Chapter 2289 Yi Ranpin’s team is so strong, Rocket
"Get out immediately!" The captain ordered immediately.


The soldier immediately gave instructions to the drone and withdrew to the back.

"Captain, the bug tentacles are rushing towards our spaceship."

"Counterattack immediately!" The captain shouted in a deep voice.

Before the words fell, a beam of light rushed towards the bug's tentacles.

The weapon hand on the side is waiting for the captain's order!
The beam of light directly penetrated the tentacles of the bugs rushing towards him, which was equivalent to directly solving the entire tentacles that came over.

"Beautiful job!" The captain praised.

The bug tentacles are long strips, which are easy to break but too difficult to penetrate, so you need to find a very good angle.

Even Xiao Yi, who was watching their battle on the computer, couldn't help but praise.

"This weapon's technique is good!" Xiao Yi nodded slightly and said with a smile.

"Of course not bad, these are elite soldiers of our alliance!" Jiang Yuntian replied.

The probing attack of the Yiranpin Alliance team was also broadcast live by the Survivor who discovered the Zerg wormhole.

His detection satellite itself is nearby, and he can make some money by doing live broadcasts.

In the current situation where resources cannot be collected, it is still very important to find a way to make money.

Those survivors who watched the live broadcast chatted directly in the live broadcast room in Xia Guoyu.

"Lying grass, this Yiranpin alliance is really powerful, as can be seen from this attack!"

"Steady, accurate and ruthless! No wonder they can do a first-class civilized fleet!"

"I believe that as long as I continue to use the virtual pod for training, I can do it too!"

"It's just your illusion. I always thought I could, but I still can't!"

"That's just you, I have no illusions here!"

Just after the team of the Yiranpin Alliance solved a bug tentacles, the Zerg on the asteroid stretched out another tentacles again and rushed towards the battleship.

The pilot steered the battleship to swiftly dodge the impact of the insect's tentacles, and at the same time, the weapon hand shot again, accurately interrupting the tentacles!

Everyone in the live broadcast room was stunned again!
"Is this fit so smooth?"

"Yeah, while dodging, can you accurately hit the Zerg's tentacles?"

"I suddenly feel like I need to rent more virtual cabins!"

"Yeah, as the spaceship gets bigger and bigger, this kind of cooperation becomes very important!"

"There are trainings in the virtual cabin to cooperate with each other. I'm really curious, how long do the soldiers of the Yiranpin Alliance have to train every day to achieve this level of tacit understanding?"

"Anyway, it will take a long time. This only shows that the boss has been harvesting this virtual cabin for a long time."

"That's right, otherwise it would be impossible to have such a tacit understanding!"

"What if the soldiers sent by the boss this time are all elites?"

"We are all SSS-level physiques. It takes a long time to train to this level. I believe that there are geniuses and elites, but the probability of both being geniuses and elites is much smaller, so It can only be that they have trained long enough!"

"Well, that should be it!"

Amidst the people's discussion, the weapon hand launched an attack again, completely breaking up the extended tentacles!
As long as the Zerg's tentacles are broken up, it will be difficult for those fragmented tentacles to form an attack power.

But at this moment, eight tentacles suddenly extended from the asteroid, all rushing towards the battleship of the Yiranpin Alliance.

"Lying grass, this Zerg wants to keep the battleship of the Yiranpin Alliance!"

"It feels like they are a bit whimsical, but the speed of the insect's tentacles is still too slow!"

"Even if they are fast, they may not be able to catch the battleships of the Yi Ranpin Alliance!" "That is, the Yi Ranpin Alliance's team is too strong, and they have no chance at all!"

The captain frowned and looked at the extended tentacles, his brows furrowed.

Although it is not difficult to avoid the tentacles of these Zerg, they can't get close to the Zerg wormhole!
Jiang Yuntian also saw this problem, so he ordered: "Retreat temporarily!"

"Yes!" The captain replied, and immediately retreated to the back.

In the live broadcast room, everyone saw that the warships of the Yiranpin Alliance retreated, and discussed again.

"Although the team of the Yiranpin Alliance is very strong, they dare not go deep into the swarm!"

"Nonsense, this bug can't be beaten at all, and if you go deep into the bug swarm, you're courting death."

"I feel that the Zerg are a bit stupid, they will use the sea of ​​insects tactics, but we still have nothing to do with this tactics!"

"Yeah! It's difficult now."

Seeing the situation in front of him, Xiao Yi ordered: "Try to use Sun Hong's rockets to send the nuclear explosion hidden mine over there."

"Yes!" Jiang Yuntian replied, even though this method is unlikely to work.

After Sun Hong received Xiao Yi's order, he immediately traded a small rocket to the front line, and at the same time sent some experts to be responsible for the launch.

After arriving at the front line, those experts immediately started debugging and loaded enough nuclear explosive mines on the rocket.

"What is that? It looks like a rocket!"

"That's right, it's a rocket. It seems that the Yiranpin Alliance is going to use rockets to send nuclear bombs into it!"

"It's probably too difficult, there are too many bugs!"

"Always give it a try!"

Those experts quickly debugged and immediately carried out the launch mission.

In order to gain a high enough speed before meeting the Zerg, the battleship withdrew again for a distance before starting to ignite and launch!
Launch rockets in space, accelerating really fast!

But the Zerg's reaction was even more violent. Seeing the rocket flying rapidly, all the bugs on the asteroid rushed towards the rocket.

In this way, they finally saw the situation on the asteroid, where a huge wormhole was still gushing out worms.

"Finally see the whole picture of this asteroid!"

"Made, the Zerg's bugs are really endless!"

"This time the rocket has enough speed, it should have a chance to rush to the asteroid!"

"Well, it depends on how the Zerg react."

Those crazily rushing bugs hit the rocket and turned into a puddle of flesh in an instant, but they still rushed forward one after another.

The world of bugs has no idea what fear is.

The rocket running at high speed rushed into the swarm of insects without any hesitation.

"There is a real chance! As long as the nuclear explosion mine is wrapped in the innermost part, it will not be destroyed by those bugs!"

"Yeah, if we fix this wormhole, we can collectively hunt the Zerg!"

"That's right, even if the Zerg can find other places to place wormholes, we at least have a breathing space!"

Just as the survivors were discussing this, a violent explosion suddenly occurred in the swarm.

All the bugs near the rocket exploded and died.

"How could this be?"

(End of this chapter)

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