance, but now we go directly! We can't resist yet!" Qiu Sheng said helplessly.

"Since you can't resist, then enjoy it!" Jiang Yuntian said with a smile.

In the chatter of everyone, time passed slowly.

Just after midnight, the island monument responded!
(End of this chapter)

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