Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 2299 Cross-galaxy networking, gathering, and remote command

Chapter 2299 Cross-galaxy networking, gathering, and remote command

"Master Island Master!" Er Gou Liao greeted with cupped hands.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly, and asked, "How is the situation in the Dinosaur Galaxy?"

"Back to the island owner, everything is normal. Although the Zerg has them, they are not many. In terms of resources, they should not be as good as the Chaos Galaxy, because so far, no meteorite belt has been found!" Ergou replied in a deep voice.

"Come on, let's go and see!"

Xiao Yi and the others returned to the spacecraft of the alliance headquarters that they had traded for, and then flew towards the wormhole.

"By the way, remind all the survivors sent over again that they must not land on this planet!"

Looking at the planet where the wormhole is located, Xiao Yi gave a warning.


The microorganisms on this planet feed on metal, and the spacecraft will be eaten up in a few tens of seconds after landing on it.

Du Kang used the super fuser to fuse the super phage bacteria with this microorganism as the main body, but it has not yet been put into actual combat.

After coming to the Dinosaur Galaxy, Xiao Yi said, "I will open the wormhole in the independent planet space nearby, and the entertainment city will continue to open to the public."

"Okay!" Feng Menglong replied.

"Brother Jiang, arrange some teams to start exploring outside, make full use of our drones and spy satellites, and at least confirm the amount of resources in the Dinosaur Galaxy." Xiao Yi continued.

"Yes!" Jiang Yuntian stood at attention and replied.

After arranging the internal affairs of the alliance, Xiao Yi sent a message in the Yiranpin alliance network public chat group.

"The Yiranpin Alliance Entertainment City has now reopened near the wormhole of the Dinosaur Galaxy. If you want to play, please go there by yourself."

The public chat groups on the Yiranpin Alliance Network are naturally in Xia Guoyu.

However, the survivors in the chaotic galaxy have basically learned the Xia language, at least they can understand the Xia language.

"Boss is moving so fast, have you reached the Dinosaur Galaxy so soon?"

"It's just a matter of trading the island monument, can you not hurry up?"

"The boss should still be in the chaotic galaxy, otherwise there should be no way to send us a message."

"Who said, I'm near the wheat head galaxy now, so I can still send messages in the group." Zhu Wu suddenly sent a message in the public chat group.

"Lying grass, isn't this Brother Pig?"

"Brother Pig, haven't you been staying at the Yiranpin Alliance headquarters?"

"This time the comet went to the Maitou galaxy and I followed it. Didn't there be a comet collision last time? I'll rest assured." Zhu Wu replied, "I just left from the Maitou galaxy, and it will take about two hours. To the Chaos Galaxy."

"Brother Pig, are you sure you are not in the Chaos Galaxy? Then how can you speak in the online chat group?"

"It's very simple. Our Yiranpin Alliance has connected several nearby galaxies to the network. Everyone can contact survivors in other galaxies. If they don't know Xia Guoyu, it will be troublesome to communicate." Zhu Wu explained .

"No, is the Yiranpin Alliance already able to network across galaxies?"

"It's so powerful, when did it happen, why didn't you see survivors from other galaxies speak on the Internet?"

"Yeah, it always feels too exaggerated. Networking across galaxies must be more difficult than within galaxies. How did the boss do it?"

"Many of the boss's equipment is beyond the current state of development of everyone, and I am used to it."

"Don't doubt it, everyone. I have already connected with my companions in the wheat head galaxy. The boss's network is really too powerful."

"Really or not? I'll try too!" After a while, the survivor spoke again: "This doesn't work either! Why can't I contact my companions in the Domi Hot Galaxy?"

Zhu Wu replied: "I haven't sent the server and base station over there yet, it's only fake if you can get in touch."

"Then when can you send the server and base station there?"

"I haven't returned to the Chaos Galaxy yet, so you want me to go to Domire? Even the donkeys in the production team don't know how to do that!" Zhu Wu replied with his eyes rolled.

"Hey, brother pig, am I in a hurry to contact my companion!"

"I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry, wait for about three days after I pass!" Zhu Wu replied.

"Okay, thank you Brother Pig!"

"Now that they are all connected to the Internet, those brothers who went to explore the Dinosaur Galaxy, can you come out and tell me how the resources are there?"

"I have been looking for damaged escape pods and spaceships. I have encountered meteorites, but I have not collected them!"

"Me too. When I come to the Dinosaur Galaxy, I must be looking for an escape pod or a spaceship. If you find two more, you can exchange spaceships with the boss. Who has the time to collect resources!"

"I came to the Dinosaur Galaxy to collect resources. I haven't found any meteorite belts yet. The meteorites I encounter occasionally have average resource content and are worth collecting."

"That's good, then I don't have to hesitate, I just rushed over."

"By the way, are there any bugs over there?"

"Yes, but not many, but after a large number of survivors come over, it's hard to say whether the number of bugs will increase!"

"There will definitely be more, and the rules of the world will definitely arrange it clearly for us."

"Wouldn't it be beneficial to arrive early?"

"Theoretically, it should be like this. As time goes by, and the influx of survivors on our side, there will definitely be more and more bugs in the Dinosaur Galaxy!"

"Then what else is there to say, just teleport it over there, I'm going to fly there myself!"

"When we fly to the dinosaur galaxy, it is estimated that the bugs there will be the same as the chaotic galaxy!"

For a while, many survivors chose to use the teleportation function of the Yiranpin Alliance.

Xiao Yi naturally also saw Zhu Wu speaking in the group, so he chatted with him privately.

"Zhu Wu, have you brought back the planet fragments from Zhao Baishui in time?"

"Back to the island owner, in the last minute, Zhao Baishui rushed back, and then traded back all his trading gains in the Ford galaxy, naturally including the planet fragments." Zhu Wu immediately replied.

"Okay, be careful on the road!" Xiao Yi reminded.

"Yes, don't worry, the island owner!" Zhu Wu replied.

While talking, it was already evening, and Xiao Yi and others gathered in the restaurant.

"Now that the inter-galactic network has been formed, everyone can come back to work!" Xiao Yi mumbled while looking bald in front of his face.

Jiang Yuntian nodded slightly.

"Can we finally chat and fart together?" Du Kang asked with a smile.

"Now that the network conditions are mature, everyone can command remotely. Just go over and check on the work from time to time, so that everyone can practice together." Xiao Yi replied after swallowing the noodles in his mouth.

Ever since he figured out that there would be bonuses if everyone practiced together, Xiao Yi had been thinking about when he would be able to call everyone back.

Now the use of inter-galaxy servers and quantum base stations has provided him with the conditions!
(End of this chapter)

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