Chapter 2287 See planet fragments again, cheaper

"Those bugs are indeed a trouble, but it seems to be acceptable for now!"

"Yeah, those bugs are still very easy to solve."

"We should not have reached the stage of the chaotic galaxy, so hurry up and collect resources now!"

"That's right, just from the supplies sold here by Brother Pig, we can see that the Chaos galaxy is developing too fast, and it is very normal to encounter a violent counterattack from the Zerg!"

"If it is speculated according to this theory, wouldn't our galaxy be violently counterattacked by the Zerg soon?"

"That's right, with the high-level items provided by Brother Pig, our development level will also be improved rapidly, so we are going to fall down?"

"So, we must improve our personal strength as soon as possible, and equip our escape pod as soon as possible, so that we will not have any power to fight back when the Zerg counterattacks in the future!"

Seeing their chat, Zhao Baishui nodded slightly. He also agreed with these survivors.

He had heard from Zhu Wu that during the first stage, the island owner had boosted the development of the entire world by an unknown number of times by himself.

These advanced materials brought by myself will naturally speed up the development of the Ford galaxy.

"I don't know what happened to the Zerg threat in the chaotic galaxy!" Zhao Baishui muttered, turned on the computer, and logged into the internal website of the Yiranpin Alliance.

Seeing the content on the website, Zhao Baishui was a little shocked that the Zerg could form a ring of Zerg outside the meteorite belt.

"It seems that the Zerg has really consumed us." Zhao Baishui said helplessly.

At this moment, the deputy who was staring at the public channel of the island monument suddenly said: "Captain Zhao, someone got the planet fragments!"

Zhao Baishui was slightly startled, then immediately got up from the computer and walked to the island monument.

"What is this? [Planet fragments]*1."

"It looks very advanced!"

"High-grade wool doesn't even have a grade mark, which means it's only of ordinary grade."

"Some high-level items do not have levels. If you don't want them, I'll give you [-] cornerstones to buy them!"

"[-] cornerstones? Are you thinking of farting? Look at the explanation of the island tablet! Collecting all four can form a planet. What does a planet mean? That is an incomparably huge resource!"

"I just want to buy [-] cornerstones. It's a dream. I'll offer [-]!"

"Damn, the upstairs is also thinking about farts, this thing starts at least a million dollars."

Seeing this, Zhao Baishui said directly in the public channel: "I am a little interested in this planet fragment, but I can only trade with the currency of the Yiranpin Alliance. If you want to make a move, please chat with me privately!"

"Is Brother Pig going to make a move? Then the others probably have no chance!"

"Yeah, no matter how rich you are, it's better to be in business. Brother Zhu probably has hundreds of millions of cornerstones and dark gold in his hands now!"

"It depends on whether this brother is willing to make a move."

"If it were me, I would definitely make a move. After all, it must be difficult to collect all the fragments. Even if all the fragments are collected, it is hard to say whether the synthesized planet will have resources."

"It's true that there are too many risks. If Brother Zhu is interested in selling it now, he might be able to sell it for a good price."

Amidst the discussion among the crowd, the survivor who had harvested the planet fragments immediately contacted Zhao Baishui.

"Hello, Brother Zhu!" The other party's ID is Du Bu Tianxia.

Zhao Baishui smiled and replied: "I'm not a big boss, tell me how you want to sell the planet fragments?" Dubu Tianxia paused for a while and asked cautiously: "Brother Zhu, do you know about this planet?" What fragments do.”

Zhao Baishui smiled slightly, and replied half-truthfully: "I don't know at the moment, but we received one in the chaotic galaxy. Before it was synthesized, no one knew what it was."

In this way, at least it showed the reason why he was interested in the fragments of the planet.

Although Dubu Tianxia felt that the other party seemed to be hiding something from him, but Zhao Baishui didn't say anything, and he couldn't pry Zhao Baishui's mouth open.

"Then what is the price you paid for the acquisition in Chaos Galaxy?" Dubu Tianxia continued to ask.

"It's very cheap over there. It only cost a few hundred thousand to get it. Are you sure you want to sell it at this price?" Zhao Baishui started talking nonsense.

Just a few days ago, Feng Menglong used 4000 million planetary fragments that had just won Gonghei, but it turned into hundreds of thousands in Zhao Baishui's mouth.

Dubu Tianxia frowned, he didn't believe that the survivors in the chaotic galaxy would sell hundreds of thousands of pieces of this planet.

"If it's only a few hundred thousand, I definitely won't make a move. Tell me how much you are going to pay?" Dubu Tianxia thought for a while and replied.

"200 million!" Zhao Baishui thought for a while and said his price.

Dubu Tianxia looked at Zhao Baishui's bid, frowned and thought.

"We also took a certain amount of risk in buying the planet fragments. We may make a lot of money, or we may lose nothing." Zhao Baishui continued.

Dubu Tianxia said: "500 million, and also give me a gravity system, a water circulation system, and an air balance system!"

Seeing this price, Zhao Baishui almost couldn't help but immediately agreed.

But he suppressed his excitement and replied: "It's just that the three systems cost more than one million! Your price is too high, and we don't want to drag it back and forth. I can only pay 388 million plus the three systems. If you agree, then trade, if you don't agree, forget it, you keep it in your hands and seek opportunities!"

Seeing Zhao Baishui's reply, Dubu Tianxia was overjoyed, and immediately replied: "Deal!"

Although this planet fragment is indeed a chance, he doesn't know whether it is good or bad. In addition, there are still four fragments to synthesize, so he doesn't know how long he can last.

So replace it with the supplies you urgently need, and strive to live longer.

The two parties quickly completed the transaction and breathed a sigh of relief.

They were each worried about the other's sudden repentance.

After getting the planet fragment, Zhao Baishui immediately reported the good news in the internal chat group of Yiranpin Alliance.

"Master Island Master, I have received a piece of planet fragment!" Zhao Baishui said excitedly.

"Really? Is it in the Ford galaxy?" Du Kang seemed to be staring at the phone all the time, and he was the first to respond every time.

"Old Zhao is amazing, he actually received the planet fragments, how much did he pay?" Zhu Wu immediately replied.

"Not bad, I also want to ask how much it was charged!" Feng Menglong also asked, "I spent 4000 million!"

Zhao Baishui chuckled and said, "I'm a little cheaper than you!"

"Slightly cheaper? 3000 million?" Feng Menglong asked, "Then you made a lot of money!"

"I said it's cheaper, because the decimal point is moved forward." Zhao Baishui said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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