Chapter 2325 Agile Skeleton, Fighting
The meteorite trembled to the extreme, and suddenly shattered, and a huge skeleton appeared again!

The skeleton is about 50 meters tall, but it has a dark head!

In the live broadcast room, those survivors who had not seen the first giant skeleton were stunned.

"Lying grass, is this undead this big? It's the same size as my escape pod!"

"Just now the class representative said that the undead in the meteorite is about 50 meters high. I don't have any idea! Now I finally know, this is too fucking high. If there is no battleship, can it really be killed?"

"However, why are these undead people divided into two colors? Is it because the head was not buried in the meteorite and was sunburned by the stars?"

"This is not humorous at all. Why doesn't the Yiranpin Alliance use warships to attack? What are you waiting for!"

"Upstairs, didn't you attend the lectures to represent the lectures! You said that the battleships here can't hit the nimble and agile undead!"

Many survivors hope that the warships of the Yiranpin Alliance can fire, so that they can also see the power of the warships of the Yiranpin Alliance.

For example, Ji Jiying wanted to know, but Xiao Yi and the others already knew that the battleship couldn't do anything about a single skeleton scurrying around among the meteorites, so they simply didn't fire a single shot.

Xiao Yi and the others put on their bio-aerospace suits and directly chose to leave the cabin!
The live broadcast room became lively again.

"Hey, what's the situation? Is the Yiranpin Alliance going to send a team to fight that giant skeleton?"

"The difference in size is so big, is it really possible to fight?"

"It feels like once the giant skeleton punches down, this team will give everything!"

This time, not only survivors from other galaxies are worried, but even survivors from chaotic galaxies and dinosaur galaxies are uncertain.

Can a single soldier really kill such a huge skeleton?

Yesterday I only saw the skeleton from a distance on the battleship, and there were no other survivors standing by for comparison, but now the live broadcast is a real comparison,

The giant skeleton that woke up from the meteorite had already spotted Xiao Yi's group of ten people, twisted his neck, and suddenly rushed towards the meteorite where Xiao Yi and the others were!
The soldiers on the battleship had been waiting for the giant skeleton to come over, and immediately fired the laser cannon.

I saw the skeleton kicking a meteorite halfway and flying to one side, and the laser beam passed by it!

In the live broadcast room, everyone was shocked!

"Lying on the grass, the speed is so fast, can the laser cannon be dodged?"

"Believe it now, I told you just now, this skeleton is very agile, and there are meteorites everywhere, it can also block laser cannons with meteorites!"

"The giant skeleton is so powerful, how can those who leave the cabin deal with it?"

"You'll know just by looking at it!"

Looking at the dodging giant skeleton, Jiang Yuntian said: "Island Master, help me sweep the formation, and I will deal with it!"

"Okay, be careful!" Xiao Yi nodded slightly.

Jiang Yuntian immediately jumped towards the meteorite beside him, the high-energy particle sniper rifle in his hand was ready.

Xiao Yi and the others also raised their sniper rifles and followed Jiang Yuntian.

"Fire freely, shoot if you have the chance!" Xiao Yi ordered the other eight soldiers.

"Yes, Island Master!"

The main mission of these eight soldiers who came out was actually to protect Xiao Yi.They knew that the island owner was very strong, but they were afraid of hidden arrows. The eight of them were prepared to use their lives to defend against possible hidden arrows!
They quickly approached the giant skeleton and shot at it one after another.

Jiang Yuntian had already told the eight soldiers that the key to the undead was the soul fire in the head.

As long as the soul fire is hit, the undead will lose their mobility and be at their mercy.

So they all aimed at the giant skeleton's head.

I saw that the giant skeleton pulled a meteorite from the side and completely blocked his head.

All attacks were blocked by the meteorite!

"It's impossible to fight at all! It seems that this undead seems very smart!"

"Yeah, a weapon attack, it can pull a meteorite to block it, it's too difficult!"

"I feel that it is better to bomb the entire meteorite area directly, and it will definitely be solved."

"I found that some people really have an idea when they slap their heads. Have you ever thought about consuming it?"

"Doing this will wake up all the undead. As long as you don't blow up all the meteorites, they will have a place to hide. When you collect resources, you have to be on guard against the undead that pops up from time to time. It's too uncomfortable!"

"In order to destroy a Zerg wormhole, the Yiranpin Alliance has exhausted the alliance's nuclear explosion mines. Now even if it wants to blow up this meteorite area, it is powerless!"

"Doing this is completely thankless, and we don't need to do this at all. We have to wait for these undead to become dark gold, and then collect dark gold from them. A body with about [-] units of dark gold, Wake them up now, we are at a loss!"

"You guys think it's beautiful, but don't you think about whether you can stop them after they are completely darkened?"

"It's very simple. If we can't stop it, let's run. Anyway, we have collected resources for a while, so we can make money without losing money!"

"That is, these undead can only move with the help of the meteorites in the meteorite area. If they leave the meteorite area, they will have nothing to do. At least for now, it seems that they do not have the ability to move freely in space."

"To sum it up, there is no profit from fighting now, and it will cost manpower and ammunition. It will also affect our collection of resources in the future. After they are completely darkened, they will be profitable. If they can't be beaten, just leave. It will not affect our current collection of resources. , A normal person knows how to choose!"

"Stop arguing, let's see how the Yiranpin Alliance deals with this giant skeleton!"

At this time, Jiang Yuntian was less than a hundred meters away from the giant skeleton.

The giant skeleton grabbed a small meteorite and threw it towards Jiang Yuntian.

This size is only compared to the body of the giant skeleton. Although this meteorite is small, it is still three meters long and one meter wide!

Jiang Yuntian immediately jumped towards another meteorite, and at the same time activated the propulsion device of the bio-space suit.

Relying only on his own jumping ability, the speed is too slow. This is a weightless environment, so it is not easy to use it!

The small meteorite hit the meteorite where Jiang Yuntian was just now, and the violent impact caused the small meteorite to be torn apart.

Some fragments of meteorites were blasted around.

"This is still range splash damage!" Xiao Yi smiled slightly.

Jiang Yuntian was not so relaxed, he tried his best to avoid the flying debris.

But those meteorite fragments were moving so fast, Jiang Yuntian dodged most of them, and a small part couldn't be avoided. He could only use the bio-space suit to resist!
At this moment, Jiang Yuntian's eyes widened, and he looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief.

(End of this chapter)

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