Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 2338 Live broadcast again, this time it was killed in seconds

Chapter 2338 Live broadcast again, this time it was killed in seconds
What Xiao Yi said about expanding the five ships meant expanding the planting of those herbs on the five spaceships with island monuments.

With the current rhythm of survivors, without the island monument, this expanded planting would be meaningless.

Herbal medicine can be used, but it also needs a certain year. It is only grown on a daily basis. I don't know when it will be used.

After Sun Yao had planted the herbs on the five spaceships, he arranged for people to transplant those herbs to the chaotic planet in the No. [-] space.

Sun Yao's method of transplanting herbs is extremely rough, just confirming the surrounding growth environment, as long as it is suitable, they will randomly scatter those herbal seeds.

Whether it can take root or sprout depends on God's will.

At this time, Jiang Yuntian and the others had arrived at the meteorite area discovered by the detective.

Survivors around saw the satellite-class battleship of the Yiranpin Alliance coming again, and knew that the Yiranpin Alliance was going to cut the meteorite again, so they arranged for detection satellites to follow.

Du Kang frowned slightly and said, "Brother Jiang, isn't it suitable for live broadcasting when we attack the undead?"

Jiang Yuntian pondered for a moment, then replied: "It doesn't matter, even if the island owner said they saw it, they still don't know what our cards are."

Du Kang nodded slightly: "That's true!"

They can only see that the Yiranpin Alliance defeated the giant skeleton, but they don't know exactly what happened!

Just like the last time Xiao Yi helped Jiang Yuntian kill the giant skeleton, but outsiders would never have guessed that there was someone helping them, they just saw a gold-type superhuman kill the giant skeleton.

But this time, even if they saw the Yiranpin Alliance team kill the giant skeleton with a battleship, they probably just thought that the Yiranpin Alliance's weapons were stronger.

At this time, the survivors on the island tablet had already started asking questions.

"Boss, can we follow you to kill the undead this time?"

"Yeah, we still want to continue the live broadcast, okay?"

Xiao Yi replied directly: "Yes, the request is the same as last time, don't get close, don't interfere with the battle between us and the undead."

"Okay, don't worry, boss, we're just shooting from a distance, never get close!"

"That's right, thank you boss, I can earn some more this time!"

"Yeah, survivors from other galaxies are still very interested in killing the undead with the boss alliance!"

"Survivors will be interested. After all, the undead are likely to be the final big boss of our survivors. There is nothing wrong with learning more about it!"

"Stop talking, let's start the broadcast! Welcome to my live broadcast room, everyone!"

Soon, a large number of live broadcasts appeared on the Yiranpin Alliance network.

"The Yiranpin Alliance triple kills the undead, whether they can successfully kill them, so stay tuned!"

"The undead have turned into gold to such an extent."

"Last time it was difficult to win, how should the Yiranpin Alliance deal with this time?"

Looking at these gimmicky headlines on the Internet, all survivors who are not in the meteorite area of ​​the dinosaur galaxy can't help but enter the live broadcast room to find out!

Whether it's the public channel of the island monument, or the public chat room of the Yiranpin Alliance network, or in every live broadcast room, all the survivors are discussing whether the Yiranpin Alliance can kill the undead this time.

"It seems that it was not difficult to kill last time, so it shouldn't be a problem this time!"

"Not difficult? They have been tossing for so long, which means it must be not easy!"

"Yeah, plus this time the undead should become stronger, so it's really hard to say!"

"The Yi Ranpin Alliance has so many high-end equipment and so many high-level superpowers, I think there must be no problem!" "That is, although it took a while last time, no one can tell clearly, Yi Ranpin Did the league do its best?"

"That's right, maybe they just want to test the ability of their supernatural beings, and they didn't try their best at all!"

Amidst the discussion among the crowd, Jiang Yuntian and the others had already arrived at the center of the previous meteorite shower and set a target.

"Perform the collection operation immediately!" Jiang Yuntian said in a deep voice.


The satellite-class battleship immediately released more than 20 collectors to collect target meteorites!
Under the collection of so many collectors, he soon encountered the undead in the meteorite.

"Evacuate all collectors immediately!" Jiang Yuntian ordered in a deep voice, "Weapons are ready, automatic tracking and shooting!"


The meteorite trembled and shattered, and a half black and half white giant skeleton appeared in front of everyone.

"I feel that the dark gold of this giant skeleton is much faster!"

"Yeah, yesterday it was just a head, but today the entire upper body has been transformed into dark gold!"

"This speed is definitely faster than the expected speed of the Yiranpin Alliance!"

Jiang Yuntian looked a little dignified after seeing this giant skeleton, but the weapon hand beside him had already started the automatic tracking shooting for the first time!

Three lasers shot out one after another!
The giant skeleton was as agile as ever, jumping to one side, trying to block the battleship's attack with the help of a meteorite!

But the intelligent tracking system perfectly predicted the evasion route of the giant skeleton.

The last laser hit the giant skeleton's sole, directly shattering that sole!
"Beautiful job!" Jiang Yuntian said happily.

When they attacked manually with their weapons, they failed to injure the giant skeletons.

This time, only three shots were fired to shatter one foot of the giant skeleton.

Sit down!

And the agility of a giant skeleton with a broken foot was also affected.

The battleship immediately chased after it, this time firing five shots in a row!
The giant skeleton dodged two of the lasers, and the remaining three lasers all hit, and one of them hit its head!
The fire of the soul was extinguished, and the giant skeleton immediately stopped moving!
"Catch it and take it away, and pay attention to collecting the broken skulls!" Jiang Yuntian ordered happily when he saw that the giant skeleton was solved so easily.


The satellite-class battleship of the Yiranpin Alliance stepped forward to grab the skeleton of the giant skeleton, collected the broken skulls, and returned!

As for the broken soles, there is no dark gold, and the dark gold cannot be collected, so there is no need to collect it at all.

It took less than a minute for the giant skeleton to come out of the meteorite and be killed.

All the audience in the live broadcast room were dumbfounded.

"What's going on? Is this the end?"

"Yeah, didn't you still fight back and forth yesterday? Didn't it kill you in seconds today?"

"That's right, didn't the Yiranpin Alliance say before that it is difficult for the weapons on the battleship to attack this agile undead?"

"Isn't it a good idea to single-handedly kill the undead?"

(End of this chapter)

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