Chapter 2317 Why doesn't it defend, kill
Jiang Yuntian led three warships in hot pursuit!

"Instructor, it's too flexible, and the weapons on our battleship still can't keep up with it. In addition, the terrain here is complicated, so it's very difficult for us to kill him!" The soldier on the side said in a deep voice, "Unless we directly take this meteorite Blast them all!"

"No, there must be undead in the other meteorites. If they are all blown up, what we are facing is no longer a skeleton!" Jiang Yuntian shook his head, "Keep chasing it and drive it to this position!"

"Yes!" The soldier was slightly taken aback, and then replied in a deep voice.

After giving this order, Jiang Yuntian immediately put on the bio-aerospace suit.

Although the repair of biofilm has not been done yet, an additional layer of biofilm will provide an additional layer of defense.

After putting on the bio-aerospace suit, Jiang Yuntian actually chose to leave the cabin!

"Instructor, this is too dangerous!" The soldiers on the side tried to stop him.

Jiang Yuntian said in a deep voice, "Execute the order!"

The soldier stood at attention helplessly.

After Jiang Yuntian came out, he found a meteorite and lay on it, took out a high-energy particle sniper rifle, and waited for the battleship to drive the giant skeleton over.

The battleship is big and slow to turn around, it is much easier for Jiang Yuntian alone!
The three warships chased and intercepted them, forcing the giant skeleton to Jiang Yuntian's side.

Seeing the giant skeleton approaching him, Jiang Yuntian aimed at it with a sniper rifle.

one kilometer!

Entering the range, Jiang Yuntian pressed the firing button without hesitation!
A beam of light flew past, heading straight for the head of the giant skeleton!

At this critical moment, the giant skeleton tilted its head aside!

Although part of the skull was shattered, the soul fire in its head was not injured!

The hit skeleton came towards Jiang Yuntian at a faster speed.

"The instructor is dangerous! Get out!"

An anxious voice came from Jiang Yuntian's walkie-talkie.

But Jiang Yuntian ignored it, fired two shots again, and ran towards other meteorites!

The bio-space suit also has a propulsion device, so his speed is no less than this 50-meter-tall giant skeleton!

The two shots fired from behind also hit the skeleton's head, but still missed the vital point!
Seeing that it couldn't catch up with Jiang Yuntian, the giant skeleton froze for a moment, then turned around and prepared to leave!
"Instructor, it wants to escape!"

Jiang Yuntian stopped immediately, and raised his sniper rifle at the skeleton. At this moment, the skeleton kicked off a meteorite and jumped towards Jiang Yuntian!

Jiang Yuntian's expression remained unchanged, and he shot at the flying skeleton.

There were no other meteorites on the way the giant skeleton flew over to change its direction of movement, so Jiang Yuntian was sure to hit the soul fire in its head.

A beam of light appeared and went straight to the skull's head.

The skeleton in the air immediately raised both hands to block the beam of light!
The skeleton's hand was smashed instantly, but it blocked Jiang Yuntian's shot.

Without any hesitation, Jiang Yuntian disconnected the second shot.

The skeleton blocked the second shot with its arm again!

It was too late to fire the third shot, Jiang Yuntian immediately stomped on the meteorite under his feet, and flew backwards.

But it was too late, that huge skeleton completely enveloped Jiang Yuntian.

Even at this time, Jiang Yuntian remained calm, looked at the skeleton calmly, and raised the sniper rifle again.

At this time, the skeleton still in the air struggled violently.

Everyone on the battleship was worried about the instructor's safety, but they dared not speak out, fearing that what they said would affect Jiang Yuntian.

But the current reaction of the skeleton really made them dumbfounded.

"What's going on? Wasn't it afraid of the previous shots?" "Yeah, why did this shot make the skeleton so scared?"

"Doesn't it have something to resist the shot?"

"No, it has another hand and arm!"

At this time, the giant skeleton didn't intend to block Jiang Yuntian's sniper rifle at all, but tried to catch it behind him!
Jiang Yuntian won't be polite to it, you won't be able to guard against it, and if you can't hit it, then it's inappropriate!

The sniper rifle fired again, and a bright light appeared.

This time there was no obstacle, and it hit the soul fire of the giant skeleton.

The movement of the giant skeleton stopped instantly.

But its forward speed was still there, and the entire skeleton smashed towards Jiang Yuntian.

Jiang Yuntian immediately activated the propulsion device and flew out from under the skeleton's armpit.

The skeleton collided with a meteorite, triggering a series of collision reactions.

"Don't stand still, grab that skeleton!" Jiang Yuntian ordered in a deep voice.

"Yes!" The soldiers on the battleship immediately responded and answered in unison.

"The instructor is so awesome, how did he manage to make the skeleton give up his defense just now?"

"It feels like a giant skeleton has released water!"

"What are you thinking? We don't know this kind of thing, and we don't have any friendship, why would we release water?"

While discussing, those soldiers captured the skeleton of the skeleton back.

On the spaceship of the alliance headquarters, Xiao Yi and others were also watching Jiang Yuntian's battle.

"What happened just now? Why didn't the skeleton defend itself?" Du Kang asked in surprise, then looked at Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi smiled slightly: "What did you say that would make it not defend the front, but grab it behind with its arms?"

"Is there something behind it that could threaten its life?" Feng Menglong said with a frown.

Du Kang was stunned for a moment, and said, "But we don't seem to have seen anything? Could it be that Brother Jiang knows witchcraft?"

"Your brain is really big!" Xiao Yi replied helplessly, "What is it that can control objects from a distance to threaten others?"

Du Kang immediately reacted: "Ability! Do you mean that Brother Jiang just used his ability to attack from behind?"

Xiao Yi nodded slightly: "You guys, you still need to learn more from Brother Jiang. You have to have supernatural powers, and you also need to learn how to use them in actual combat. Awakening is meaningful, understand?"

Everyone nodded.

Reluctantly, Du Kang watched the replay of the battle just now, and carefully observed behind the skeleton.

Sure enough, there was a giant needle-shaped object similar in color to the meteorite that pierced the skeleton's soul fire!
"Brother Jiang is amazing!" Du Kang shouted, and then sent a screenshot of his discovery to the internal group chat!

The internal group chat was immediately swiped by "Brother Jiang is awesome! +1".

After Jiang Yuntian returned to the battleship, he saw the message in the chat group on his mobile phone, and replied with a smile: "Don't be six!"

"Brother Jiang, wait for you to come back and take us to practice the practical application of training abilities!" Du Kang said.

"Of course, you can just play against me, and you will know how to use it!" Jiang Yuntian replied.

"No way, isn't this looking for abuse?" Du Kang said with a bitter face.

"You don't want to, I do! Brother Jiang, when I come back from Duomire, I will fight with you!" Zhu Wu popped up at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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